I'm Trying to End This Possession

“Of course.”


I also quickly changed my approach.


That’s right. There’s no need to panic. I don’t understand why he’s so heated, but let’s just assume he’s excited. Maybe he’s excited about spending time with Allice since she’s waiting for him… Disgusting.


“You know you have to attend as my partner, right?”


“Why should I?” My response came out sharp without realizing it.


“Well, it’s your banquet, isn’t it?”


“That is…” I tried to argue but then closed my mouth. He was right.


The Night of Sponsorship was the first banquet I had prepared as the fiancée of the crown prince.


I’m annoyed. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn’t have done it. Why is there so much to do? I’m already swamped with various tasks.


“I get it, so let’s go back. I have nothing more to say.”


“That’s good. I should be going back to Allice anyway.”


No more conversation followed between us. Only the rhythmic sound of horse hooves and the chirping of birds filled the forest.


Was it because of the earlier incident? Raios rode the horse very slowly. Agonizingly slow.


* * *

Allice’s POV

Where is His Highness?


Upon arriving at the hunting grounds, I looked around curiously. Where could Raios be?


“Lady Allice has arrived.” Raios’s friend, Marquis Kreta, welcomed me with a smile.


“You look lovely today.”


“You seem to become more beautiful each day, Lady Allice.”


“The sun is too hot. Come to the shade here.”


Welcomed enthusiastically by the gentlemen, I smiled shyly. “It’s been a while, everyone. I think it’s since the last boat party with His Highness, right?”


Ah. That day was truly enjoyable.”


I joined them under the shade of a tree for a pleasant conversation.


Thank goodness. It seems no one knows about my time in the monastery.  I was worried about rumors spreading – it looks like Brother Viego had managed to keep things under wraps.


But even after a long wait, Raios didn’t return. Finally, unable to wait any longer, I started asking around. “Where is His Highness?”


Ah, there he is coming from the woods.”


Looking in the direction indicated, indeed, Raios was coming out of the woods on horseback. But…




In front of Raios was another woman. Sister Dana, clinging tightly in front of him…


“Allice!” Seeing me, Raios smiled brighter than ever.


Ah, Your Highness…”


Raios dismounted from the horse and quickly embraced me. “Did you wait long?”


“It’s okay. I was chatting with the gentlemen. But…”


I glanced over Raios’s shoulder. Why are they together?  And Sister Dana, wearing a dress, seemed to have difficulty dismounting alone. Someone should help her.


Don’t gentlemen usually step in to help? However, all these men were completely ignoring Sister Dana.


They don’t have to anymore. I chuckled.


Raios was once obsessed with Sister Dana. He used to be overly jealous of the men around her.  That was Sister Dana’s fault. It happened because Sister Dana only made him feel insecure.


But it’s different now. Because His Highness found stability by my side.


I asked the most amiable Count Cedric for a favor. “Count, could you escort Sister Dana?”


Count Cedric’s lips stiffened. “Don’t say strange things, Lady Allice.”


Oh my, why is he so serious? Oh, could it be? Is he ignoring her because he dislikes Sister Dana, not because of His Highness? Well… Sister Dana does have a bit of a dual nature. It’s possible that someone might dislike her.


At that moment, Sister Dana, who had succeeded in coming down alone, walked over. She passed by without even a glance.


“Your Highness? Sister Dana is leaving…”


“Don’t mind her.” Raios didn’t even look back.


I hesitated, burying my face in Raios’s chest. From his embrace, I could smell Sister Dana’s scent. Sister Dana’s uniquely warm and soft fragrance. My chest ached.


Why did they ride a horse together…?


Why? Why? Why?


“Allice. What’s wrong?”




My insides twisted into a mess. Anger and anxiety simultaneously clawed at my heart.


No way. No way.


Just like how sister ruined my engagement ceremony, destroyed my business, and separated my family.


Is she trying to steal His Highness from me?


* * *

Dana’s POV

After the unpleasant time with Raios, I immediately went to the emperor’s palace. I was there to meet the emperor.


Let’s put aside the matter of Justin Lancaster for now. Raios doesn’t seem like a murderer. If it were the old Raios—the Raios who loved me so much that he was driven mad by jealousy—maybe, but not now. Didn’t he run happily to Allice as soon as he saw her? Yes, the current Raios wouldn’t act like a madman.


The Marquis Lancaster family was powerful. Even the head of the Lancaster was the current army commander. Raios wouldn’t blindly murder the scion of such an influential family. If he got caught, his position as the crown prince could be in jeopardy.


It’s too early to conclude that Raios is the culprit. So, I decided to put off the search for the culprit. I wasn’t a detective and couldn’t do anything about it anyway. The imperial police were conducting a thorough investigation and would catch him somehow.


For now, let’s do what I need to do. The most urgent task. To request a breakup with Raios by making a deal with the emperor.


“His Majesty…” The guard spoke with great embarrassment. “told you to leave immediately.”




It was just like last time. I had somewhat expected it, so I wasn’t too disappointed. I had already thought that the emperor’s attitude wouldn’t change just because I had closed one deal.


“Please deliver this to His Majesty.” Just like last time, I handed over a note.


[Your Majesty, I have the original copy of the lost scripture]


This time, I didn’t beat around the bush.


“Lady Danae.”


Shortly after, the guard approached with a pale face.


“Please go in. Quickly.”




It was a bit intimidating. I took a deep breath and stood before the particularly heavy and massive door. The place where I had nearly been strangled to death last time. I didn’t want to go in, but. Let’s go.


Creak The door opened, and the guard shouted. “Your Majesty, Lady Danae is entering.”


I walked calmly, looking at the floor. One step, another step. And another. Thud, the sound of the door closing behind me, echoed loudly. And then I immediately realized. He’s watching me.


I could feel the emperor’s gaze piercing from somewhere. It was so cold it seemed to slowly freeze me from the top of my head.


“Greetings to Your Majesty the Emperor.” I bowed respectfully.




There was no reply to stand up.


How long should I stay bowed? Just as I thought that,


“Danae Windsor.”




I almost screamed. The emperor’s voice came from behind me.

Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


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