I'm Trying to End This Possession

Indeed, getting engaged and married at a young age was common in this world. So, using age as an excuse didn’t seem very convincing from the perspective of people in this world.


“Look over there.”


But I started to feel the gathering stares.


“Isn’t that Lady Danae?”


“Who’s that with her? The second son of the Lancaster family?”


“Oh my, what’s going on? Are they on a date?”


I began to worry about the boy. I was still engaged to Raios, and yet here he was, brazenly courting me in such a public place. Doesn’t he feel scared, knowing what Raios had done before?


Then, I caught sight of someone at the edge of my vision. Was it Count Cedric? A noble friend of Raios was staring intently at me…


“What are you doing now?”


Suddenly, I jumped at the sound of a familiar voice. This voice!


“What are you doing now?!”


Noah stood there, looking incredulous.


Justin laughed nervously. “Uh, No-Noah? Are you here for the concert too?”


“I asked what are you doing?”


I felt a wave of exhaustion the moment my eyes met Noah’s, knowing what was about to unfold.


“Anyway, Cadet Lancaster.”


So, before it dragged on any further, let’s wrap this up.


I spoke firmly. “Remember what I just said.”


Ah, but.”


“And keep your promise in the letter.”




Justin’s face fell.


* * *



As I tried to re-enter the carriage, a forceful grip seized my wrist.


“I told you to wait!”


Reluctantly, I turned around to face Noah, who had grabbed me and spun me around roughly.


“What are you doing right now?”


As expected, Noah was furious.


“Are you meeting my friend now?” “No.”


“Don’t be ridiculous! I just saw it with my own eyes. How can you say no!”




Why ask if you’re not going to believe me anyway?


Noah let out a series of incredulous laughs. “Justin is my friend. He was even my roommate at the military academy. So what are you doing right now?”


“What do you think? I rejected him.”


“Rejected? Don’t lie to me. You’re just pretending to reject him because I caught you! Don’t think I don’t know you’re acting!”




As always, he was an incorrigibly uncommunicative boy. I was really tired of this endless loop.


“Aren’t you ashamed? What, having one secretary wasn’t enough for you?”


“Yeah.” I sighed wearily. “Then fine, if that’s what you think.”


Noah’s face went blank. “…What? Are you admitting it now?”


He never believed my denials, yet when I hinted at admitting it, he seemed shocked. Teenage boys are truly unfathomable. But explaining was tiresome.


“Think whatever you want. You won’t believe me anyway, no matter what I say.” Saying this, I shook off Noah’s hand and got into the carriage. Before closing the door, I said one more thing to the boy.


Oh, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interfere in my affairs anymore.”




“It doesn’t matter to you who I meet. It’s kind of strange for you to meddle in such things.”


We’re not even family.


I couldn’t say that because the coachman was present. So, I said this instead. “We’re not that close, after all.”


Slam! The door then closed with a slam.


* * *

Noah’s POV

I stared blankly at the receding carriage. What did I just hear?


Was it a dream? A nightmare? An illusion? Such foolish thoughts crossed my mind. Otherwise, that woman wouldn’t have said such things to me…


Does she think I meddle because I like it?


Ah, right. That’s what I should have said. The retort came to me too late.


You’re in my sister’s body. That’s why. Otherwise, I wouldn’t care who you meet or what you do!


I clenched my fists. My feelings were confused. I was definitely angry but also strangely anxious. Feeling irritated by this sensation, I snorted loudly.


Does she even know how to get angry at me? It was infuriating. How dare she get angry at me when she’s just a liar, a fraud, a thief!




At that moment, a hand on my shoulder made me turn around. Justin was standing there with a surprised face.


“…Noah? Did something happen?”




“Why are your eyes like that?”


What nonsense is this? I glared at him, then realized my eyes were burning.


“Noah, you’re not crying, are you?”


“Shut up. Who said I’m crying.”


It’s just because I’m so angry.


I rubbed my reddened eyes.


“But what about Lady Danae? Have she left?”


 “How would I know?”


Ah, that’s a shame, really.” Justin clicked his tongue in disappointment. “It’s really not easy.”




Uh? No, just. She’s definitely different from other ladies. Don’t you think so?” He hurriedly tried to cover up and patted Noah’s shoulder. “I’ll never give up on Lady Danae. That’s okay, right?”


F*ck. I muttered the curse under my breath.


Uh? What did you say?”


“Get lost.”


I brushed off Justin’s hand and walked away. I didn’t want to talk anymore.


“Noah? It looks like the show is about to start, aren’t you going in? Noah!”


But Justin followed me to the end and grabbed my shoulder.


“What are you doing for the holiday? Are you going back to the dorm, or are you going home?”


“Home.” After answering randomly, I shook off Justin’s hand and walked quickly away. I didn’t want to talk anymore. It was because my mood turned terrible.


How long did I walk aimlessly like that? Before I knew it, I had reached the fountain in the square.


“Noah, did you know?”


Suddenly, I heard the woman’s voice. From one day in the past, at this very spot, the voice of the woman who had held my hand tightly.


“There’s a story that if you throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish, it will come true.”


“I’ve never heard that before.”


“Want to try? Just for fun.”




I wish that Sister Dana would love me the most in the world. Just like now, forever!


I had made that wish when I threw the coin. Looking back, I had been quite sincere.


“What about you, Sister? Don’t you want to try?”


“Aah, my wish has already come true.”


“What is it?”


“To have a lovely family like you, Noah.”


I slowly walked to the fountain. The coin I had thrown was gone.


Ha.” I laughed in disbelief.


Of course. There’s no way the coin would still be here. It’s been years… I shouldn’t have done such a foolish thing. My wish had been broken long ago anyway.


For some reason, it was painful to keep looking at it, so I turned away.


Where should I go? Originally, I planned to go back to Windsor Mansion after the concert and spend the holiday there, but I didn’t want to go home. That’s why I returned to the dormitory.


Uh, No-Noah?”


And then I witnessed a very strange scene.


“Noah, didn’t you say you wouldn’t be returning today?”


In the dormitory, Justin and some women were lying on his bed. Women. Moreover, of various ages.


“D-Didn’t you say you’d be sleeping at home tonight? W-Why are you here?”




“T-This is. Ahaha… Hey, why aren’t you leaving, you inconsiderate brats!”


Justin smacked the girls on their bottoms and chased them out. Then he hurriedly gathered his clothes and started making excuses.


“Well, you see, I got rejected by your sister, didn’t I? So, I was really upset.”


I slowly looked around the room, wrinkling my nose at the stinging smell.


“I’m not usually like this, you know? You know that, right? But…”


I couldn’t hear what my friend was saying. My mind was filled with one thought. What a piece of trash.  And this trash sent love letters to that woman?


An unbearable sense of disgust rose up. And it looked like that woman was actually tempted by this trash. Who knows, she might even accept him. She’s so naïve and gullible, always getting deceived by others…


“No need to clean up. I’m asking for a room change.” I spoke with a voice full of disdain. “How could I keep using a place that’s become so filthy. Right?”


“No, wait! Noah! That’s not it


I didn’t want to hear anymore and left the room.

Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


  1. niki1da1 says:

    so it’s ok with the prince has multiple lovers but Dana can’t?

    1. Daniela77 says:

      I think its more like the prince wouldn’t allow it, rather than she can or can’t

  2. Daniela77 says:

    I didn’t see that coming! I thought Justin was a nice kid!!! (I feel cheated TT_TT )

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