I'm Trying to End This Possession

* * *

Allice’s POV

Ahaha!” I burst into laughter while drinking champagne. “Oh my, really?”


“So, I shot an arrow at the hind of a wild boar. Then, crazed, it rammed into a tree and died!”


“You must be quite skilled in hunting.”


Haha, yes, of course. Martial arts are essential for protecting the Windsor territory.”


“With someone like you guarding the territory, the people must feel very secure!” I complimented him with a beaming smile.


The best way to win favor, I had read in <100 Etiquettes for Ladies,> was to praise others! I was skeptical at first since it was written by a man, but it works wonderfully!


I kept pouring out compliments. “There was a reason why the territory flourished even without Brother Viego’s attention, all thanks to you, Mark.”


Hmm. Well, yes, you could say that.”


“Please continue to protect the territory like this.”


Hahaha! Of course!”


“On behalf of the Windsor family, I thank you.”


Oh, what an honor. Speaking of which.” Mark cleared his throat and presented me with something. It was a box wrapped in red velvet. “In that spirit, I’ve prepared a gift to ask for good relations in the future.”


“My goodness! What’s this?”


“Open it and see, Lady Allice.”


Unbelievable, a gift when we’ve barely met! Suppressing my bubbling laughter, I opened the box.


“Oh my…”


Inside was a dazzling diamond necklace.


Woow! It’s so beautiful!”


“Glad you like it.”


“B-But! Can I really accept something like this?”


Mark smirked. “Of course. It’s just a request for good relations in the future, Lady Allice.”


Asking for good relations in the future – it means a plea to stay loyal to the Windsor family!


I felt overwhelmed. Finally, Mark opened his heart! I solved it!


I solved a problem that was troubling Brother Viego. Not Sister Dana, but me!


I, Allice Windsor, had resolved it!


“I’m looking forward to working with you, Lord Kuruz…” Just then, a question popped into my mind. “But where is Count Kuruz now?”


* * *

Dana’s POV

“Indeed. Count Kuruz has been bedridden for three months now.”


I summoned the Malkan Trading Company’s executive to verify the truth. And indeed, the executive confirmed it.


“As I heard, it started after a ritual three months ago.”


“A ritual?”


“In the territory’s forest, there’s an ancient guardian tree. Once a year, we pray for the territory’s prosperity. But since that ritual three months ago, he’s been ill. There are rumors that he’s been cursed by the gods.”


“Is that so?”


“Yes. Actually, this is a secret, but… black spots have appeared on his body.”




I was startled. Black spots on the body? That’s the symptom!


Rotten Land. The early signs of contamination from touching the rotten land!


Ah, I know what you’re thinking. But don’t worry. There’s no rotten land in  Windsor territory.” The executive chuckled. “Dozens attended the ritual, but only the count showed symptoms.”




“If the land was truly rotten, everyone there would have shown the same signs.”


But I didn’t laugh. It wasn’t a laughing matter, given the horror of the rotten land.


After sending the executive away, I sought Rumie.


What a mess…


By a large window, Rumie was reading, legs stretched out. In this chaos, he leisurely reads. No different from a noble on vacation.


“Brother Rumie.”


Hmm?” He responded, turning a page.


“Can you get me into the castle? I need to see Count Kuruz’s bedroom.”




“Is it possible to do it sneakily?”






Is he even thinking before answering? Just agreeing without thought?


“Then please take me in now. I want to go to Count Kuruz’s bedroom.”


“Yes.” He closed his book and stood up, stretching his long legs. “Let’s go.”


It was unsettling. Can I really trust him…?


* * *

I shouldn’t have trusted him.


“Please, Brother.” I clung to Rumie, closing my eyes. “Please, let this work…”


Never did I imagine we’d be climbing the castle walls! Now, I was climbing the castle wall, hanging on Rumie’s back!


“Climbing the walls to get in?”


“Yes. As far as I know, that window there leads to Count Kuruz’s bedroom.”


I was aghast and refused it. How could we climb the castle walls?!


“You said no bloodshed. This is the only way without hurting anyone.”


Eventually, I agreed, but now I regret it deeply.


I should’ve opted for violence.


I should’ve just asked Brother Viego to send the army.


I should’ve cut off Carl’s finger and stolen the holy relic!


That would have been better than dying!


Looking up from below, it didn’t seem too high. But it was a grave mistake. It’s too high when looking down!


It was dizzyingly high. The thought of falling and cracking her skull filled me with fear. This damn acrophobia…  It was a fatal flaw I had since my days as Yeon Dana.


“I didn’t know you were scared of heights.”


“Can you please focus on climbing?”


“I thought you had no weaknesses. Cute.”


“Just shut up, Brother! You might lose focus, and we could fall.” For the first time since our fallout, I pleaded to him.


Then Rumie chuckled softly, “Ah, it feels nice. Your breath is tickling my ear.”


Stop joking! I feel like I’m going to fall!


I tightened my legs around his waist. Ugh, it’s so hard.  Rumie’s body felt like a solid block of steel with not an ounce of softness. Every part of his body was so hard it made me even more tense. If he were soft or at least cozy, I might have felt more secure.


Yeah, let’s just keep my eyes closed. It’s scarier with them open. Don’t look down. Just hold onto Rumie tightly, and as time passes…


“Dana, gently,” Rumie whispered forcefully as he moved upward, his voice tinged with a sigh. “Got it? I’m a bit uncomfortable.”


“Yes, yes?”


“Your feet. You can’t press like that.”


But by then, I couldn’t hear Rumie’s words. I opened my eyes slightly and realized how high we had climbed. I felt like I was going to faint.


This damn acrophobia. I needed to overcome it somehow… How stupid, pathetic, dumb!


How much time had passed like that?


“Dana, are you okay?”


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the Count of Kuruz’s bedroom.


“We’re here.”


“…Thank you. You did well.”


“I didn’t know you were so afraid of heights, Dana.”


Well, when I was Yeon Dana, I almost died falling from a high place. I swallowed those words. “Not really, it’s no big deal. I wasn’t particularly scared. Just a bit startled.”


I then walked unsteadily to the bed, pretending a bravado even a child wouldn’t believe. Is this man Count Kuruz? It was too dark to see well.


“Brother, do you have a lighter?”


“Yeah. Hold on.”


Rumie took out a lighter, lit a candle, and handed it to me. I took it and immediately shone it on Count Kuruz’s face.




I almost dropped it. The man’s face was mottled with black spots!


This is definitely contamination!  It was certain. No doubt about it. It was the same symptom as those who had been contaminated by the rotten land!


“Looks like he’s contaminated,” Rumie clicked his tongue.


I handed him the candlestick and pulled back the blanket.




Neck. Arms. Legs. Black spots covered his entire body. But…


How is he still alive? 


Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


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