I'm Trying to End This Possession

“No matter what, you absolutely shouldn’t, Allice.”




“If we enter now under these conditions, things will get complicated.”


“But Sister Dana, listen to me—”


“We can’t enter until we have a complete surrender. So, stay calm, Allice.”




Allice seemed shocked but thankfully didn’t say anything more. However, that was my mistake.


It was that night.


Um, Milady.” A servant provided by the Malkan Trading Company’s officer cautiously approached. “Lady Allice asked me to deliver this letter to you.”




I, gripped by a bad premonition, unfolded the letter.


Don’t tell me…


[Dear Sister Danae]


Please. It wasn’t like what I thought, right, Allice?


[Sister, I believe that hurting and subjugating others is not the right answer.]




[I believe there is a light of goodness in everyone’s heart. Surely, even in the heart of Lord Kuruz. I won’t give up on that light.]


Dizziness overcame me.


[Sister, I want to resolve this with love.]


My fingers trembled as I held the letter.


[So please forgive me. I will enter the castle alone. I will reconcile with Count Kuruz. So, Sister, please trust me and wait.

Your loving sister, Allice Windsor]


* * *

Mark’s POV

“Were you very upset because of my sister?”


I was bewildered. In the middle of the night, Allice Windsor had come alone to this castle. And not just that.


“Don’t misunderstand. Not all Windsor family members are so aggressive.”


“…Is that so?”


“Yes. I’ve always been grateful for your hard work, Lord Mark. I understand why you didn’t open the castle.”


It was unbelievable. Such words from a Windsor lineage. Of course, I think so too.  But it was somewhat ridiculous hearing it from a Windsor lineage, wasn’t it?


I had shut the castle gates to insult them, but far from feeling insulted, she understood my reasons? She’s a woman without a speck of pride.


Danae Windsor? That relentless Windsor lineage almost had me cornered, nearly succeeding.


Just when I was about to lose all hope!


“Thank you for saying so, Lady Allice.”


What a stroke of luck!


Hehe, no need. I’m just speaking the truth.”


It seemed this woman, Allice, had a different opinion from Danae Windsor. That’s probably why she came here alone… And she doesn’t seem to want to fight me. She also didn’t seem to see me as a threat. In fact…


“Well, I was surprised to hear that you admire me. How did you know me?”


She wholeheartedly believed it!


“Anyone would hold such a beautiful person in their heart. Any man would.”


If I played my cards right with Allice Windsor, I might not have to submit to Danae Windsor. After all, Allice was also a direct member of the Windsor family!


“But to think you’re this kind-hearted. Actually… Lady Danae was quite merciless.”


“Ah, my sister can be like that,” Allice admitted with a sad face. “What happened in my absence?”


“She cut off all supplies coming into the castle.”




“If this continues, not just me but everyone in the castle will starve.”


“Oh my goodness!”


“Especially my father, Count Kuruz, who’s bedridden. If it continues like this…”


“Don’t worry!” Allice firmly grasped my rough hand. “I won’t let that happen. Trust me.”


“Can I really?”


“Of course. As long as I am here, no one from Windsor Castle can harm you!” Allice’s eyes began to shine with a sense of justice.


* * *

Dana’s POV

Allice Windsor, a direct member of the Windsor family, had entered the castle. And she was taking Mark Kuruz’s side. This news spread rapidly through the trading companies.


And Allice was engaged to Raios. In other words, she would be the future crown princess.  Who would dare to oppose her?


Besides, with Allice there, supplying goods to Windsor Castle wouldn’t be an issue.  If the Duke Windsor later got angry, they had a good excuse. Allice Windsor requested it. They couldn’t oppose Windsor’s direct lineage!


Shrewd merchants began to discreetly supply goods to Windsor Castle. Effectively, the plan had failed.


I was furious. A task that could have been finished quickly had become complicated!


“You’re letting your sister ruin everything.”


So, I vented my frustration on Rumie.


“Do you know what Allice is doing right now? Siding with a traitor and empowering him!”


“Don’t be too angry, Dana. I didn’t call Allice here.” Rumie was calmly eating grapes. “Or should I handle it?”




“Yeah. Lord Kuruz, was it? If we make him submit, it’s over.”


“Right. Do you have a plan?”


“Yeah.” He laughed, crushing a grape in his mouth. “I just need to cut off his limb.”




I was momentarily speechless. Such a comment coming from someone who looked like a mythical shepherd boy….


In any case, that was unacceptable. He was essentially suggesting resolving it with bloodshed.


But that would be the best way.  Mark Kuruz was a traitor. Beheading a traitor was the simplest and surest path.


Rumie’s judgment is perfectly rational, but— It goes against the orders given by Brother Viego.


‘It goes against the orders given by Brother Viego.’


<Resolve it without violence.>


Of course, Viego didn’t know the situation was this serious. What’s important for me is to follow his orders in the letter.


Frankly, what happens to Windsor territory doesn’t matter anymore. Who becomes the owner, and who rebels. Windsor isn’t my family anyway.


The only thing that mattered was the relic ring. Getting the relic, opening the gate to my original world, returning to my original body. Only that was important.


To do that, I have to follow Viego’s instructions exactly. He was a man who hardly accepted thanks. Who knows what excuse he could find later?


“Let’s save that as a last resort.”


“Do as you wish. I’m here as your guard, after all.”


Rumie got up, holding the basket of grapes. Whatever he did, I reviewed the documents.


There must be a way.


These documents, provided by the executive of the Malkan Trading Company, detailed the transactions with Windsor Castle. Frowning, I noticed something.


Did he start buying luxury goods three months ago?


Exactly three months. Before that, the records were clean. There was no spending on anything but the management of the territory before that.


Come to think of it, Brother Viego mentioned that. Recently, the monthly reports started missing. That meant he was a loyal subject until then…


What happened in these three months?


What could have happened to change a loyal subject into a rebellious traitor?


It was a moment later. I finally realized.


Ah. I see. 


Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


  1. FunsizedCountess says:

    I’m impatiently waiting for the day Dana finally gets that damn relic ring and escapes this infuriating family. I really hope she gets to leave.

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