I'm Trying to End This Possession

A while ago, a noble tried to exchange a check issued by Windsor Bank for cash at Liten Bank. However, the banker at Liten stated.


“Due to recent events, we can no longer guarantee the credit of the Windsor family.”


Wow, that’s impressive.


I admired it. It meant that the empire’s largest bank, Liten Bank, being petty like this indicates this. That Windsor Bank is that much of a threat.


Viego Windsor had started banking eight years ago and, in just eight years, grew to threaten Liten Bank, which had a 200-year history.


“The employees have been protesting for days without much result. So, in ten days, I plan to meet and negotiate with Marquis Liten personally.”


“Does that mean I should wrap it up before then?”


“If you can.”


“Okay, I’ll resolve it within a week.”


Did he think I was bluffing? A faint displeasure crossed Viego’s eyes. But I just shook my head and changed my words, “No, that’s too long. Four days should be enough.”


“Four days?”


“Yes. I think it will take four days at most or two or three days at the earliest.”


“You’re quite confident,”


I smiled brightly at his light sarcasm. “I want to lessen the burden on your heart, Brother.”


I must impress him. There’s no other way.


“I may not be able to be your real sister, but I can be useful.”


That was the moment. Viego, leaning against the carriage’s sofa back, straightened up and pulled something out of his jacket pocket.


A gun?


He aimed it at me. My heart sank.


Is he going to shoot me?




Was it because I was too startled? I realized the silver gun barrel was pointed the other way. Viego was extending the handle to me.


Why is he giving me a gun all of a sudden? I hesitated but took the gun.


Viego leaned back against the backrest again, frowning slightly. “Danae Windsor, do you only have one secretary with you?”




“You must’ve realized by now that many are after your wealth.”




“Use it if you get kidnapped.”


That’s it. He gave it to me for self-defense.


I felt weird while touching the gun. Viego was concerned about my safety, even giving me a gun for protection…


“Either shoot the kidnapper or shoot yourself in the head.”


Rustle. The sound of papers being turned could be heard.


“You should end any trouble on your own, right?”


I slowly raised her head. His glass-like eyes were already following the black letters again. And I…


Ah, right…


It felt filthy. Very, very filthy. Like being stuck in a muck-filled swamp.


He’s telling me to die.


“I’d rather you die.”


Then I remembered what he had said to me. That was his true intention. I had almost forgotten for a brief moment.


“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”


Holding the gun tightly, I smiled. I must impress him. Until I become the primary heir. Until this person needs me. Until he considers me a lifelong companion and passes the holy relic to me. Just until then.


“Don’t worry, brother.”


After all, it would be a permanent farewell at the end.


* * *

“This is outrageous!” Viscount Manus protested. “The negotiation with Marquis Liten is in ten days! This could ruin everything!”


Viscount Manus, a vassal of the Windsor family, was also an executive at Windsor Bank. The recent friction with Liten Bank was his biggest headache. It needed to be resolved as soon as possible! But suddenly, Danae Windsor popped up!


“Please reconsider, Lady Dana!”


I narrowed my eyes. He didn’t say a word to Viego earlier.


He had only been able to say, “Yes, yes, I will do that. Haha. I’ll observe,” but as soon as Viego left, he got angry.


“That’s difficult. I promised my brother to resolve this in three days.”


“Yes? Three days?”


“That’s right. Three days.”


Oh, by the gods, oh my.” Viscount Manus grabbed his neck.


After Allice, now Dana’s meddling! The Moonlight Flower business had just failed because of Allice!


“We don’t have time, Viscount Manus. If you can’t do it, go tell Viego.”




Viscount Manus swallowed his words. ‘I can’t do it’ was the last thing Viego Windsor wanted to hear. His boss did not treat incompetent people as humans.


In the end, Viscount Manus had no choice but to say, “Where should we start?”


“First,” I smiled gently, “let’s start with a conversation.”


* * *

Viscount Manus’s POV


It was at Liten Bank’s capital headquarters.


“It’s not possible.”


Again, the request to exchange a Windsor Bank check for cash was refused.


“Liten Bank is not accepting checks issued by Windsor Bank.”


“Why? Windsor Bank’s credit is highly rated.”


Haha, Milady, you seem to be unaware. Credit is not something so simply judged.”


“Then what do you judge it by?”


“Time. Time itself.” The branch manager spread his arms wide. “Liten Bank boasts over 200 years of history, safely guarding our customers’ money all this time. But how long has Windsor Bank been around?”


“I believe it’s in its eighth year.”


“Exactly. Just eight years.” He emphasized by spreading eight fingers. “How can we trust a bank that’s been established only for eight years? Lady Danae, you might not know, but among businessmen, Windsor’s reputation isn’t that good.”


In truth, it wasn’t so. On the contrary, its credit was improving, especially after handling the recent moonlight flower incident’s compensation perfectly. It was being praised for its ability to handle any sudden situation flexibly. But…


What would a young lady know? The branch manager laughed and decided to placate and send her away. “Now, please return.”


“But.” Dana seemed troubled, drooping her shoulders. “Please reconsider.”


“I’m sorry, Lady Danae. We do not accept Windsor’s checks. This is company policy.”




Watching from the side, Viscount Manus held back a sigh. What was she doing now? But still, she kept repeating the same thing! Anyone could do this! In fact, my five-year-old niece was better at whining.


I was a fool for having a moment of expectation.


I wasn’t without a bit of hope. Recently, Danae Windsor covered the entire compensation for the moonlight flower incident. I thought she was a lady who understood the greater good. Especially since Viego Windsor, the head of the house, had personally entrusted her with the task!


The rumors of him doting on his sister are true.


But her futile efforts did not end there.


“Then, I have another request. Can you exchange this money for gold coins?” Dana opened her purse and pulled out all the bills she had.


The branch manager and Viscount Manus were shocked by the thick bundle of money.


“It’s 50 million Fran.”


“50 million Fran?”




The manager was surprised. Why would you carry such a large sum in a purse?


“Of course. Exchanging for gold coins is a primary service of the bank.”


“Is that so?”


“Gold coins are the power of the bank, aren’t they? Liten Bank is the empire’s top bank with the most gold coins.”


Viscount Manus boiled with frustration. How stupid. What are they doing now?!  Why are we listening to this boasting? Especially in front of the lady of the Windsor family, who came to protest about the check issue!


But why is she exchanging bills for gold coins at Liten Bank?! 


Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


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