I'm Trying to End This Possession

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Sometime after possessing the body of ‘Danae Windsor,’ I discovered a mysterious power within this body. It was the power of purification, the ability to cleanse ‘rotten land’.


‘Rotten land’ referred to the phenomenon of the land decaying and blackening, where nothing could survive – not people, animals, or even a single blade of grass. It was a catastrophe. If the rotten land had spread across the entire continent, it would have been the end.


However, that never happened because I, who possessed the power of purification, appeared. Since awakening, I had traveled to numerous contaminated areas, purifying the rotten land.


While purifying the land,




During one of my purifications, I suddenly, without warning, began to read the ‘memories of the land.’ Startled, I withdrew my hand, but it was too late. I had already read part of the land’s memories. I learned the truth known to the land, the history that unfolded upon it, and even the future it foresaw. I came to know all sorts of information that the land harbored.


The land was incredible; it was the world, and the world was the land. Essentially, I had seen the secrets of this world. One of those secrets is.


There’s such a thing as a holy relic.


Holy relic. It is a noble relic imbued with divine power, capable of summoning miracles. According to the memories of the land, these powers could also open the gate of dimensions. But I had completely forgotten about it because I had chosen this world and decided not to leave my loved ones.


But had they all suddenly gone mad? Why was everyone acting like they were possessed by evil spirits?


No, if it’s Uncle Carl. Then, the face of Uncle Carl flashed through my mind.


Carl Windsor. My legal guardian and protector always shared my joys and sorrows as if I were his own, who cherished me enough to be called overprotective.


Yes, Uncle Carl will understand.


I headed to my uncle’s room as if I were possessed. For some reason, his bedroom room was slightly ajar.


“Carl, have you heard?” My aunt’s voice came from inside the room. “Allice was caught by Danae.”


I froze in shock, staring blankly at the gap in the door.


“They were caught. Her relationship with the crown prince.”


My heart seemed to drop. I covered my mouth with my hands in disbelief.


What did I just hear? What did my aunt say?


Did Aunt already know?


Alice was secretly meeting Raios, and Aunt was aware of it?


My fingers trembled, and my mouth went dry. But the shock didn’t end there.


“What a mess, getting caught so soon.”


A man’s voice followed. “Allice really lacks caution.”


Hearing that voice, I felt as if the ground was splitting open beneath me. That voice definitely belonged to Uncle Carl… Then I heard my aunt sigh in annoyance.


“It already has lasted this long. She has been secretly meeting with the crown prince for a year, right?”


“It’s too soon. They should have kept it hidden longer.”


Thump, thump, thump, thump. My heart pounded painfully. I bit my lip to keep my heavy breathing from being heard.


What was I listening to? Could it be that my hearing is flawed?


“I need to maintain my guardianship over Dana for another year. Only then will I become the number one heir to Dana’s property.”


No, my hearing was not flawed. That was unmistakably Uncle Carl’s voice!


“What if Dana revokes my guardianship now?”


But how? How could Uncle Carl say such things?


“No way. As if that naïve girl would ever get angry properly.”


“Right. She will quickly forgive you if you just say a few soothing words to her.”


Their conversation made my head throb with pain. But that was nothing compared to what came next.


“What’s the use of being the number one heir if she’s alive? We won’t get the estate.”


“So, we have to ensure her premature death.”


It was nothing at all…


“Wait. Isn’t the door open? Didn’t you close it earlier?”


“Oh my goodness. I’m sure I locked it earlier.”


“Gosh. What if someone heard us!”


Hearing footsteps, I turned and ran back to my room. I ran down the hallway, and once I closed the door to my bedroom, I slumped down on the floor.  Unable to believe the conversation I had just overheard from Uncle Carl’s room, I clutched my head.


What had I just heard?


“It already has lasted this long. She has been secretly meeting with the crown prince for a year, right?”


Aunt’s voice, speaking so casually as if she already knew about their affair.


“It’s too soon. They should have kept it hidden longer.”


Uncle Carl’s voice, regretting they were discovered too early. And,


“I need to maintain my guardianship over Dana for another year. Only then will I become the number one heir to Dana’s property.”


And then…


“What’s the use of being the number one heir if she’s alive? We won’t get the estate.”


“So, we have to ensure her premature death.”


Someone seemed to be squeezing my lungs.  I gasped for air and realized. So, that’s why Uncle Carl held me back as I was about to leave.


To maintain his guardianship for five years? To become the primary heir to my property? If I died before the five years were up, he wouldn’t get my property? So, he held me back for money? And, to ensure my premature death?


I trembled with rage and finally understood. So, so… I was deceived?


Was everything a lie?


Everything, entirely, all of it?




I lay flat on my stomach. Tremble, tremble. My shoulder shook uncontrollably, like sobbing. And then, I burst out laughing, unable to hold it any longer.




I laughed.




Laughing out the surging laughter, I sat up suddenly. At that moment, my tears had completely dried up. Looking like a different person. The woman who was sad about being betrayed in love was nowhere to be found.


“These b*stards.”


All that was left was rage-filled eyes.


“They deceived me.”


I chuckled.


“You’ve messed with the wrong person.”


Really. I had wanted to live a good life as ‘Danae Windsor.’ But this time, I didn’t want to live that way…


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks a lot!❤️

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