I'm Trying to End This Possession

“Poor Danae.”


Huan smoothly approached and sat down next to me.


“Don’t be like that. Choose me. I’ll make you happy.”


“Please leave.”




“How rude of you to enter my bedroom without permission.”


“So what? We’ll be sleeping in the same bed once we’re married.”


Huan scanned my body and grinned sleazily. “If you want, we can start sharing a bed from now.”


A chill ran down my spine. Insane person.  What was he even saying? And that disgusting look in his eyes…


“How about we try sharing a bed as a test? I guarantee you’ll start liking me more.”


“Get lost.”




“I said get lost. I can’t stand your greasy smell.”


Stunned, Huan watched as I smirked at him. And with one final jab to provoke him, I added, “Thinking you’re something when you’re not even as capable as Allice.”


Hitting deep into his fragile ego.


* * *

“Damn it!”


It was inside a tavern in a back alley. Huan Rolland slammed down a bottle of liquor. “Damn it, damn it, damn it!”


His mood had been the worst lately. Why wouldn’t it be?


Those b*tches are driving me crazy!


Danae Windsor. That damn b*tch. He thought she was gentle and kind, but it turned out she was venomous.


What? Get lost? Can’t stand my greasy smell? To me, her future husband!  Just wait till we’re married. I’ll teach her a lesson she won’t forget!


But she wasn’t the only woman infuriating him.


Allice, that little brat, acting all high and mighty!


Lately, his life has been a mess. Thanks to Allice’s success, he felt utterly insignificant!


“Uncle seems to lack more intuition than I thought.”


Allice even had the audacity to say this to him recently, all haughty and smug!


“My bulb selling idea, it would have been a disaster if it had been stopped by Uncle’s opposition, right?”


Then she gave a sly smile, pretending to be adorable, but Huan knew. It was a mockery. Allice, his seemingly sweet niece, was mocking him!


“Where the heck the young b*tch, who stays out of men’s business and just plays the piano in her room, gone… How could she meddle in affairs she shouldn’t?”


Inferiority nearly drove him mad.


Huan had always been the underachiever in the Rolland family. Terrible in shooting, fencing, martial arts, and even education. A disgrace to the naval family. His father, a naval commander, always saw him as a terrible failure.


“Learn from your nephew, Rumie. What a disappointment you are.”


His young nephew, who had climbed the ranks in the navy and became the captain of the empire’s greatest warship. Rumie made him feel insignificant too, but he could bear that.  Because Rumie was a man. A man who carried the great naval Rolland blood and was educated in the military Windsor family.


But Allice was just a girl! Being overshadowed by a mere girl!


After all, I’m not cut out for working under someone.  Just you wait. I’ll make Danae my wife one way or another. I’ll start my business with her wealth. Then, I’ll be able to show my true capabilities!


That’s why he came to this tavern.


“Sir, the item you ordered has arrived.”


For this dirty deal.


The merchant in front of him discreetly handed over a black envelope. “Love potion made by savage shamans.”


“Are you sure it works?”


“Of course. Just add a hair to the potion, and it will dissolve naturally. Have her ingest it with food, and she will fall madly in love with the owner of the hair.”


Just a hair to possess Danae; could there be a better deal?


“But, there’s a slight side effect.”


Hmm? What is it?”


“It’s so powerful it might turn her into an idiot.”


“What? An idiot?”


“Yes. She might become so obsessed with love that she can’t think of anything else.”


Hmm, I see. So, the more she consumes, the higher the risk of side effects?”


“Yes. Therefore, you must only use a tiny amount.”


He’ll use all of it.


Huan internally celebrated. Perfect. That woman’s been too arrogant anyway. A cocky b*tch, thinking she can look down on men because she’s rich. That’s why the crown prince changed his mind.


Becoming idiot? That’s even better. Women are best when they’re dumb and quiet.


That’s when peace comes to the household.


Danae turning into an idiot. Just the thought was exhilarating. A young, dumb, wealthy beauty—his perfect type!


We’ll be a happy couple, Danae. You just provide the money and pop out plenty of kids.


Wahahaha!” Huan laughed heartily.


* * *

A bouquet of moonlight flowers arrived. It was sent by Allice.


[To my beloved Sister Dana.

Sister has hurt me with harsh words, leaving scars that can’t be washed away, but I’ve decided to forgive you. So, if I too, have wronged Sister, I hope you can forgive me with a broad heart.

Let’s not fight each other. And let’s live forgiving and loving. Life’s too beautiful to waste on hatred.

Since you’ve decided to live in this world, I hope you live it with love.

—From Allice, who loves you.]


I threw Allice’s letter straight into the fireplace. The letter burned fiercely.


It’s okay. No need to get angry. It’s about time anyway.


The time has come. The moment to bring down the moonlight flower business.


“Lethe. How many moonlight flowers have we purchased?”


“Here, please take a look.”


Reviewing the documents, I smirked. No one in the empire had as many moonlight flowers as I did.


I should start right away tomorrow.


The time to fulfill my promise to the emperor had come. And Carl Windsor—threatening his position and moving one step closer to obtaining the holy relic.


“Milady, here’s a letter from Lord Huan as well.”




It was filled with the most garbage content I had ever seen in a love letter.


“What should we do with this? Burn it too?”






“Leave it. It’ll be useful for something.”


“Where would you use that disgusting thing?”


I coldly smiled as I placed Huan’s letter in a drawer as usual. “I’ll use it as bait later.”


* * *

After sending my secretary away, I walked out to the terrace and sat on a bench in my private garden. Then I called a maid.


“Emily, bring me a cup of chamomile tea.”


“Yes, Milady.”


Then, the wind blew some papers off. I picked up the documents that had fallen onto the grass without much thought.


It was a moment later.


“Milady, here’s your chamomile tea.”


“Thank you.”


“The air is getting chilly. Shall I bring you a shawl?”


“No, thank you. I’m fine. You may go.”


“Yes, Milady.”


After the maid left, I lifted the teacup. The calm and quiet scent of chamomile was pleasant. At that moment.


“Danae, you really like chamomile tea, right? You are always drinking chamomile.”


An old memory resurfaced.


“Yes, Uncle. I like the fragrance.”


“Hahaha. Is that so? When I smell chamomile, I think of you.”


A mundane conversation was shared with my uncle, Carl Windsor. And then.


“So, we have to ensure her premature death.”


That disgusting voice whispering of killing me.


You villain.


Barely managing to straighten my lips curled in disdain, I sipped my tea.


Just wait, Carl Windsor. You’ll pay for using me. Soon, I’ll take your ring and return to my world…


But what is this feeling?  Suddenly, a warmth spread from my heart like water.


Thump, thump, thump. My heart raced.

Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Oh my God! Was she poisoned?

  2. Astarria says:

    You just thought of two points! Him knowing your love of camomile and him saying he needs to kill you, and you still drank the tea?! 🤦‍♀️

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