I'm Trying to End This Possession

Allice, groaning in distress, sought out Miona for advice. But then.


“Why didn’t you invite me?”




“I heard there was a tea party, why wasn’t I invited?”


Why was Miona suddenly acting so entitled? Allice was troubled.


Why she hadn’t invited her to the tea party. After all, they used to be friends and enjoyed tea parties together— but that was when Miona was the wealthy daughter of Viscount Kruz, not the girl of a ruined family.


She’s my maid now, isn’t she?


It wasn’t quite right to invite a maid to a tea party, was it? But telling the truth would hurt Miona’s feelings.


Out of consideration for Miona, Allice tactfully responded. “I thought you wouldn’t want to come. You never liked such gatherings. I assumed you would refuse…”


“It’s my decision whether I go to any gathering, Allice.”


“I’m sorry, Miona. That was thoughtless of me.”


As Allice apologized with a trembling voice, Miona sighed as if surrendering.


“It’s okay. Don’t apologize. I was being sensitive.”


“Are you forgiving me?”


“There’s nothing to forgive, Allice. Between us.”




“I’m the one who should be sorry. You were the only one who reached out to me when I was in trouble… I thought even you were avoiding me.”


Then, Allice tightly grasped Miona’s hands. “That’s not true, Miona. No matter what situation you’re in, it doesn’t matter. You’re my best friend.”




Moved, Miona’s eyes began to moisten.


“You’re the only one who didn’t turn away from me. After my father passed and I was left with debts, everyone pretended not to know me…” Murmuring, determination flashed in Miona’s eyes. “Thank you for paying off the debts in my stead, Allice. I’ll never forget your kindness.”


In the end, Allice couldn’t even discuss the moonlight flowers issue and stomped her feet in frustration.


What should I do?  There was no choice.


Not keeping a promise is bad.


She had already promised her friends. So, she must prioritize her friends’ faith.


Allice decided to secretly divert a few moonlight flowers.


* * *



What now? As I was passing the garden, I turned away in annoyance.


Raios. He was leaning against a large zelkova tree behind me.


“Why are you here?”


“I have something to discuss with Duke Windsor.” Then he put a cigar in his mouth.


I frowned. Again, with the cigars.


When did Raios start smoking cigars?


I never saw him smoke during our time together.  It seemed like he had been smoking for more than a year or two…


He must have been hiding it and smoking in secret. Thinking this made me feel nauseous again. What was real, and what was a lie? It was a meaningless question now.


Really, I couldn’t stand the sight of him. Just as I was about to turn away,




He called me.


“You’ve always been too opinionated.”


I slowly turned my face. Raios gazed at me and tilted his head.


“I liked that at first.”


Like a machine that had run its course, he muttered in a hollow voice.


“It was refreshing. You smile and laugh just like any other noblewoman, but you say exactly what’s on your mind with that face.”


A premonition hit me. I shouldn’t listen to this. It’s a waste of time and emotions. So, just step away and leave. But for some reason, I couldn’t move.


“I don’t know since when, but at some point… I became fed up with it.”


It felt as though I was slowly turning into stone from the tips of my toes. I listened to Raios’s voice without even breathing.


“Since some time ago, your voice started to sound like the cawing of a crow.”


That low and quiet voice I once loved so much.


“Whereas Allice’s voice started to feel like the song of a canary.”




“Do you realize every word Allice utters seems sweet?”


I exhaled deeply, my breath now hot. “Do I need to know?”


Then he smirked. “Why don’t you learn and see? Then your voice might become pleasant to listen to again.”


“No. Let’s just break off the engagement.” I spoke gently, with a smiling face as Raios had described. “I find listening to your voice at this moment quite dreadful, so let’s end this for both of our happiness.”




Raios did not respond. He just looked at me annoyingly and then. “You’re far from adapting to this world.” Tsk, clicking his tongue, he turned away and left.


I called out firmly to his back. “Don’t be mistaken. I have no intention of adapting to this world!”


Raios walked away without a reply. I almost ran after him, wanting to hit him on the back of his head. If it weren’t for the fear of being imprisoned for insulting the imperial family, I surely would have.


That b*stard. I went straight back to my room. I was so angry that my fingertips trembled.


Raios and Allice. I truly hated them both. Even though they had already messed up my life, it seemed not enough; they kept ruining my mood anew.


“Milady, a telegram has arrived from Viscountess Grace Gilton.” Then my secretary brought a letter. “It seems Lady Allice has promised to sell moonlight flowers personally to her friends.”


Upon hearing that, I calmed my emotions. Selling moonlight flowers personally. How could she think of such a foolish idea…


“Lord Eric and Carl Windsor stopped her. Naturally.”


“So, Allice must be in a very difficult situation now.”


I, who had been blinded by infatuation, was now keenly aware of Allice’s flaws. Allice loves praise and hates being the villain. Such a girl wouldn’t dare to ‘break’ a promise and take on the role of a villain. Instead. She’d rather commit illegal acts in secret.


A sneer formed. It felt despicably satisfying. Let’s see her pretend to be good and then fall into the abyss. Wait, wait. I’ll send her there myself.  Even if it meant playing dirty.


“First, tell Viscountess Grace Gilton to keep to the tea party’s atmosphere and my thanks. And give her a generous gratuity.”




“Then put a watchdog on Allice, Lethe.”




“Yes. Find the best person for the job and instruct them to follow her closely. No matter the cost.”


After sending Lethe off, some time passed.


Knock, knock.


“Danae. It’s me. Huan.”


I frowned. Why was that man here?


“Danae, are you not there?”


I didn’t answer. Yeah, just think I’m not here and leave. That’s what she thought when.


Bang. The door opened.


Oh. You were here.”




My head froze instantly. What is this?


Now, Huan, that man, opened my bedroom door without permission?


My bedroom?


Instead of being embarrassed, Huan smiled brightly. “I heard you were humiliated by the crown prince.”


Thud. He closed the door. The space was sealed, and the two of us were left. The air became significantly heavier instantly.

Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


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