I'm Trying to End This Possession

“Good job.”


I praised my secretary.


“You’ve doubled the price of the moonlight flowers in just a week. Good job, Lethe.”


“I would appreciate a raise as my compliment.”


Laughter ensued.


My secretary really did a great job. To act as a decoy without getting caught, strike, and then withdraw skillfully— As expected, there’s nothing he can’t do. After all, my secretary is perfect.


“Attend the auction this week too and raise the price. And try to scoop up as many moonlight flowers as possible.”


“Yes, understood.”


Everything was going as planned.


As expected, Allice seems to be aggressively pushing forward. Well, after being provoked last time, she must be full of motivation to show some results.


The bulb idea was unexpected, though. I speculated there might be someone behind it.


And by now, Huan’s relationship with her must have worsened. Considering Huan’s disdain for women, how jealous he must be to see his young niece outperforming him?


I planned to disrupt the relationship between the two further.


Thanks to them, I can fulfill my promise to the emperor sooner.


The deadline he gave was one month. So, I must show definite results within that time.


* * *

It was truly the era of Allice Windsor.


“Lady Allice, that dress suits you really well. You look like a princess.”


“Your pink hair is so pretty, Allice.”


Allice smiled shyly.


Today was the day of the tea party she was hosting. All the distinguished young ladies were praising her. Even Viscountess Grace Gilton, who was quite close to sister Dana! She was once a woman who chased sister and flattered her…


Her husband failed in business, and they ended up in debt.


Now, she realizes it’s more beneficial to be closer to Allice.


Allice said with hidden pride. “That’s too kind of you all. But sister Dana is much prettier than me.”


The atmosphere froze at Allice’s words, but only for a moment.


“Of course, Lady Danae is beautiful, but…”


“Doesn’t she have a somewhat sorrowful face?”


“Some say she looks pure, but I think she looks gloomy.”


“Allice, with your bright demeanor, is much lovelier.”


“Of course. That’s why His Highness the Crown Prince chose Allice, isn’t it?”


Allice looked at Grace while they showered her with compliments as if asking for her opinion. Then Grace hesitated and said, “Yes. Even though Lady Danae has the ability to purify land, it’s not like there’s any rotten land left now…”


A thrill of pleasure ran up her spine. The person who used to sweet-talk sister Dana is now—


Now doing the same to me.


It wasn’t just Grace.


“Besides, she was a doll disease patient, wasn’t she?”


“It’s a bit unsettling.”


“On the other hand, Allice is a healthy and beautiful woman, incomparable to her.”


“Allice plays the piano better than Lady Danae, doesn’t she?”


“When they played a duet, the difference in skill was so apparent. I felt sorry for Lady Danae.”


Oh, how delightful. Embarrassed, Allice covered her cheeks with her hands and laughed.


Everything was perfect. The moonlight flower business was frighteningly successful. Like madness, there were those who now bid 20 billion for a single flower. The hottest topic at this tea party was also the moonlight flower.


“My husband bought me a moonlight flower. You can’t imagine how pretty it is.”


“I’m so jealous. How much did he bid for it?”


“20 billion Fran. His business is doing so well these days. Hohoho.”


“Did you know? Baron Kozimo put up the moonlight flower he bought for 1 billion Frans at the auction, and guess what? It sold for 15 billion Fran!”


“My goodness!”


Now, the moonlight flower was more than just a simple flower. It had transcended being a propaganda tool for the old and new faiths. It had become a means for the nobility to show off their wealth or an investment for the future.


“Allice, what did you do?”


“Really, what kind of magic did you use to make the moonlight flowers so expensive?”


Amidst admiration, envy, and barely concealed criticism, Allice found even that enjoyable. Being the object of envy was proof of success. And it wasn’t just that.


“Your Highness!”


Raios appeared with a bouquet of flowers.


“Yo-Your Highness, what brings you here without notice?”


“That’s because I miss you.”


Raios handed her a bouquet of yellow roses and kissed her on the cheek.


“Now that I’ve seen your face, I’ll go. Have a good time with your friends.”


His arrival heated up the atmosphere of the tea party.


“Oh my, it’s clear His Highness is smitten with Allice!”


“To come just to see her face for a moment, how romantic!”


“I’m so jealous, Allice!”


Amazing! The best! Cool! Incredible!


Allice, Allice, Allice!


Ah, it feels like a dream. The whole world was blissfully pink. She couldn’t be happier, even if she were flying.


“But, Allice, could I possibly get a moonlight flower too?”




“I’ll pay the proper price. I always get outbid at the auctions…”


Allice pondered for a moment and then nodded. Sure, one person should be okay. “Alright.”


Then, ladies who had silently listened to the conversation pounced like a pack of dogs.


“Allice! Can I buy one too? Among my relatives, I’m the only one without a moonlight flower. They look down on me so much.”


“Really? Well, then, I must help you.”


“Allice, please, for me too. My mother is ill, and if I give her a moonlight flower as a gift, I think she’ll feel better.”


“Oh dear, how pitiful. Alright, I’ll get you one. I hope your mother recovers soon.” Saying so, Allice felt like she had become a saint, bestowing mercy.


“I’m selling these specially just to you all. So, please keep this a secret. Understand?”


After a few conversations like this, the party ended. Allice shivered with a sudden rush of reality.


I promised fifteen people. What to do now? Pondering briefly, Allice went to Eric.


“Is there a way to sell moonlight flowers through channels other than auctions?”


“Yes? What do you mean?”


“My friends want to buy moonlight flowers. They all said they’d pay the proper price.”


Allice thought it would obviously be okay, so she spoke lightly. However,


“That’s absurd!” Eric’s face hardened as he spoke sternly. “The proper price? We sell to the highest bidder at the auction. Where is the proper price?”


“Yes? But, that’s…”


“Moreover, moonlight flowers are exclusively traded through the official Windsor auction house. Trading them through other channels is illegal, Lady Allice.”


What? That’s too much. Allice felt wronged by Eric’s blunt refusal. It’s not like I’m saying I’ll give them away for free.


And how is she supposed to tell her friends she can’t give them now?


You’re not considering my reputation at all. That’s too much, Eric.


Even after running to her father, nothing changed.


“Oh gosh, my daughter is too kind to refuse.”


“I’m sorry, Dad. Everyone had such touching stories…”


“Still, there’s nothing we can do, Allice. Mixing emotions with business will ruin you in an instant.”


“Yes? Then what should I do?”


“What else? Just say it can’t be done.”


“But, Dad.”


“Allice. You need to practice saying no.” Carl smiled warmly, but his eyes were firm.


How could I do that? To say it can’t be done now! The thought of disappointing them made it impossible to muster the courage to do so.


What should she do with this situation?

Want to read advanced chapters for this series? Good news, you can purchase 5 chapters in advance cheaper here.


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