I'm Trying to End This Possession

That late night at the Windsor mansion, Allice cried sorrowfully.


Sob, weep, sob.”


“Allice, this is Mom. Can I come in?”


 “No! Go away!”


Thump! Allice threw a teddy bear in frustration. This side of her, never shown to others, was familiar to her mother, Sandra.


Poor thing.  Sandra paced anxiously outside Allice’s room. When she was unsure what to do,


“Madam Sandra.”


A woman approached cautiously. It was Allice’s maid, Miona.


“Let me try to comfort Allice.”


“W-would you do that, Miona?”


“Yes, so please rest now.”


Miona had been Allice’s close friend for years, a girl whom Allice had taken in as a maid after her family fell into ruin.


Thank goodness there’s Miona. Hopefully, she could comfort Allice, who saw her almost like her older sister.


My poor daughter is so sad. Sandra reflected on the day’s events and the mocking words of Countess Remella.


“Oh my, this is my first time seeing such a modest engagement ceremony.”


She couldn’t argue with that. Because it was true.


How dare that woman mock my daughter?


Who is Allice? She is the daughter of Sandra Windsor.


Who do you think I am?


Sandra is the direct daughter of the current Naval Commander, Marlon Rolland. The Rolland Ducal family has produced outstanding naval officers for generations. Many men from the Rolland family have lost their lives at sea. For the empire. For the sun god, Ramun.


Yes! My son is also an outstanding naval officer, the captain of the Macriro ship!


Her precious son, Rumie Windsor, had also set out on a mission just the other night. He left in a hurry upon hearing that barbarians had invaded the territorial waters.


To fight against those impure beings who worship demons!


And to think someone dared treat the daughter of such a valiant military family like this?


Danae Windsor, how could you ruin Allice’s engagement ceremony like that?


Sandra wanted to tear that girl apart, but…


…What should I do?


Suddenly, she was overcome with worry. Carl had told her to endure for a year, but she couldn’t.


Dana will definitely tell Carl everything. And then Carl would be disappointed…


After hesitating, Sandra decided to confess to Carl herself.


“What? You grabbed Danae’s hair?”


“Yes. Because Allice is so sad…”


“What am I supposed to do, Sandra? After I’ve calmed her down, what if she gets angry again?”


Her husband’s rebuke brought her to tears. “Do you even care about Allice as her father?! Do you know the shame she suffered today, huhuhu!”


Sandra slumped to the floor, weeping bitterly. Carl, feeling helpless, came over to comfort her.


“Stop crying, Sandra. I won’t blame you anymore.”


“Why does our Allice have to suffer such humiliation! What is Allice lacking!”


Huan Rolland. Even her troublesome younger brother was recently flattered by the nobles. There was no other reason than his exclusive control over the rare moonlight flower. Even that incompetent man’s reputation has improved since taking on the moonlight flower project, but our Allice!




Wait, wait, just a minute.


Right. Huan was originally the subject of ridicule… but lately, his reputation among the nobles has improved.


If, just if. If Allice takes that position? The humiliation of the engagement ceremony would be forgotten in an instant!


“Honey!” Sandra grabbed Carl’s hand eagerly. “Give the moonlight flower project to Allice!”


“Sandra? What nonsense are you talking about?”


“The trade project bringing moonlight flowers from the southern continent! Give it to Allice!”


Carl’s face turned pale, realizing his wife wasn’t joking. “Sandra. That’s absurd.”


“Why is it absurd? Don’t you trust Allice?”


“No, of course it’s not like that, but this project is very important.”


“Who doesn’t know that?”


“This isn’t just any project. The moonlight flower is a project that even the pope is putting a lot of effort into.” Carl explained with a serious look. “The moonlight flower is a propaganda tool for the Protestant. It’s not just a flower. It’s promotional material that reduces aversion to the moon god.”


“I know that!”


In the current era, religion was divided into two factions. The Protestant that embraces the moon god. And the Catholic that rejects the moon god. The moonlight flower, symbolizing the moon god, was used in the power struggle between the two factions.


“If my brother, Huan, is doing well with it, then let Allice help too, right?”


Convinced by his wife’s words, Carl chuckled awkwardly. Well, Huan is honestly not doing much. The work is actually done by the advisors, and Huan just signs off on it. He created a cushy job to help my incompetent brother-in-law!


“Carl! Allice is your daughter! Can’t you do even this for her?!”


As Sandra pleaded fervently, Carl hesitated for a moment. Initially, he thought it was an utterly unreasonable request, but— Come to think of it, it’s not a bad idea.  His wife’s argument made sense.


Yeah. It would be good to have a commendable achievement or two if Allice wants to become an empress. Besides, the work would still be done by the advisors as it is now… It’s just lending her name.


Carl smiled contentedly and nodded. “Alright. Let’s do that.”


* * *

“Sister Dana. Take this.”


A platinum-haired boy resembling a fairy, Noah Windsor, blushed as he handed her a flower crown.


“I made it myself.”


“You did?”


“Yes. I thought it would suit you.”


It was surprising that this picky noble young master personally made a crown flower for her. I was speechless with surprise, and Noah’s ears turned red.


“Do you dislike the crown flower? I suppose it’s a cheap thing, not fitting for you at all. You deserve a tiara made of jewels…”


Mumbling to himself, the boy was too adorable, and I burst out laughing.


“Wow. Sister. You look like an angel.”


Allice, who had been watching from the side, muttered. Her eyes were filled with admiration.


“Sister is lucky. I wish I looked good with a crown flower too.”




“I mean, I don’t have anyone to make a crown flower for me…”


I’ll make one for you, Allice! Just as I was about to respond like that.




A very tall man with platinum hair appeared.


“What’s with the crown flower?”


“Why? Doesn’t it suit me?”


“No.” The man—Viego Windsor, looked at me and calmly replied. “It’s pretty.”


At that moment, flash. I opened my eyes.




What I saw was the high ceiling. Birdsong came from outside the window.


It was a dream.


These were memories from when I got along well with everyone. Why did I dream of that time all of a sudden? Maybe I understood the reason.


Is there still hesitation in me?


A few days ago, I made a deal with the emperor. I would ruin the value of the moonlight flower. And that was essentially an attack on the Windsor family. Maybe that’s why I recall back my memories of the last time I had a good conscience.


The Windsor family…


I lost myself in thought. For the past six years, I genuinely loved the Windsor family. The family is led by Viego Windsor.


Viego Windsor, and Noah Windsor.


Our relationship hadn’t always been like this. There was a time when things were really good.


And it was my fault that things went sour. 



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you!❤️‍🔥

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