I'm Trying to End This Possession

Warning: This novel is the same author as ‘My Body Has Been Possessed by Someone’. I can tell you for sure that the male characters in this novel are definitely crazy. The same goes with the plot. So, if you’re uncomfortable with the possibility of abuse, incest, etc, it’s your clue to stop reading immediately.


“Don’t go!”


Finally, the dimensional gate opened. At last, I can return to my original world.


“Don’t go, Dana.”


But my feet wouldn’t move.


It was the moment I had been waiting for. Finally, a chance to return to my real body.


“Please, don’t leave.”


Because of this man, I just couldn’t turn away.




I gave a bitter smile.


“Let me go. You promised you would.”


“No, I can’t. I just can’t.”


Raios’s cheek muscles twitched in pain.


“If you go now, it’ll be a forever goodbye. You won’t exist in my world anymore.”




“The thought of you not being on this earth, under this sky, it feels like I’ll go crazy. It’s too painful…”


Soon, moisture welled up in Raios’s black eyes.


“I can’t breathe, Dana.”


Drip. A single tear fell from his cheek.


I wanted to wipe away that tear. But… The dimensional gate is closing fast.


So I must go now. To the real world, to my real body.


Yes. This isn’t my body.


Was it a twist of fate? It’s been three years since I possessed the body of a woman with a similar name.


Danae Windsor. A lady of the Windsor ducal family. For three years living in this body, I met many people, experienced a lot, and—


“Don’t leave me behind, Dana.”


I found a man I love.


“Please stay by my side. Please.”


I soothed the clinging man with a forced smile. “Raios, there’s nothing left for me to do in this world. So, I must go now…”


“It doesn’t matter!” Raios grabbed me, crying out in a surge of emotion. “I’ve never loved anyone but you in my life. You are my only love. How am I supposed to live without you!”


Me too. You’re my only love too.


I swallowed those words because I cannot be held responsible. I didn’t want to give up my life as Yeon Dana. Yes, it’s my life. How can I just give it up?


When I was Yeon Dana, I lived fiercely. I achieved everything I aimed for. So, how could I really abandon such a life? But…


“I know it’s shameless. If the dimensional gate closes now, it won’t open again for another 100 years. I know, but…” Raios swallowed hard, tears streaming down. “I can’t live without you, Dana.”


His appearance was so pitiable. I felt my heart being torn apart. Can I really leave Raios, who is begging me like this? And still live happily in my world?


That’s when.


“Sister Dana!”


A girl rushed into the temple. It was Danae Windsor’s cousin, Allice.


“Sister, don’t go!”


Allice gasped and wailed.


“Sister, please, please don’t go! I beg you, okay?”


Not just Allice.


“Don’t leave, Dana!”


Even uncle…


“Don’t go, Dana! How can you leave us behind!”


“…Uncle. Allice.”


“I consider you family. How can you leave your family behind? Please, stay in this world, okay?”


How did they know to come here? I hadn’t told anyone about the location of the dimensional gate…




Then, Danae’s cousin, Rumie also entered the temple.


“Do you really have to go?”


“Brother Rumie.”


“Can’t you stay in this world, please? I’ll be very sad if you go…”


Hearing Rumie’s words, I smiled sadly. Those who knew I was a possessor but still accepted me. I truly loved all of them, but…


“I’m sorry. I have to go. This isn’t my world.”


That’s that, and this is this. Sad as it may be, it was time to part.


“Take care, everyone. I—”


At that moment, my words were cut off. It was because Raios kneeled with both knees!




“Don’t leave me, Dana.”


“Raios, get up quickly!”


“Don’t go. Life without you is as good as death to me. Please don’t kill me. Please, please.”


I sighed deeply, shutting my eyes tightly. Ah, really…


“…Get up.”


I can’t do it. Really, I can’t anymore. Seeing the people I love in pain, crying. I just can’t bear it.


“I won’t go.”


Raios’s head snapped up.




“You didn’t hear wrong. So, get up—”




In the next moment, Raios stood up. He frantically kissed my forehead, the bridge of my nose, and my cheeks.


“Dana, Dana, Dana!”


At that moment, I made a promise.


Yes, I’ll stay. I can’t hurt the people I love. So, let’s live in this world. Let’s give up my life as Yeon Dana.


“There’s a condition,” I said, turning away from the fading dimensional gate. “Raios, you remember what I told you? I come from a world where monogamy is the norm.”


“Of course. I remember everything you’ve said.”


“I can’t tolerate having multiple wives like other men in this world. Can you swear to that?”


“I swear to God.”


Raios cupped my cheeks with both hands, smiling as brightly as the sun.


“You’re the only one for me.”


His gaze was so fervent, so tender. It felt like the whole world was ours. The air was so sweet. This moment felt like everything.


“I love you, Dana.”


“I love you too.”


That day, I gave up returning to my original world. It was an event from three years ago.


* * *

Three years later.


[Raios, the Crown Prince, and His New Lover]


What’s this? I frowned. Among the letters I received, there was a very strange one.


Who sent this?  The sender was anonymous, and the envelope contained a nonsensical statement.


[Raios, the Crown Prince, and His New Lover]?


I chuckled. A new lover of my fiancé? Impossible. Even in this world, there seem to be prank letters. Or maybe it’s a scheme by someone.


Well, people are the same everywhere.


Three years have passed. After struggling at the dimensional gate and eventually choosing the people I love, it’s been three years. Over the last three years, I have lived happily. I was very satisfied with this life. Although there were uncomfortable moments occasionally…


“Danae Windsor.”


Yes, like right now.


I held my breath and slowly turned to the side. When did he come close?


Right beside me was a man, brushing back his platinum hair, holding a whiskey glass as he looked down at me. Meeting his green eyes, strength involuntarily surged through my nape. This man was one of the most difficult people in this world.


Yes. Except for moments like now, I’m mostly happy…


His name is Viego Windsor. The real brother of the body I possessed, ‘Danae’. And one of the family members who disapproved of me taking over Danae’s body.


“Yes, Brother.”


He glanced down at the table. “What’s that?”




“That letter.”


Oh, this? Seems like someone sent a prank letter.”


“Why don’t you check it out?”


Huh?” I was taken aback.


Why would he interfere? He’s someone who never talks about personal matters.


Looking up at him with surprise, he replied firmly. “Check that letter.” His voice was laced with the warmth of whiskey.


That was strange. Whiskey? It’s the first time I’ve seen my brother drink alcohol during work…


“Yes, I will. After work is done—”


“Let’s stop for today.”




With that,  Brother Viego left the office.


…Really? Stopping already?


I helped Viego, the Duke of Windsor, with his work once a week. After discovering I was much better at math than the people of this world, he started using me for tasks that required numbers. Though it was just menial work, stopping now? That workaholic, tough brother?


Well, good for me.


I hummed a tune and tore open the envelope. Then, I stopped abruptly. Inside the envelope was a photograph.




In the black and white photo. Raios was kissing a woman. A woman with long, straight hair is seen from the back.


It’s… not me?


Not me…? Because I, Danae, have curly hair…


Then who is this?


Hands trembling, I exhaled a shattered breath and slowly turned to the next page. There was a message card.


[If you go to Raios Geranze’s office now.]


[You can witness the scene of infidelity.]


* * *

I immediately went to Raios’s office.


“Lady Danae, what brings you here?” The startled guard blocked the way.


I breathed hotly and said, “I came to see Raios.”


“The Crown Prince is not here now!”


“What do you mean?”


“The Crown Prince! Is not! Inside now!”


What? Why is he speaking so loudly? No, more importantly. Why is he lying?


“Then who are you guarding right now?”




“You’re supposed to be guarding the crown prince, aren’t you?”


As the guard was speechless, I forcefully pushed him aside and stormed in. And then.




I witnessed it with my own eyes. 


  1. Skandi says:

    oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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