I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 8


The carriage coming out of the villa stopped.


Where Vivian brought Rachel was…


“…a meadow?”


It was a small meadow behind the village.


A place where one could freely explore the village away from people’s gazes.


This place perfectly met the conditions.


“Shall we go up here?”


Though the knights accompanying them complained about having to climb the meadow.


“Huh? Have you knights only eaten a little bread today? Why are you so weak?”


Each word from Vivian pierced the knights’ pride deeply.


And decisively…


“Then I will tell the Duke to give you plenty of bread from now on.”


Even a terrifying threat to report to the Duke!


Shocked by Vivian’s not-so-veiled threat, the knights reluctantly climbed the meadow.


If they ended up in Kaltz’s ears, the already tough training intensity of the knights would increase.


Rachel found the sudden mountain climb annoying, but she silently climbed the meadow, rejecting the knights’ offer to carry her.


Finally, they reached the summit.


A cool breeze brushed Rachel’s hair.


As Rachel opened her eyes, unknowingly closed by the wind, she saw a blue sky and a green field spread out before her.


And a large magnolia tree stood guard at the centre of the meadow.


“Um, if you go under the tree, you can overlook the entire village.”


Vivian pointed to the tree and led Rachel there.




Vivian exclaimed as they finally reached under the tree.


The view of the village unfolded where the childlike fingers pointed.




Looking at the scenery, Rachel finally realized that she had truly come out of the mansion.


As Rachel blankly gazed at the village’s scenery,


Vivian suddenly tumbled onto the grass.


“What are you doing right now…?”


Before Rachel could ask, Vivian rolled down the grass.


Both Rachel and the knights watching beside her were astonished.


“Hey, kid!”


Rolling down!


After tumbling down the slope for a while, Vivian stopped at a gentle spot.


“Haha! This is fun!”


Laughing heartily, she sprang up from the ground, covered in grass all over her body.


Rachel couldn’t help but burst into a surprised laughter at the sight.


It was an unimaginable behavior for Rachel, who had been raised as a noble lady following strict etiquette.


Not even the other noble children she had met at the institute would behave in such a manner.


They would all either quietly read books or engage in polite conversations.


‘She acted so mature and dignified in front of Grandfather.’


Now, she resembled a wild foal, unable to distinguish between heaven and earth.


She was no longer the sophisticated young lady trying to impress her grandfather but rather a naive child who knew nothing.


‘She’s truly a peculiar one.’ Vivian climbed back up the slope towards Rachel, wearing a joyful smile despite her ragged appearance. Seeing her disheveled state, Rachel frowned and rebuked her, “You’re filthy.’’


“Well, then, let me just brush it off like this!”


Vivian nonchalantly brushed off Rachel’s clothes, regardless of whether she was disgusted or not.


Most of the grass that clung to her fell away, except for one.


“Look at this. All clean now, isn’t it?”


A single leaf stuck in her hair remained swaying in its place.


Nestled among her cherry blossom-colored locks, the leaf looked as natural as part of a cherry blossom.


As Rachel watched the leaf swaying along with Vivian’s movements, Vivian suddenly asked,


“Would you like to try it too? Since you’ve come this far, you must try it. The grass is so soft and fluffy, it’s fun—”


“Enough. You have your fun.”


Rachel interrupted Vivian before she could finish her sentence, firmly declining.


“Aw, it’s so much fun though.”


Despite Vivian’s persistent invitation, Rachel ignored her and turned her gaze to the scenery of the village.


At least the landscape and the peaceful atmosphere appealed to her.


As Vivian slyly approached Rachel, pointing with her finger towards the rooftops to explain, “The red roof over there is a fruit shop, and in front of it is a general store, and next to it is the green-roofed…”


Vivian continued her detailed explanations, pointing at the village with her finger.


Following Vivian’s finger as she pointed towards the village, Rachel suddenly glanced at the girl standing beside her.


The golden eyes of the girl, reflecting the village scenery, sparkled like jewels.


Lost in staring at those eyes, Rachel was snapped out of her reverie when Vivian looked at her and said with a smile, “Let’s go explore the village together next time, Miss!” In that moment, Rachel understood what made this girl shine so brightly. Freedom.


In this ordinary child, there was a freedom she did not possess.


In that moment of realization, the mere common girl beside me felt like the mistress of this small world.


I felt a little jealous, a little… envious.


On the way back from the hill to the mansion.


Rachel was looking out the window at the sunset scenery.


“Still, your first outing seemed quite satisfying, didn’t it?” I asked Rachel subtly, feeling proud inside.


“How was it, my lady? Wasn’t it nice to tour the village like this?” Rachel’s gaze, which had been fixed outside the window until today, turned towards me.


Although her previously stern expression had softened considerably since we went out today…


Yet, a positive response did not come back.


Our sharp-tongued miss, as expected.


“Hmph, I didn’t expect you to just accept compliments without a fuss.”


As I pursed my lips, Rachel, who had been silently observing me, placed her hand on top of my head.




Realizing that it was a gesture for me to do the same, I belatedly placed my hand on top of my head. And then…


“W-what is this?”


I noticed a leaf stuck in my hair, not knowing how long it had been there, probably from when I was playing around in the garden earlier!


Only now did I understand why the knights were laughing at me a while ago.


“Argh, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You knew all along!”


“I appreciate you telling me before meeting grandfather.”


Rachel said so and then turned her gaze back out the window.


But a little while ago…


“Rachel seemed to have smiled, didn’t she?”


However, when I looked at Rachel again, her indifferent expression remained unchanged.


“I must have been mistaken, right?”



Rachel, the cold world has no reason to smile at me, does it?


I nervously felt around my head for any remaining leaves, recalling Rachel’s words from earlier, and tensed up. “Once we return to the villa, the Duke and dinner will be waiting.”


Seeing Sally and the maid clearly eager to drive me away, I tried to assert some authority from the Duke’s household. “It seems that won’t work.”


It’s a relief that the Duke didn’t dismiss me outright… “But the thought of facing him is terrifying.”


The Duke is a powerful figure, second only to the Emperor in the Hildeon Empire. Despite his daughter, the late Duchess, giving birth to Rachel, the child of a rebellious prince, his reputation has somewhat diminished. Yet, I still trembled at the thought of encountering such a formidable person.


“Even disregarding that reputation…” Just recalling the imposing presence felt when facing the Duke today was enough to put me on edge.


“But I can’t run away.” I swallowed hard, gazing out the window at the Duke’s villa coming into view.

“It’s now or never.”



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