I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 18

As spring transitioned into summer, the backyard was filled with flowers and lush greenery.

As Rachel and I sat at the backyard table waiting, the maid soon appeared with a trolley.

The sweet aroma already filling the air made my mouth water as I asked, “Wow, what a delicious smell! What’s the snack for today, sis?”

“It’s chocolate fondue and orange juice. Since there’s chocolate, I thought a refreshing juice would be nice to have,” she replied.

As the maid who had been bustling around the mansion explained with a smile, she quickly bowed her head when her eyes met Rachel’s.
“Well then, I’ll step aside. Miss,” she said before smiling at me and walking away.

“Rachel doesn’t seem to be close with the maids,” I thought to myself as I watched the maid walk away and then glanced at Rachel.

During the past fortnight spent with Rachel, I learned a few things.

Firstly, Rachel doesn’t talk much about herself.

Secondly, the only people she communicates and spends time with are the nanny and Sally.

But it wasn’t that she couldn’t or didn’t want to, it seemed more like she didn’t desire interaction with the outside world, even including the only family she had, the Duke.

“Even though he’s her only family, it would be good for Rachel’s emotional well-being to get along well with him.”

Sipping on the refreshing orange juice, I hesitated for a moment before deciding to take a chance.

“Lady Rachel, do you have any sadness or worries bothering you?”

Since Rachel didn’t seem inclined to speak first, I thought I’d try to initiate the conversation.

Rachel looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Friends usually share their inner thoughts. If something is bothering you, they comfort you, support you when you’re angry, and share secrets. That’s how friendships deepen.”

“I don’t have anything like that bothering me,” Rachel replied dryly.

“Maybe she’s never shared such things with others, so she doesn’t even realize it,” I thought to myself as I decided to be more direct.

“Well, I do have something on my mind.”


“What is it about…?”

As Rachel’s gaze softened, it seemed like she was more interested in my story than before.

I smiled with a hint of regret and began speaking.

“My father cut off contact with his family when he married my mother. They strongly opposed the marriage.”


“Yes, my father’s side of the family. Even when I ask about my grandparents, they don’t respond, and if I suggest getting in touch, they just smile and brush it off.”

“Now it would be nice if they could reconnect and get along. I’m sure even my late mother in heaven would want my father to be happy with his family.”

While this was indeed a genuine concern of mine, it was also a story I brought up in relation to Rachel and the Duke’s relationship.
Listening to my story, Rachel responded with a somewhat serious expression.

“Perhaps your father is afraid that his family won’t accept him.”


“There’s no guarantee that family will always forgive. So… he might get hurt.”


“And there could be resentment towards such family members.”

Rachel’s eyes, as she replied in this manner, seemed somewhat lonely.

As if it were her own story.

“Hmm, I hadn’t considered my father’s feelings, that could be possible.”

As I gazed at Rachel intently, I seized the opportunity to take one step further.

“Then, do you feel sad or have any concerns, Your Grace?”

“…No. Nothing like that.”

When I directly mentioned ‘Your Grace,’ Rachel flinched for a moment, but that was all.

Rather, she retreated as if stung.

“Ah, maybe it’s not the right time yet.”

With a hint of regret, I smiled again and said, “Well, that’s fortunate. If you ever have any concerns in the future, feel free to talk to me.”

“To me?”

“Yes. Sharing joys and sorrows is what friends do, after all!”


“Of course, you don’t have to force yourself to talk, but don’t keep your troubles buried deep in your heart.”

Saying so, I lightly patted Rachel’s hand.

As Rachel gazed at my hand and eyes intently, the nanny appeared.

“Miss, it’s time for your next lesson.”

Rachel and I attended all classes together, except for one.

Rachel attended the successor lesson alone.

“In reality, it’s more like magical training than a successor lesson.”

Though I wasn’t explicitly told what the lesson entailed, I had a rough idea from the original work.

Since it was mentioned that Rachel had been secretly practicing magic since she was young.

“I wish I could learn magic too.”

My illness would be easily resolved if only I could use magic.

By depleting excess mana through magic, I would not have to suffer from mana overload.

However, despite everyone in this world having a certain amount of mana, not just anyone could become a wizard.

To become a wizard, the ‘vessel’ that holds mana must be inherently large. Unfortunately, my ‘vessel’ was at the same level as any ordinary person’s. It meant becoming a wizard was out of the question for me. Feeling regretful, I bid farewell to Rachel.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Your Highness.”

Instead of returning the greeting, Rachel simply nodded and headed towards the mansion.

I thought the nanny would follow Rachel as usual, but today she stayed by my side.

“I’ll see her off today.”

“Oh. You must be busy, but it’s okay, Nanny.”

Despite my decline due to a foreboding feeling, the nanny smiled and took the lead.

I had no choice but to follow behind. Instead of crossing through the mansion, the nanny guided me towards the outskirts.

As we turned onto a deserted path, the nanny spoke.

“Vivian, do you know what crime treason is?”

“I learned it’s insulting and threatening the Emperor and the Imperial Family.”

“You know it well. So, do you know what happens to those who commit treason?”

“I heard the Emperor imposes severe punishment.”

“In more detail, they are wiped out for three generations. The parents who raised a traitor are sentenced to death by hanging, the traitor is beheaded, and their children are sent as slaves to foreign lands.”


“By the way, hanging involves hanging by the neck until death, and beheading is cutting the neck with a large blade.”
The nanny’s stern voice left me speechless.

Despite knowing this from my past life memories, it was too harsh and cruel for a nine-year-old to hear.

“And those who aid the traitor will also be treated as traitors and face the same punishment.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

I furrowed my brows and asked, to which the nanny replied with a faint smile.

“Miss Rachel has committed treason against the Emperor. So…”
“If you stay by her side, not only you but your beloved father could also be in danger.”


“I’m telling you this because you seem unaware. I hope you leave her side before you’re in danger.”

The nanny seemed unaware that I already knew this.

As I listened, I recalled Rachel’s cold rejection when she pushed me away, saying, “You’re scared of me too. Being with a traitor’s child might bring harm to you and your family.”

It was then that I realised. ‘She scared Rachel’s friends away by threatening them like this.’

At that moment, anger began to replace the cold shivers running through my body.


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