I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 16

The butler, who had been walking ahead, stopped in front of the door.

“This is the Duke’s office.”

I nervously swallowed, my face tense.

I had encountered the Duke many times, but this was the first time meeting him one-on-one.

As the butler was about to knock, something suddenly occurred to me, and I urgently shouted, “Wait, butler!”

Of course, very quietly so as not to be heard inside the office.

As the butler looked at me with a puzzled expression, I quickly checked my appearance.

“The Duke seems like a good person, but strict, so I mustn’t show any flaws.”

After making sure my hair was neatly tied up, I nodded.

“That’s enough. Thank you for waiting.”

The butler quietly smiled at my calmness and lightly knocked on the door.

“Your Grace, I have brought Vivian.”

“Let her in.”

The Duke’s response came as if he had been waiting.

I carefully entered the office.

The Duke was seated on the sofa, with tea and snacks laid out in front of him.

It seemed the maid had just brought them.

I approached the sofa where the Duke was sitting but did not sit down.

“It was polite behaviour not to sit before being granted permission.”

This was a lesson my father had taught me since I was young.

In case I ever met nobility, to avoid causing trouble with rudeness.

Instead, I bowed my head respectfully and greeted, “Hello, Your Grace. You called for me?”

“Are you feeling well?”

“Yes! Thanks to your concern, I am feeling better.”

The Duke gazed at me with a cool, assessing look for a moment. Looks like it was a careful gaze.

But it was brief.

Soon, the Duke gestured towards the sofa opposite him.

“Please, have a seat.”

There was black tea in front of the Duke and a warm cocoa with marshmallows in front of me.

“It looks delicious…,”

Just the sweet aroma made my mouth water, but I waited once again.

Until the Duke raised his teacup first.

As the Duke sipped his warm tea, he casually asked me.

The Emperor’s thoughts on Rachel, do you know what they are?

“Yesterday, the Duchess told me.”

“No, before that.”

As I followed the Marquis to have some cocoa, I was taken aback by the following question.

“Did you already know about the relationship between His Majesty and me before hearing Rachel’s story?”

I had already sent a report to the Marquis to ensure he didn’t misunderstand me as a spy.

Of course, I could have easily brushed it off with something like, “The knights asking about Rachel seemed suspicious!” but…

“He’s not one to take things lightly.”

He wouldn’t easily overlook things just because of my age.

Instead of lying, I chose to give an honest answer.

“In truth, I already knew. I overheard the conversations of the village elders.”

The Marquis, as if expecting my answer, raised an eyebrow and asked in a curious tone.

“How do you feel about the Emperor?”


I was almost about to spit out my cocoa at the unexpected question.

However, the Marquis, who had thrown the unexpected question, calmly sipped his tea and scrutinised me.

“Tell me your thoughts.”

I tensed up, frozen, as I tried to read the Marquis’s expression.

“Can I really speak ill of the Emperor here…?”

The Marquis doesn’t have a good relationship with the Emperor.

But still, he is the ruler of the nation.

Should I really go ahead and speak ill of him after he set the stage for it?

“Is that truly the answer the Marquis is looking for?”

Confused about the purpose of the question, I finally spoke up.

“Actually… I’m not sure.”


“That question wasn’t asked so you could give such a feeble answer, you should know that better than anyone.”

Along with my response, a sharp reply  came back.

But I stood my ground and continued speaking.

“However, I’ve learned that it’s wrong to judge a person based solely on what others say. So, I haven’t thought about the Emperor because I’ve never met him.”


In reality, I’m not sure what answer the Marquis was  expecting from me.

Is he hoping I will praise him on the provided platform, or is he trying to assess my qualities by observing how I respond?

But I…

“One thing I am certain of is that it’s wrong to hold a child accountable for the sins of their father.”

My values and…

I want to be by your side, Your Grace.”

I chose to express my true feelings.

Instead of the two answers the Duke had expected.

Perhaps my response was unexpected, as the Duke smiled as if amused and asked,

“Is that child so sad ?”

I did not answer.

As a mere commoner child, I might overstep if I dare to say the Lady is pitiful.

Fortunately, it seemed the Duke did not seek an answer to the question.

“I like someone with their own judgment.”

“Someone with their own judgment?”

“Yes. I only need one dog wagging its tail while considering my mood.”

I quietly listened, unable to grasp the sudden change of topic.

“What I want is not a follower but a person.”




“Someone who can show me a different path when I’m lost. Someone who can advise me when I make a wrong choice. Someone intelligent and with a clear sense of self.”



“Of course, dogs are loyal, but you can’t expect that.”

From the Duke’s words, I could feel the pressure of a powerful figure.

Born with inherent strength, someone who is more accustomed to leading than following.

It seemed only natural for them.

“In that regard, you appeal to me.”




“I will support you.”

Wait, what did you just say?!

The nobleman’s words left me wide-eyed with astonishment.

Nobles would support and raise a promising individual from a young age, and even hire them as subordinates when they found a good seed.

And now, the nobleman is proposing that sponsorship system to me!

“So become a useful talent. For me, and for Rachel in the future.”

The nobleman’s eyes, which were as cold as ice just a moment ago, softened.

“Of course, you’ll have to come to the villa every day, take classes with Rachel, and study together. Do you dislike that?”

The nobleman’s expression when asking for my opinion was strange, as if he was worried I might refuse.

I was so surprised that I could only blink my eyes for a moment before answering.

“Oh, no! I’m very happy!”

Then I stood up and shouted, “I will work hard, Your Lordship!”

The nobleman, who was looking at me with changed expression, burst into a hollow laughter.

As I looked at the nobleman, who was now smiling instead of his usual cold expression, a smile spread across my lips too.

A while later, as I came out of the nobleman’s study, I couldn’t help but skip with joy.

“Being acknowledged by someone feels really great!”

Of course, I had been acknowledged by my dad, Loren, and Mrs. Karen, but being acknowledged by someone particularly strict felt different.

As I giggled in front of the study door, I heard Rachel’s voice from the side.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, Your Ladyship!”

Without waiting for Rachel’s response, I ran to her and hugged her tightly, unable to contain my joy.

“The nobleman has sponsored me! Now I can study with you every day! Isn’t that great?”

As I shared my joy with Rachel, I suddenly noticed that her face was redder than usual.

“Um, are you feeling unwell?”

As Rachel was about to say something, she looked at my face, then change  her gaze and pushed me away.

“Um, just step back for a moment.”



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