I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 15


Brian is a doctor, but he once briefly studied magic, so he knew how to read mana.


“At first, I reassured them by letting them know that Brian knows how to get rid  of  the condition and sent them back.”


He kept hidden the fact that Vivian’s condition would improve if she stayed by Rachel’s side.


Both Kaltz and Owen evaluated Vivian as a quite clever child, but that was the extent of it.


He couldn’t reveal Rachel’s constitution.


“Luckily, that child became Rachel’s playmate… How fortunate for both the child and Rachel.”


Vivian’s condition improving is good, and Rachel becoming stronger by consuming mana in return is good.


In the village where Rachel had come to hide her power, there happened to be a child with a rare disease that could enhance Rachel’s power, and that child happened to catch my eye and became a playmate.


The coincidences were so remarkable that it was suspicious.


“Sometimes luck finds its way into life.”


For Kaltz, there was now one more reason to look down on the common little one.


“And it seemed that Miss Vivian took a likes  you too.”


Owen’s words piqued Kaltz’s interest.


Even though the institute had assigned playmates to Rachel several times, she didn’t seem particularly interested.


Vivian was just a decoy   to conceal Rachel’s true identity, and he didn’t expect the two children to get along well…


“That worked out well.”


Kaltz stood up and approached the window. It was his usual spot when he had something to ponder.


Then, he saw a familiar figure at the mansion entrance.


It was Vivian.


And there was a man helping that Vivian into a carriage.


It was the first time Kaltz had seen Dias, but the resemblance to the lady was striking, making it easy to identify him.


“I guess he came to pick her up after hearing she fainted.”




“That face, it seems oddly familiar.”


Though it was definitely a face he hadn’t seen before, it felt strangely recognisable.


He tried to examine the face more closely, but just as he did, the person got into the carriage, and his face was no longer visible.


Soon, the carriage departed.


As Kaltz stood outside the mansion, reminiscing about distant memories, a close  face suddenly came to mind.


“But he… he’s dead.”


Watching the carriage leaving with a thoughtful look, Kaltz called out to Owen.


“Owen, look into Dias Hessen’s past a bit more.”



In the context, even though it may not be the person in memory, clarifying the uncertain parts would not hurt.


On the carriage ride back home.


I happily swung my legs.



“Hehe, I’m lucky things worked out well.”


I was shocked when I get rid of  pain.


But thanks to that, I gained a reason to stick around as Rachel’s friend.


“I even gave a taste of defeat to the nanny who looked down on me.”


And most importantly.

“I became a real friend with Rachel.”


Memories tend to be idealized.


Earlier, I felt like tears might fall from the pain, but now I could bear even that.


“Now I can think calmly without the need to suffer from that pain.”


Anyway, now that becoming friends with Rachel is settled, the next step is…

“Preventing Rachel from turning dark.”


I finally succeeded in becoming friends, but what if Rachel, like in the original, stirs up rebellion?


“The villain in the original, Rachel, couldn’t possibly defeat the protagonist, Allen.”

Then, not only Rachel but even I, as Rachel’s closest ally, might face punishment (execution).


Of course, if I leave before Rachel incites rebellion, I might destroying my life…


“I don’t want to leave Rachel and live alone.”


The image of Rachel, who feared being abandoned and was afraid to be discarded, and the sincere concern in Rachel’s eyes, still vividly came to mind.


I didn’t want to abandon those feelings.


“Let’s help Rachel grow up happily first.”


If I relieve the psychological pressure on the Emperor, maybe I can prevent her from turning dark?


As I  think carefully  to make Rachel happy, I suddenly felt a gaze and looked up.


Then, I met eyes with my dad who was silently watching me.


Looking at my dad, I noticed something different from usual.


“Dad, where are your glasses?”


“Huh? Oh…”


Dad without considering touched his eyes, then seemed to realize his glasses were missing.


“I forgot because I was distracted. No wonder even the men were staring. What if even the men get infatuated?”


Dad said jokingly, but in reality, I saw it.


In the brief moment our eyes met, I saw the fear that had been in Dad’s eyes disappear.


I’ve seen those eyes before.


“Dad used to be scared every time I got hurt.”


Scared of losing me.


“Now I’m the only family Dad has…”


Mum passed away when I was too young to remember, due to illness.


And Dad’s family cut ties before he married Mum.


Dad never gave a proper answer as to why they cut ties, but the important thing is!


Now, I’m all Dad has.


“He must have been really surprised when he heard I collapsed.”


I could imagine how surprised and scared Dad must have been when he heard the news of my collapse.


At the same time, I felt sorry.


I hugged Dad tightly. I could feel him jump in surprise.




“Don’t worry too much, Dad.”


I won’t be in pain anymore.


“I’ll listen to the doctor and get better soon. That way, I’ll live a long life with you, Dad.”


Although I couldn’t reveal Rachel’s secret that hasn’t been publicly disclosed yet, I reassured Dad with the most comforting words I could offer.


Upon hearing this, Dad, who had been silent for a moment, hugged me tightly.


“Yes, let’s do that. It will definitely work out.”


Although it seemed like there was a hint of moisture in Dad’s voice, I decided to act like I didn’t notice.


It’s a bit embarrassing for grown-ups to cry after all.


…I absolutely won’t cry either.

I lightly touched  Dad’s broad back and made a promise to myself.


“I will twist this into a happy ending, no matter what.”


Even if it’s just for our dear, lonely Dad!


A few days later.


I returned to the mansion.


The scenery was no different from usual, but there was one thing that had changed…


“Your Highness?”


Rachel was waiting in the central hall of the mansion!


As I exchanged greetings with the maids as usual, I spotted Rachel and hurriedly approached her.


“Are you waiting for me by any chance?”


However, Rachel turned away from my gaze and replied.




“But~ It seems like you were waiting for me~”




“Then why are you here?”


After hesitating for a moment, Rachel made an excuse.


“…I wanted to ask you to come into the mansion instead of the greenhouse.”


In reality, she could have conveyed that through the maids.


But the fact that she came here and waited for me, it must mean she was waiting for me, right?



Seeing Rachel looking embarrassed, I preten to be unaware .


“I understand. Let’s leave it at that. By the way, what should we do for fun today?”


“I haven’t thought about it.”


Despite my calmful  response, Rachel promptly answered.


“Well… Oh! Can we visit the library? I saw it last time and it seemed really big.”


Saying that, I casually held Rachel’s hand as we walked a few steps ahead.



Rachel’s steps abruptly stopped. At the same time, I felt her hand that I hold  my shaking slightly.


‘Oh, is she going to pull away?’


Last time, she held my hand after I collapsed, so maybe she was just weak-hearted back then.


There’s no guarantee that Rachel will hold my hand today.


As I prepared myself for the possibility of rejection from Rachel,

A shadow fell behind us, and a familiar voice rang out.


“You’re here, Vivian.”


“Hello, Butler.”


The butler smiled kindly as always and delivered the message.


“The Duke is looking for you.”




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