I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter  12


I turned the page.


March 22nd. The weather was clear.


After breakfast, I went out and saw the newspaper delivery men in front of the general store.


Mr. Daejang wasn’t there today.


They asked about delivering goods to the general store, what kind of goods, and if there were any unusual items among them.


Later, they went to the blacksmith’s shop and asked the same questions.


Vivian’s diary tracking and monitoring the delivery men was filled for a whole week when she didn’t come to the villa.


Apart from recording the movements of the delivery men, there wasn’t much helpful information, but one thing was clear.


‘This child knows that I might suspect him.’


And those children of the same age not only didn’t know much but also knew about the relationship between the emperor and themselves.


‘From the first time we met, I felt it… he is quick-witted and skilled in socializing.’


Vivian Hessen Dream.


After reading the name written at the end of the note, Kaltz put down the note.


“Seems like we’ve got quite a useful talent, don’t you think, Owen?”


As he asked, a clear smile was drawn on his lips.


The day after the inspectors left.


The butler came to find me.


“Thanks to you, the guest reception went smoothly.”


“Really? That’s great! Can I go back to the villa now?”


“Yes. Since tomorrow is the agreed day, you can come back from tomorrow. The carriage will be sent at the usual time.”


And there was one more good news.


“His Highness was a bit disappointed that the dinner ended as it did, so he suggested having tea time tomorrow.”


This is clearly a positive sign!


So today.


With a full heart, I came back to the villa after a long time.


Of course, I was excited to meet the duke, but more than that…


‘I wonder how Rachel has been?’


Well, she probably didn’t wait for me.


But that’s okay.


We haven’t known each other for long, and now that I have earned the duke’s trust, we can get closer in the future.


‘At first, she wouldn’t even talk to me, but now we do.’



The  got off the carriage with hope in my heart, following the maid’s guidance towards the greenhouse. When I arrived behind the mansion, Rachel appeared as the back door opened. Unlike usual, she was dressed comfortably in pants and a shirt.




I approached Rachel with joy, but she swiftly turned and headed towards the backyard.




“Her demeanor seems like she’s angry, doesn’t it?” Even the maid seemed puzzled by Rachel’s behavior.


“That way leads to the training grounds… Why are you going there?”


“Oh, I mentioned wanting to see you practice swordsmanship last time. So, I thought you might be at the training grounds.”


I lied to the maid, sending her back to the mansion and followed Rachel immediately.




Though Rachel must have heard my voice, she didn’t turn back. However, as she walked away, I caught up with her quickly. Just before Rachel could escape, she finally turned to face me.


Her blue eyes were as cold as a frozen lake, even colder than the day we first met.


“Why have you come back? Have you come to bid farewell too?”




“I don’t need that kind of thing, so go away.”


Why is she saying such things all of a sudden? Catching my breath, I recalled Rachel’s words a beat late and asked, “Wait, farewell…?”



She coldly retorted, “You’re scared of me too.”




“You and your family might end up in trouble for associating with a traitor’s child.”


Despite Rachel’s harsh words, she seemed more wounded than the one she was criticizing.

I became dazed at that sight.


It was then that I seemed to understand why Rachel was angry with me.


“So far, Rachel’s friends have all left like that.”


Afraid of getting hurt again, that fear closed the child’s heart…


The moment I realized that fact.


I felt sorry for Rachel.


In the novel, she was just a villain…


But her innermost thoughts were those of a scared child afraid of being abandoned.


“I have to let Rachel know.”


I’m not scary to you.


I wasn’t trying to leave you.


Not for my sake, but for the wounds this child has suffered.


“Lady-in-waiting, that’s—”


But Rachel didn’t listen to me and turned away, distancing herself.


As if saying goodbye was terrifying to her.


Watching Rachel walk away, I soon followed after her.


“It’s okay if you go far away.”


As long as I can reach you.


As long as I can be by your side.


Until that child trusts me.


I followed Rachel to the training ground.


Rachel, who arrived first, was already practicing swordsmanship.


“If I interfere now, will I just create unnecessary hostility?”


I quietly entered the training ground and sat in a corner, waiting until the training was over.


Rachel noticed my presence but didn’t even glance back. Yet she didn’t chase me away either.


In the silent training ground, only the sound of hitting a wooden doll with a wooden sword echoed.


Thud, thud!


Gradually, the intervals of the sound narrowed and grew louder.


Sweat beads poured down Rachel’s forehead like rain.


I watched her with worried eyes.


“Aren’t you pushing yourself too hard? You might get hurt like this…”


As I watched Rachel with concern…




Suddenly, a sharp pain spread from my heart.


It was a slight pain, but it often escalated if left unchecked.


It was a moment of sudden tension due to the unexpected pain.




Rachel’s wooden sword broke with a loud crack as she swung it down towards the doll.


Sharp wooden shards flew off, scratching Rachel’s fair cheek.


Blood trickled from the wound.


Startled by the sight, I quickly forgot my own pain and jumped up.


“Lady Rachel!”


I rushed towards Rachel in concern.


“Are you alright? You’re bleeding…”


But Rachel roughly pushed away my hand as I tried to inspect the wound.




She pushed my hand away, looking surprised herself, then turned away with a twisted expression.


‘I need to clear up this misunderstanding.’


I followed after Rachel, but a sudden wave of pain engulfed me, even more intense than before.


I gasped and stopped in my tracks.


‘Why now of all times…!’


Rachel’s figure grew distant.


Just a few steps away.


If only I could reach out and hold her hand, this pain would go away.




‘I don’t want to do that.’


Now that I knew Rachel’s wound, I didn’t want to take advantage of her feelings in such a way.


Rachel’s footsteps gradually faded away.


I clenched my heart as I listened to her footsteps receding.


The sound grew fainter.


‘I need to clear up Rachel’s misunderstanding quickly. So she won’t get hurt anymore…’


But at the same time, my vision blurred, and I felt all strength leave my body. Darkness enveloped me.


In that darkness, I vaguely heard something.




The voice that called my name for the first time.


When Vivian’s hand reached out to touch my cheek, I instinctively pushed it away.


Vivian’s eyes froze in shock.


Looking into those eyes, Rachel realized how cruel she had been, but she turned away from the injured Vivian.


“You’ll leave me anyway.”


A while ago, when she impulsively revealed that she was the child of a traitor.


Vivian looked bewildered as if she didn’t know that fact.


“But it doesn’t matter.”


Even if she didn’t say it, she would have found out soon, like all the other children who had left her so far.


If you’re going to leave me anyway, it’s better to cut it off now.


Before I give my heart to you.


Before you get hurt…


Rachel turned away like that.


But the moment she tried to leave the tent.




A dull sound of something collapsing behind her back was heard.


At the same time, a sinister premonition struck, and Rachel’s steps abruptly halted.


Turning to the direction of the sound, she saw Vivian lying on the floor.




Above Vivian’s figure, the image of her mother collapsing while vomiting blood overlapped.


Her heart sank.


A strong wave surged in Rachel’s quiet eyes, reflecting that sight.





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