I’m the Main Character’s Child

Nelvasto brought a bottle of holy water and asked me a question.

“Ahm, Princess, do you go to the magic tower often? I heard that you don’t go there these days.”

“Oh, these days, I’m doing theory and mana training at the duchy.”

“I see. That’s cool, princess.”

Nelvasto handed me the bottle of holy water and said, 

“I don’t know where you’re going to use it, but I hope you use it well.”

“Thank you!”

Nelvasto smiled pleasantly as he handed me the bottle.

“If you want more, come and see me anytime! It’s better if you come often. I’ll give you a lot of holy water.”


Teacher Teto said to avoid people from the temple as much as possible, but I think it’s fine if it’s Nelvasto.

Even if Nelvasto is the pope, the person with the highest authority in the temple, his eyes that looked at me were sincere.

As a man who loved Raina purely, he seemed to want to be nice to me, her daughter. Also, Nelvasto was a man of integrity who would never have impure intentions.

He was a person who valued Raina’s life more than his own. As soon as he noticed that Raina’s heart was with Cardin, he was foolish enough to help Raina’s love without revealing his heart.

“You promise? You will come often.”

I nodded at Nelvasto, who was hanging his fingers. He smiled broadly at my answer. 

“I think we should go back to the room”

I jumped to my feet when I heard that the nanny’s body must have recovered by now.

“Yes, let’s go.”

I went back the way I came with Nelvasto.

A wound that is serious enough for you to die soon can be cured in just a few hours. I could see why people looked up to wizards and priests so much. They can do something that cannot be achieved by ordinary human power. I realized that all the people around me were incredibly great people.

“P, Pope!”

In the distance, a priest rushed to find Nelvasto. Breathing heavily, the priest who reached Nell raised his trembling hand and pointed to one place.

“N, now the Duke of Bardion has invaded the temple, no, visited.”

The noisy murmur began to get closer and closer in the direction the priest pointed.

“Oh, you can’t do this……!”

“Duke, I need you to calm down.….”

“Get out of the way.”

Cardin, who was walking with priests trying to stop him, found me in the distance. Cardin came before me at a faster pace than before.

“Why are you here?”


A big hand grabbed my face and swung it up and down and both sides. Then it was the body.

“Where did you get hurt?”

Cardin, who examined my body with a meticulous touch, sighed after confirming that there was no wound.

“Papa. I’m not hurt. I came to the temple because of my nanny.”

“What’s wrong with your nanny?”

I began to explain step by step what happened today to Cardin. In the part where I secretly went out to the square with Fay, I got a piercing look. However, when the story of the nanny came out, I thought it was fortunate that Cardin’s fierce eyes subsided a little.

“So where is your nanny now?”

“She’s healing well in the recovery room.”

To Cardin’s question, Nelvasto replied. Cardin rose from his seat and stood facing Nell. The cold energy became stronger over the usual expressionless face.

“I was just about to go back.”

“I see. Then let’s go back.”

Cardin reached out and gave me a big hug. Without hesitation, Cardin turned his back from Nelvasto and strode to the recovery room where Nanny was located.

In the back, Nell was quietly following. The door to the recovery room opened.


“Oh, princess……. What is going on here?”

Nanny who was sitting up was surprised to see me. I descended from Cardin’s arms and ran to the bed where the nanny was sitting. Nanny who hugged me, who rushed over, patted me on the head. The fact that I almost lost this touch, I swallowed tears behind my neck.

“Nanny. I’m glad you survived.”

I told her that she got into a small accident because she doesn’t remember anything that happened as she is still in the process of recovering. 

Nanny opened her eyes wide and was surprised to hear that we came to the temple together for healing.

“I can’t believe I’m being healed in a temple I thought I’d never come to in my life. Oh, my….”

As the nanny said, ordinary holy power holders rarely visit temples in their lifetime. This was because even in the event of an emergency, the priests assigned to each city resolved it.



“Help the nanny carefully back to the duchy.”

Elvin, who came with Cardin, moved the nanny with a careful touch and took her out of the temple.

“Oh, Fay!”

I opened the door where Fay is resting next to my nanny’s room.

“Huh? Fay?”

There was no one in the room, only a simple bedding. It was the same when I looked around the small room. 

“Leave him alone. He can go on his own. “

Cardin scanned the room once and casually snapped.

“Let’s go now.”

Cardin said, turning to the exit.


Then Nelvasto grabbed Cardin’s arm.

Like this.

“What are you doing?”

Cardin, who violently hit Nelvasto’s hand, reacted sharply.

“I’d like to talk to you for a moment.”

“You and I have something to talk about?”

Cardin said, glaring at Nell. Somehow, I felt that Cardin was reacting more fiercely than necessary from the last meeting.

I don’t think you two had any particular connection…….

As far as I know, Cardin and Nell have never bumped into each other in the past.

Nell did not act as his rival so there was no reason for Cardin to be so wary of Nell. As expected, something unusual seemed to have happened between Raina and the two.

“I have something to say about the princess.”

“……How dare you. You’d better stop paying attention to this child.”

The air around was no joke. Nelvasto’s words seemed to have offended Cardin.

“……I can’t do that. It’s not just the duke’s child, but it’s Raina’s. I just want to protect Raina’s child.”

Nelvasto stared straight at Cardin and said emphatically.

“I can protect her even if you don’t. What a presumptuous intervention.”

Cardin, as if he didn’t want to talk to Nelvasto anymore, turned completely and tried to walk again.

“Isn’t she a holy power holder?”

At Nell’s words, Cardin’s steps stopped.

“Why does holy power exist in the body of the princess, who was said to have magic?”

It wasn’t a question. Nell was convinced that I had holy power in my body.

But how?

I never held a holy power measuring instrument here.

I managed to swallow my confusion and looked at Nelvasto. Nelvasto, who looked down at me with sad eyes, tried to smile.

I wondered why he had such sad eyes.

“Don’t be so wary, princess. I just found out.”

Nell said, pointing to the holy water I was holding.

“Only those who have holy power can bring out the power of the holy water. The fact that I watered the flowers and made the leaves bloom a while ago is also the power of the holy water in response to my holy power.”


“Just like the princess who followed me and gave holy water to the flower made the leaves bloom in the same way.”

Oh, so…….

Now I know why Nell’s expression was blank after it blossomed.

Since I am only receiving training from the magic tower, I was surprised that I was able to bring out my holy power. 

Nelvasto’s serious eyes turned to Cardin again.

“I do not mean any harm to the princess. I’m just saying… I think you need my help. Believe me.”

After Nelvasto’s words, Cardin slowly turned his head. A cold look swept through Nelvasto from head to toe.

After a long silence, Cardin said.

“……Let’s go.”

Cardin took my hand and turned to the other side. When I looked back, Nelvasto stood in place like a dead stone and looked at Cardin and me as we were moving away.

Finally, I came out of the temple.

Me and Cardin went in the carriage waiting outside. Nanny and Elvin headed to the duchy first. In the running carriage, Cardin was deep in thought with his arms folded.


Cardin opened his mouth, looking out the window regardless of my call.

“Be prepared when we go back. I’m sure I told you not to walk around outside.”

“Oh no.”

Sharp eyes penetrated me.

I think he’s really angry.

He looked stern, as if nothing would work for him.

I lowered my eyes still. It’s wrong to go out secretly, but it’s a little unfair.

After 10 seconds of reflection, the emotions I found were disappointment and injustice.

If I hadn’t gone out with Fay, I might have lost my nanny.

I’m sorry I sneaked out, but I never regretted it.

After arriving at the duchy, I looked at Cardin and ran to where my nanny was.

Cardin didn’t stop me. I arrived at my nanny’s room, but I couldn’t meet her. They said that she fell asleep again as if the aftermath of the accident was still great.

I went back to Cardin again.  When I arrived at Cardin’s office, a cold voice greeted me.

Cardin said, pointing to the opposite chair.

“Sit here.”

I sat across from Cardin without reserve.

“Are you going to sneak out alone again?” 

“I wasn’t alone, but with Fay……. Yes, I’ll never do that again.”

Cardin’s eyebrows furrowed even before I could complain about the injustice that I didn’t go out alone. 

I quickly admitted that I was wrong.

“I’m sorry, Papa.”

I looked at Cardin with drooping eyebrows. I hope my sincere heart goes through.


Unexpectedly, Cardin forgave me for my mistake. Cardin made me promise to definitely let him or Elvin know wherever I go. It is now impossible to go out secretly any more.


It was because I now experienced how Cardin would come out if I got caught.



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