I’m the Main Character’s Child

With a complicated look on his face, he bowed down further and interlocked his fingers and carefully continued his words.

“I think the princess has both powers.”


‘Wasn’t it just two colors of magic?’

I was waiting for my grandfather’s next words with a puzzled face when Cardin’s hand suddenly took the glass bead I was holding.

“This is not a mana measuring instrument.”

As soon as Cardin’s hand touched the glass bead, the two-colored gas filling the bead disappeared without a trace.

“Then what is it?

“…….This is a measuring instrument used in the temple.”

“The temple…….?”

Why is a tool from the temple coming out of nowhere?

I’m sure I came to the tower to measure mana properly.

As it was an incomprehensible situation, I took turns looking at Cardin and Grandfather Mejihos.

After a long silence, Grandfather Mejihos finally spoke first.

“This glass bead touched by the princess is a measuring tool for holy power holders and only responds when a holy power holder touches it. It is the exact opposite of the measuring tool used by magic power holders.”

Obviously, when I first took a mana theory class with Teto, he said that magic and holy power cannot be mixed.

I wondered if I heard it wrong, so I thought about it again, and what I remembered was right.

“And if this responds, it means that you are a possessor of………….holy.”

Then, I……

Grandfather Mejihos stopped talking for a while and was seen clinking his mouth several times hesitatingly.

“I think the princess has both mana and power.”

So, according to Grandfather Mejihos now, I have both powers?

“I was looking for old books and brought a measuring instrument just in case. I still can’t believe it even when I see it with my own eyes.”

Aside from the surprising emotion, Grandpa Mejihos’s expression was not very bright. The same was true of Cardin’s expression next to him.

“What happens when it is mixed?”

Cardin, who had been thinking about something for a long time, asked Grandfather Mejihos.


Grandfather Mejihos looked straight at me and opened his mouth with a serious voice.

“Ha ha. I don’t know either.”

The atmosphere quickly became lighter.

Looking at the grandfather Mejihos, who smiled softly as if his serious expression just before was a lie, his mouth opened on its own and made a blind look.

His shoulders, which had been stiff in tension, also lost strength.

“Because I’ve never seen a person who has both the two powers in my life.”

‘Excuse me, Grandfather Mejihos? How can you say it so cheerfully? I think we’re in a very serious situation right now.’

“But what’s certain is that if it’s known to the outside that you have two powers, it’ll bring a lot of confusion.”

The atmosphere of Grandfather Mejihos subsided first.

“And when this fact becomes known, the first place who will respond……”

“The Imperial Palace.”

Cardin continued the words of Grandfather Mejihos.

“First of all, it would be best to spread the fact that the princess is a mana owner.”

The fact that I have two powers has become a secret between the four of us in this room now.

Right Now, there is no one in the world who has both mana and holy power.

They said it’s the logic of nature.

If this fact is revealed, each country, including the Imperial Palace, will do anything to capture me.


Cardin spoke to Grandpa Mejihos in a low voice.

“It doesn’t make sense to ask for a favor. But even if we prevent information leakage to the outside world, this is only a temporary measure.”

At the words of Grandfather Mejihos, Cardin nodded as if he knew it.

“Probably, with a high probability, you will be representing the ‘Ceremony Day’ held in the year you turn 10 and engraving a mark.”

Mejihos grandfather was really worried about this.

Ceremony Day can be said to be the most important event and festival day in all continents.

On this day, all children who turn 10 that year will be marked regardless of commoners and nobles.

At that time, the ceremony is announced by selecting a child to be a representative of the year and engraving a mark.

The problem is that most of the children with the highest status that year become representatives of the Ceremony, if this continues, I will be standing there.

“If it becomes known that the princess has both powers on the spot, it will bring great repercussions not only to the empire but also to the whole continent.”

‘It was more dangerous than I thought.’

Hearing firsthand how much influence my two powers can have, I have a clear understanding of the situation.

I had to find a solution to overcome this situation before I turn 10 years old.

“In fact, there is a hypothesis that Teto has researched day and night looking for old books. Let’s listen to it now. It will be helpful to the princess.”

Mr. Teto, who was standing quietly behind him, glanced at Grandfather Mejihos, smiling calmly, and swallowed a dry saliva.

He stepped forward with a stiff step due to tension.

Grandfather Mejihos patted Teacher Teto’s back several times. It seemed as if he was encouraging him not to worry and that he could do it.

Everyone’s eyes were on Teacher Teto.


Cardin said, firmly.


Teacher Teto, who came out in front of him, picked up a measuring instrument in the corner and handed it back to me.

“Princess, would you like to grab this measuring instrument again?”


I received the measuring instrument right away. Soon after, the glass beads filled up with two colors as before.

“On the first day the princess measured her power, these two colors filled the measuring box equally. Please take a look at the measuring instrument here.”

I looked into the measuring instrument as teacher Teto said. Black gas and light purple gas were still overflowing in the measuring tool.

“Well, what about it?”

Cardin frowned as if not to drag out time he spoke in a grim voice. It was chilling enough to give me goosebumps.

“Hmm…. Yes. If you look here, you can see where the black gas is going.”

I listened to Teacher Teto and looked at the movements of the gas in the glass beads in detail.


As I observed the gas carefully, I noticed one strange thing.

“I think the black ones surround the purple ones.”

“Oh, that’s right. The gas continues to move, but certainly the light purple gas is gathered inside the black gas.”

Maybe it was the answer, Teto’s expression brightened up and continued to explain smoothly.

Teacher Teto explained it like this.

Those black gas are the color of the magical power I have, he also said inside it is my holy power.

Using the two powers at once is risky, so it would be ideal to use the rest of the power after being able to completely control one power.

Teto, who spoke enthusiastically, looked very proud.

Cardin, who had been listening to Mr. Teto’s explanation for a long time, asked Grandfather Mejihos.

“Is there no danger to the child’s body?”

“I want to ask you something about that. By any chance….”

I made eye contact with Grandfather Mejihos.

Grandfather Mejihos kept his mouth shut and called Teacher Teto behind him.

“Yes, Tower Master.”

“Would you show the princess around Lord Teto’s lab? I’m sure she’ll like it.”

“Oh, yes! Okay.”

It was obvious that he was luring the child elsewhere for adult conversations.

As usual, she stuck close to Cardin and tried to beg him not to go, but she quit.

There seemed to be an irresistible power hidden in the gentle tone of Grandfather Mejihos.

Before leaving the room, I looked at Cardin next to me.

Feeling the gaze, Cardin turned his head toward me.

“Go now. I’ll be there soon.”

Cardin’s big hand swept my head. I stayed still for a while because the feeling was good.

Soon, the warm feeling of petting my head disappeared, I felt a little disappointed.

Somehow, it was a touch that seemed to reassure me and not to worry.

“Yes. I got it!”

I nodded my head loudly and ran toward Teto, who was waiting for me at the door.

“Princess. Let me hold your hand for a moment.”


I opened the door holding Teto’s hand. Like when I first arrived at the room, I felt the surrounding environment twisted.

As soon as the surrounding environment changed, I heard Reina’s name being mentioned at the back.


“This is my lab. Be careful with liquids. Princess.”

Teacher Teto’s lab was filled with mysterious objects that one day is not enough to look around.

One side is filled with colorful liquids in transparent bottles that are making bubbles, and on the other side are full of miscellaneous objects such as armor, glasses, and mirrors.

Books were piled up throughout the lab, like Grandfather Mejihos’s room.

“Princess, will you come this way?”

Perhaps because he’s back to his space, Teto was smiling in a more comfortable manner.

As a person who said he was happiest when studying, he was searching for something in the corner of the lab.


What he took out of the box was a small, star-shaped pendant necklace that glows subtly in gold.

“I made it in the past.”

“Oh, it’s pretty!”

“Turn the decoration in the middle.”

Another small star was embedded in the middle of the big star. When I put my finger on it, it turned around easily.

“Oh! Wow….”

As I turned the small star, flower petals fluttered around me and butterflies were flying peacefully.

“Cool. Are these all real?”

“Haha, no it’s not. The necklace contains formulas of flowers and butterfly visions. As time goes by, it disappears.”

“I see……”

“You can change the formula engraved inside the necklace at any time. In the future, if the princess learns how to handle mana freely, you will be able to erase the formula engraved now and engrave the formula you want.”

I could feel the cold metal in my throat.

Teto soon adjusted the string to fit my neck after touching the string.

“Are you giving it to me?”

“Yes. It’s my humble gift. It’s not much, but it also contains a protective magic, which will help someday.”

“Thank you. I really like it!”

I felt better with the unexpected gift. I smiled brightly like a child and swung my legs.


  1. Joy says:

    Thank you for the update

  2. Korraa says:

    Idk. Teto looks kinda suspicious. I hope he’s not tho

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