I'm Searching for the Villainous Dad's Memories!

Episode 13



As all the dirt and grime were ruthlessly scrubbed away, I felt utterly relaxed and limp.

After rushing in, my superiors (?) completed their tasks meticulously, checking the bed, securing the windows, and even preparing water in case I got thirsty. Then, they all left in a hurry.

I blinked a few times and lay back down, staring at the ceiling on the vast bed.

Tick, tock. The sound of the clock’s second hand echoed.

“It’s nice that everyone pretends to be kind… But they don’t seem to know how to treat a child, right? Theo.”


“It’s rare for us to sleep alone together like this, isn’t it? Kind of makes me nervous, don’t you think?”


“So it’s just me?”

Theo had already fallen asleep, clinging tightly to my side.

Adaptability was one of my younger brother’s greatest strengths, more than anyone else I knew.

“Well, as long as Theo’s at ease, that’s what matters! I mean, I’m a child who knows the future and is wise beyond my years.”

But is what I see really the ‘future’?

And that sound of pages turning that I sometimes hear in my dreams…

Hmm. I’m not sure.

‘If I dream a bit longer, will I uncover the secret?’

“For now, I should sleep.”

I tucked the warm baby in under the blanket and firmly shut my eyes.

From the start, it was funny that they gave two little kids such an enormous bedroom on the fourth floor. It felt like it took forever just to climb the stairs.

‘Come to think of it, I heard there hadn’t been any children in the Wintervalt mansion for a long time.’

Maybe treating us like adults was unavoidable.

‘Besides, children are rare, and if one is born, I think I heard the nanny raises them outside and then brings them into the mansion.’

“Phew, anyway, today was such a long day!”

I stretched out my arms and legs, loosening my stiff muscles.

‘Starting tomorrow, I need to seriously think about how to save Eliza Wintervalt.’

The procession is next week.

And in time for that event, it’s likely that important members of the Duke’s family will return.

‘Hmm, as far as I remember… two people come to mind.’

That’s information I gained from my dream about Father’s family relationships!

Strangely, the future I saw in my dreams was mostly centered around the capital and noble families.

I wrote invisible letters in the air with my finger.

First, Blaine Wintervalt.

‘Eliza Wintervalt’s husband.’

An old man infamous for his rough and nasty temper. That wasn’t just dream information; it was already a well-known fact in this world!

‘So I need to be careful not to provoke him!’

Better to avoid him whenever possible!

Next is Jeffrey Wintervalt.

He’s Father’s older brother, so I guess that makes him my uncle?

‘Does he have two children around my age…?’

He didn’t appear much in my dreams, so I wasn’t sure what kind of person he was. It was also unclear if he would attend the procession.

‘Huh? Now that I think about it, Father isn’t even the firstborn, so how did he end up as the heir?’

For a moment, I wondered, but then brushed it off. There’s no rule that says the eldest has to be the head of the family, so it’s possible.

In any case, my task is simple.

‘To stay quiet as if I don’t exist!’

No need to draw attention and become a thorn in anyone’s side.

Just then,


Patter, patter.

I heard the faint sound of raindrops tapping against the window.

“Oh no… It’s raining.”

I quickly stopped all my thoughts, dove under the blanket, and tightly shut my eyes.

“I really hate the rain.”

But at least, the good thing was that the moment I closed my eyes, drowsiness began to wash over me.

“I need to fall asleep quickly.”

Fall asleep before…

….before I hear that sound.

“Lirin. You want me to make you a bed…?”

In my dream, Father had a devastated look on his face.

‘Oh, this is definitely a dream.’

I thought absently because I didn’t hear the usual ‘flip, flip, flip’ sound of pages turning that always accompanied my dreams of the future.

“Yeah. I want to start sleeping separately from you now!”

“But why, why on earth?”

“Because Jamie from downstairs said he started sleeping on his own when he was five! He said that’s how you grow up faster! He also said the reason I’m still so short is because I’m still sleeping with you like a little kid!”

“… This little rice grain.”

“Huh? Did you just curse, Dad?”

“…! No, of course not. But Lirin, you can’t sleep separately. I’d be too lonely. Do you want to make Daddy sad?”

“No way!”


I felt his warmth as he hugged me tightly, leaving no gaps between us.

Father’s gentle green eyes softly brushed across my face.

“And our little one is afraid of thunder, aren’t you? If you sleep alone and thunder strikes, who will hold you then?”

“Gasp. That’s true.”

I hugged my dad’s neck tightly. I could feel him lightly chuckle.

“When the thunder strikes, you have to cover my ears!”

“Of course, my dear.”

“Then I won’t be scared of rainy days anymore!”

The younger version of me in the dream smiled brightly.

I, the present me, quietly watched that scene.


Morning. Kalec’s office.

Kalec impatiently put down the morning paper.

It was because of the peculiar sound that had been irritating him for a while.

Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap… thud…

“What on earth… What is that noise?”

He wondered if it was the sound of rain, but the rain that had poured down overnight had cleared up by dawn.

It had been a noisy downpour with thunder and lightning, but now, the sun was shining brightly.

“Is it still raining?”

“Well… about that…”

The maid who had just brought in the morning tea awkwardly tilted her head with a shy smile.


Kalec’s sharp gaze turned toward the door.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Tap, thud, thud, thump.

Unable to bear it any longer, Kalec abruptly stood up and swung the door open.


Just as he stepped into the hallway, something round bumped into his waist.

Looking down, he saw a pair of sparkling green eyes staring up at him.

After a brief pause, Theo, who had fallen on his bottom, hurriedly got up and ran, smacking his head against Lirin’s back as hard as he could.

“Good morning, Dad!”

Lirin smiled brightly but quickly covered her mouth.

“Oops. Did you hear that?”

“I did.”

With a sigh, Lirin crossed out something on a notepad she pulled from her pocket.

Judging by the title, it read, “[Times I Called Him Dad – 3 Times a Day]”.

“So, what’s all this commotion about so early in the morning…”

Kalec tried to ask with a stern face but suddenly stopped.

It was because the hand gripping the hem of his clothes had strangely caught his attention.

Was it just his imagination, or was that hand trembling slightly?

“Oh! Sorry!”

Startled, Lirin quickly let go of his clothes.

With a slightly softened expression, Kalec sighed and asked again.

“So, why are you running down the hallway first thing in the morning?”

“Exercise! We usually run in the yard, but the garden here is too far! Anyway, see you! One lap to go! Let’s go, Theo!”


The child swiftly darted away, and when the little one waddling behind came into view, Kalec’s head began to ache.

“…Ah, my head.”

He was about to say, “Send those kids out to the garden immediately,” but stopped.

‘Wait, why did Lirin look like that?’

Lirin’s face lingered in his mind like an afterimage. Although she looked the same as usual, there was something slightly off, like she seemed a bit wilted.

Her face reminded him of blanched spinach, and for some reason, his chest tightened.

‘Did she not sleep well?’

Or was she hungry?

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, a shiver ran down his spine.

“What time is it?”

Ruska, who had just arrived for work, answered as he approached.

“It’s just past 9 o’clock, sir.”

His secretary tilted his head in confusion as he watched his lord, who looked unusually anxious.

“Sir? Your hands… They’re trembling. Is something wrong?”

“Damn it, it’s muscle memory.”

He didn’t know what it was, but there seemed to be something he had to do by 9 o’clock, no matter what.

“Go and catch those squirrels… Never mind. I’ve already caught them.”

“Nooo! I still had one lap left!”

Right at that moment, Lirin, who had run halfway down the hallway, was effortlessly picked up by Kalec.

Then, he scooped up the other “squirrel” who had toddled after her and said coldly,

“We’re going to the dining hall.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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