I’m Really A Dragon

    The drunken Charles didn’t wake up until the next afternoon.

    Tao’erxian had brewed high-quality spirit wine and so when Charles woke up, he didn’t feel any discomfort or the hangover he had been expecting. He instead felt full of energy, and even his body was stronger.

    The young dragon awoke in a daze, staring at the ceiling whilst trying to remember how exactly he got to bed. He could only remember that he seemed to bully Tao’erxian, which made her cry.

    One thing he felt certain about, however, was that he had never slept in such a soft and comfortable bed!

    He curiously felt the fabric of the quilt, only to perceive that it was as smooth as water (can’t think up a better word), cool and comfortable. He almost couldn’t help rolling around on the bed a few more times.

    ‘Aside from the faint scent lingering everywhere’, Charles thought seriously while holding the quilt, ‘This place isn’t actually that bad…’ 

    As soon as the idea appeared, however, he immediately sat up and shook his head.

    Who knows what Jiang Wuyi’s idea is? That dragon seemed to be a dangerous and deep schemer. He wouldn’t fall for those small gestures!

    Thinking to this extent, Charles silently rolled off the bed and stealthily poked his head out the door. Seeing no one around, he jumped outside the bamboo hut, assumed his draconic form, and swiftly flew away with beating wings-or at least, he tried to. 

    Before he could get anywhere, the dragon cub felt himself halt in the air and plummet straight down to the earth. Looking back at his waist, he noticed the familiar sight of the immortal rope coiled around his body-he had been forcibly dragged into his human form on being tied.

    It took a lot of effort to get up after the harsh landing, and as he dazedly rose, a small bump could be seen quickly rising on his forehead.

    Jiang Wuyi could be seen at the end of the rope. His amusement after witnessing such a scene was extremely obvious.

    As soon as Charles saw his face, he knew that he couldn’t run away. After glancing at him in resignation, he sat up on the grass-still bound from chest to knees.

    Jiang Wuyi shook his head: “You are conscious.”

    Charles snorted lightly in response and looked at him aggrievedly: “What are you going to do?”

    Jiang Wuyi put his hands inside of his sleeves, the corners of his lips rising as he responded, “I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

    Turning around, he continued, “But you… you should read more.”

    “Reading?” Charles was stunned for a moment.

    Jiang Wuyi suddenly leaned down before him, reaching out and plucking a blade of grass. His movements were gentle, and they irked the tied up Charles, who couldn’t understand his behavior. 

    After a while, Jiang Wuyi pulled back his hand and said, “It doesn’t look like it.” After that, he turned around and pulled Charles away by the rope.

    This rope, while wrapped around the dragon cub himself weren’t too tight, but he knew that he couldn’t escape anyhow, so he could only follow after Jiang Wuyi step by step. Their trek could be viewed as somewhat harmonious by any onlooker.

    ——But this harmony disappeared after Charles was deposited in the bookstore by Jiang Wuyi. The door locked after the elder dragon’s exit.

    “Study here…?”

    Charles turned to the door as if struck by lightning: “I don’t want to! Let me go out!”

    However, no one responded outside, only the lightly glowing enchantment that floated around the door after being triggered. The golden characters were flowing, but Charles couldn’t understand a word.

    There were thousands of books in this bookstore, which made the dragon cub feel extremely depressed. Charles remembered the past when he had laughed at the children who had to go to school. Now that it was his turn, he only felt grief.

    There is nothing more annoying than studying in this world! Absolutely nothing! 

(E/N: He’s not wrong to an extent)

    The more Charles thought about it, the more angry he became. He narrowed his eyes and thought of a bad idea—one that, in all honesty, could only end horribly. He ran to the sea of books and breathed, releasing his flames on them, aiming to burn them all to ashes. However, to his surprise (and luck), there were layers of defensive enchantments in these books. He breathed for a good while, but in the end, his fire failed to do so much as blacken any book.

    The frustrated dragon didn’t realize it when the old man arrived outside of the room, and so was a bit frightened when he heard his old voice: “The young master should save some energy. This bookstore is different from the other places, and it is filled with things that adults cherish. Please treat me kindly and read with peace of mind. The adults will not be too difficult.”

    Charles angrily walked around the room: “I don’t want to study! Why do I have to read these books?! You ask Jiang Wuyi whether it’s not enough to repay his enchantment with gems!”

    “I! Hate! Reading! Books!”

    The old man didn’t budge, however, and after rolling around and spitting out fires with rage, Charles plopped to the ground in exhaustion and hopelessness.

    Charles felt wronged.

    Wronged enough to want to cry.

    It had only been two days, but Charles felt like those two days had been much more difficult than the past hundred years. He had done nothing wrong, but he was surrounded and caught by people and now was being forced to read.

    Being forced to compensate unreasonably for something he didn’t break…

    What kind of suffering was this?!

    The young dragon lay pitifully on the ground for a while, but as the time passed, he could only sniff and get up to read a book. As soon as he saw the sea of books, however, he felt a terrible headache, and his eyes turned red. No one was there to pay him any attention though, so he could only take a deep breath and pick up a book.

    Hearing that the ruckus had finally subsided, the old man guarding the entrance breathed out a sigh of relief.

    As Charles picked up the book and looked at the words ‘Jiang Wuyi’ brightly on the second page, the fires of doubt sparked up in his heart.

    He then took out a few more books, but the names on them were not Jiang Wuyi—not a single book had the name ‘Jiang Wuyi’ on it.

    The young dragon thought for a while, and the grievance and anger in his belly burned again: “That bad dragon! He even lied about his name!” Charles angrily marched to the door: “I’m not stupid! You said that these are his things, but what is clearly written on them is not ‘Jiang Wuyi’!” 

    The old man was dumbfounded.

    “Young master. I can explain the reasons to you one by one…”

    Maybe because he was old, the old man couldn’t finish talking. Charles listened intently, but after a while, started to feel dizzy at the number of words beyond his understanding and eventually lost his patience.

    “Stop! Don’t say any more! Just tell me what his name is!” 

    The old man smiled: “Since the lord has told the young master this name, the young master will continue to call him that.” 

    The dragon cub thought for a long time before he understood this seemingly short statement. And when he did, he turned away with a growing mix of frustration and a headache.

    It’s so weird that he doesn’t even have a concrete name.

    Charles didn’t want to listen anymore. He now officially had a headache.

    * * *

    Charles was locked in the bookstore for half a month.

    Jiang Wuyi not only locked him, but also came to test him during that period. Charles tried to fight his way out several times, but Jiang Wuyi lightly dismissed him each time.

    As they fought, however, Jiang Wuyi finally made some discoveries. Charles’ strength seemed to change depending on what and how much he ate. If he ate less, his strength was reduced, but if he ate a lot, the fires he could release became many times more vicious. Jiang Wuyi was burned several times during the learning process.

    This discovery, however, made Jiang Wuyi quite excited.

    Dragons were a race descended from the first generation of gods after the creation of heaven and earth. They had the same power as ancient gods and didn’t rely on ordinary food to survive, instead utilising the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

    But Charles was different. He didn’t seem to be able to directly utilise the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and was instead very dependent on food. If he starved for just two days, he would be as weak as a human being. Not to mention spitting fire, he wouldn’t even be able to stand straight.

    Jiang Wuyi was very curious about this, so he did a small experiment and injected his spiritual power into Charles’ body.

    ——And for the first time, Charles successfully burned an entire layer of books.

    If it weren’t for Jiang Wuyi’s obstruction, it’s quite likely that the fires would’ve spread and burnt down the entire bookstore.

    The old man was nervous, but Jiang Wuyi didn’t feel distressed. He had read these books thousands of times, and he was very familiar with their contents. From his little experiment, however, he had gotten some of the answers he wanted, and so, to him, it was a worthwhile trade.

    Charles, meanwhile, was feeling incredible about his sudden surge of power, and after thinking about it again and again, he felt that it must be related to Jiang Wuyi in some way. Getting close to the elder dragon, the dragon cub pulled on his sleeve and asked, “That kind of… What is this?”

    He was talking about the feeling of the transition of spiritual power. Jiang Wuyi pushed his head away and said, “Spiritual power.”

    Charles’ studies these days hadn’t been in vain as there had been records of spiritual power in some of the books he had read. The power, he summarised, was similar to the magic of the Noah Continent and could be called a natural product of heaven and earth.

    After reading these books, Charles had come to the realization that he had somehow broken into another world, one which was very different from the Noah Continent. While this world did not have as many races as the Noah Continent, they shared some similarities in the existence of humans, demons, gods, and dragons-well, a dragon.

    But no matter which race you were a part of, it seemed like if one wanted to become stronger in this world, you would need spiritual power.

    As for the effect of this spiritual power, Charles had just experienced.

    Charles’ eyes were bright. Shaking Jiang Wuyi’s sleeves, he begged: “Give me a little more spiritual power, I’ll give you gems in exchange.”

    The dragon’s space art was not very good, but then again, Charles only had these precious gems, so he just wore them all day long. They weren’t much, and didn’t actually have any real effects. They were simply exceptionally beautiful – and shiny. And Charles knew that dragons liked shiny things. 

    The young dragon had initially planned to give these gems as a gift to the princess he wished to kidna-befriend. Alas, fate and the ocean had other plans. 

    As Jiang Wuyi turned his head to look at him, Charles hurriedly took out a crystal clear diamond. The diamond was beautifully cut and radiated gorgeous light in the sun.

    Sure enough, Jiang Wuyi’s eyes were attracted, Charles stared at him expectantly, blinked hard, and stuffed the diamond into his palm.

    Seemingly pleased by the young dragon’s actions, Jiang Wuyi raised his lips, accepted the bribe, and held Charles’ wrist to look at it.

    Soon the feeling of numbness came once again.

    Charles couldn’t describe this feeling; he just felt comfortable, as if he were falling into the sea on a warm sunny day and being blown by a carefree breeze. It was comfortable, very comfortable.

    Jiang Wuyi retracted his hand and warned, “Don’t make trouble.”

    Charles thought for a long time, but still didn’t quite understand the meaning of what he said. Jiang Wuyi paused and then sighed as he lifted his hand and ruffled the young dragon’s hair. 

    “Don’t run around.”

Charles, realizing what he was saying, shook his hand and ran away.

    ‘Throw it away after use. How heartless.’

    Jiang Wuyi meaningfully looked at the retreating figure of Charles, then looked down at his palm, and chuckled.

    Under the watchful gaze of the moon, the little dragon cub immediately broke the barrier and slipped out of the bookstore.

    This time, he had learnt his lesson, and so silently, in his human form, he made his way out of the valley.

    Speaking of the valley, it was like a big funnel, and so Charles felt like it had an obvious source (think up a better word). It was filled with fog all day long and looked a bit scary under the pale moonlight. Charles had observed it for several days, however, and so intuitively felt like he knew in which direction the exit was, and in that direction he flew.

    The fog was very strange. From the outside, it seemed to be very thin, only covering a short distance. But when Charles entered, it seemed inexhaustible.

    Charles. Noticing this oddity, he stopped immediately and, after some minutes of thought, assumed his dragon form and flew straight up.

    Soon, he felt he was being blocked by a thick barrier.

Charles considered it and concluded that this had to be what Jiang Wuyi meant when he mentioned the enchantment, and since Jiang Wuyi had previously stated that the enchantment was destroyed by himself, there must be a breach between these barriers.

    Even if Jiang Wuyi were to have mended the breach, it would definitely be more vulnerable there!

    Charles, thinking up to this point, began carefully searching in the fog. He closed his eyes and released the unique voice print of the dragon family.

    This kind of voiceprint was a tool which the dragon race used to explore danger and find prey. No race other than the dragon race could feel it. Charles did not dare to release it over a large area. He only dared to release the ability in a small area, for fear that Jiang Wuyi could also feel it.

    The voiceprint that was released quickly was bounced back one after another, carrying a variety of information. The efficiency of the dragon pattern was extremely high, and in a relatively short time, he had successfully found the breach that seemingly had not been repaired in time. Charles was delighted. 

    As he began his trip to freedom, at the moment he crossed the barrier, he saw a comatose person below. Lying in the grass was a young man.

    He was dressed similarly to Jiang Wuyi, but his clothes were far less dazzling and gorgeous in comparison to Jiang Wuyi’s. Charles flapped his wings around him and stretched out his claws to push the man around a few times, but he didn’t see him wake up. He got closer to the man and listened to his heartbeat. His actions caused him to realise with certainty that the man before him was still alive, and so he began to think.

    Before, being drunk, he had burnt Tao’erxian himself, and he was so frightened that he didn’t dare to come to him for half a month. This made him more than a little embarrassed.

    Charles had never been drunk that much before, so he didn’t know that he would be so intoxicated that he had ended up chasing people’s buttocks to burn them. He thought this while staring at the unconscious teenager on the ground. 

    “Jiang Wuyi and Lao Huashu (E/N: guessing that this is the old man’s actual name) will definitely not play with him. This person, let’s be Tao’erxian’s playmates!”

    Charles, on coming to this conclusion, felt that he was the kindest dragon in the world!

    Thinking to this point, the dragon cub immediately flapped his wings and returned to the valley – now with a fellow passenger of fate.

    Jiang Wuyi and Lao Huashu, who were hiding not far away, and watched this scene in silence.

    To be honest, after all these years of their lives, it was the first time they had seen someone suddenly turn around and toss away a free gift.

    The old man looked confused: “This child… seems to be a little stupid.”

    He sighed, feeling that such a stupid child was not suitable to be the Dragon God’s descendant.

    Jiang Wuyi glanced at him and responded in a vague way: “Alright.” 

    The old man didn’t understand. 

    Author’s Notes!

    Lao Huashu: You are stupid, where is it?

    Jiang Wuyi: I’m so late, hahahaha…

    (i’m covering my face, it’s so embarrassing. actually, when I was writing at night, I got up and went to take some medicine, and then came back so silky and took the wrong plot… )

    Editor’s Notes!

The old man: This child… seems to be a little stupid.

Editor: He is very stupid.


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