I’m Not Doing This With A Friend

INDTWAF I Chapter 7

Carson felt a strange feeling every time he saw Lien.

The situation where he couldn’t say anything and his face turned red whenever she tried to make fun of him.

Carson felt like he couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, but he couldn’t say anything.

Because he never wanted to see or hear Lien’s guilty face and apology again.

But it was true that it was embarrassing every time she played a prank.

So later on, whenever it was club time, he kept his eyes on the book and tried not to look at her as much as possible.

Such subtle encounters continued until less than a month had passed since the club was opened.

He finally realized that he liked her after Lien said, ‘Carsion has a nice face.’

Only then did Carsion begin to understand the strange actions he had taken and the emotions he had felt for the first time.

Now that I think about it, I think it was true that I fell in love at first sight.

Strangely enough, I couldn’t act according to my personality in front of her.

It took me a while to realize that I liked her, but I was quick to admit it.

Carsion thought dozens and hundreds of times about what to say to Lien when she entered the club room.

Then, he finally decided to say ‘Are you here?’ and waited anxiously for her.

However, Lien did not appear until the designated club time was over.

He was repeating ‘Are you here?’ in his head and asked Fior with a trembling voice.

“Fior, why isn’t Lien coming?”

Fior looked dumbfounded as he looked at Carsion, who had a nervous expression on his face.

What the hell.

Although he saw him call Lien ‘hey’ and ‘you’ throughout all of the club times, it was the first time he saw him call her by her first name.

After realizing that Carsion liked Lien, I don’t know what he was thinking while waiting for her to enter the club room.

… … It seems like you’ve developed an inner friendship on your own?

“The incident I told you about earlier happened today. “I guess you didn’t come because you were tired.”

“What do you think about the fact that in a club with three people, one of them came late and the other didn’t come without saying a word?”

“Because we both had circumstances.”

“I guess you came here to laugh like you always do, not because of circumstances.”

“You don’t think it’s good for me.”

Carsion looked away as if he was not interested in Fior’s words, and then suddenly stood up from his seat.

“It’s a surprise. “Why are you waking up all of a sudden?”

“I’m going.”

“Where are you going?”


“Do you want to go in first? “Don’t go alone, let’s go together.”

Since Fior was living in the same room as him, it was a natural offer.

However, Carsion, who heard those words, objected with a mysterious expression.

“Do not come.”

“Why are you telling me not to come when it’s not your room alone?”

“Not our room. “I’m going to go see Lien.”

“Lien must be in the girls’ dormitory?”

“I’m going there.”

Fior couldn’t believe his ears as to whether the words he had just heard were coming from his friend’s mouth.

I couldn’t believe that Carsion could like someone.

“Are you crazy?”

When I asked if he was crazy, Carsion lightly looked down and made eye contact with him.

“Does it look like that to you? “I think so too.”


Carsion’s eyes were already half full.

Fior, who realized that he was no longer in a position to stop him, left just one word to Carsion.

“Don’t let anyone else catch you.”

“of course.”

The fact that Fior, who seemed infinitely bright and kind, had a personality outside of the normal range was a fact known only to Carsion in the entire academy.

* * *

After calming down her trembling body in the club room, Lien went to find the person who would listen to her request without hesitation.

The person who would do the favor had to be someone who was friendly to her and had many friends.

And in my narrow personal relationship, there was only one person like that.

“excuse me.”

“sorry. I don’t know who it is, but let’s talk next time. “If I’m late for club today, Carsion might really cut me in half.”

“It’s me, Fior.”

Fior narrowed his eyes at the words, ‘It’s me.’ and pondered the voice he heard.

After a while, as if he recognized the owner of the voice, he smiled brightly and asked kindly.

“It’s Lien. sorry I didn’t recognize you because my face was wrapped in a blanket. what’s the matter? Should we go to the club room together and talk?”

In fact, when Lien first met Fior, he never thought he could make such a request.

As expected, Fior had a smiling face as he introduced himself, but his feelings toward me did not seem to be very good.

The reason Lien noticed this was because of his unsmiling expression that flashed briefly every time they talked.

But Lien didn’t care much about that.

These are people who are different on the outside and the inside, I haven’t seen them once or twice.

I realized that Fior’s feelings had changed to goodwill the day after the club meeting.

Lien lay down on the sofa as usual, teasing Carsion with an expression on her face that didn’t change at all.

Carsion was just being bullied by him as usual.

Lien may not have known it, but that day was the first day after the club correction period.

The club correction period was just a lie that Carsion had made up to cover up the situation.

As soon as Fior entered the club room, he smiled as if the world was gone and heaped all kinds of praise on Lien.

Then he said, ‘Let’s be friends with me from now on. ‘No, please be friendly,’ she said, asking Lien for a favor that was not a request.

After that, Fior’s gaze towards Lien was always full of goodwill.

Lien thought that Fior really enjoyed being teased by Carsion.

Moreover, from that day on, Fior was busy fighting whenever he made eye contact with Carsion, as if everything he had shown up until now was just a pretense.

Of course, the whole fight was extremely childish, and fortunately or unfortunately, he was still kind to Lien.

Fior, who was known for his kindness, was especially merciless towards Carsion.

‘Yes, that’s a true bully friend.’

Lien thought she could trust him now.

Therefore, without hesitation, I handed out a recording device containing everything about the incident to Fior and asked him to do so.

“Fior, can you spread the word about today’s incident throughout the academy?”

In response, Fior heard about the incident from Lien and willingly agreed to grant her request.

he was a little surprised that I asked for a favor to be kept without anyone knowing, and that he would do it without even Carsion knowing.

Asking Fior to spread the word about today’s incident was like a safety measure.

The students who challenged Lien had a high probability of being expelled, but she deliberately started a rumor just to make it happen.

Let the students who had been dissatisfied knowingly or unknowingly become angry about this incident.

Isn’t it important everywhere to dominate public opinion?

With this, their expulsion was almost confirmed.

Even if you remain at the academy due to power or money, you will not be able to live a very comfortable life if you have any sense.

‘Why am I doing something that can be solved so easily…’ … .’

Lien quietly closed his eyes as the memories bloomed again.

* * *


At the sound of a knock on the door, Lien slowly pulled down the blanket she had been wrapped in, starting from her toes to every strand of her hair.

Since she didn’t have that common friend, there probably wasn’t someone who came to see her because he was worried about her leaving school early.

It was obvious that he was someone who had come to notify or inform her of something.

In the few weeks since I came to school, the only customers I’ve had have been people like that.

Lien, who couldn’t be bothered to walk to the door, just tried to pretend that no one was there.

However, I got up because the person who was supposed to be standing in front of the door flashed in my mind.

“Get out now.”

Lien walked without thinking and opened the door.


And slammed it shut.

Lien turned his head and looked inside the room, wondering if he had come to the wrong dormitory.

Since I didn’t have a roommate yet, it was easy to distinguish the items in the room since they were all mine.

This was her room.

Lien, wondering if what she saw when she opened the door was an illusion, carefully opened the door again.

The curly cherry blossom-colored hair that I had seen when I opened the door earlier was still in sight.


Lien slammed the door shut again and blinked quickly several times.

The mind that had been asleep just a moment ago suddenly woke up.

‘Isn’t this the women’s dormitory? ‘Why is he here?’


He could faintly hear his name being called from outside the door. Lien fell into even more confusion at the sound of his voice.

Carsion never called my name. Not once.

But the face I saw when I opened the door was definitely him.

There’s no way you could have mistakenly looked at such a handsome face twice.

Lien swallowed once and turned the door handle, creating a very small gap. Then he called out to him in a wary voice.

“Do you have pink hair?”

“Yes, Lien.”

Also called Lien.

She secretly searched his face through small gaps to see if anything had happened to him.

How much time had passed? Suddenly, his eyes turned towards her.

Their eyes meet in the air.

No, I thought we ran into each other.

As soon as Carsion’s wall eyes met Lien’s black eyes, they looked somewhere else, so they must not have met.


Lien sighed slightly.

Lien herself didn’t know if it was a sigh of relief that he didn’t make eye contact with Carsion or a sigh at this awkward situation.

‘It would be a pain in the ass if Carsion was caught entering the girls’ dormitory.’

Lien was more worried about someone catching him in the hallway than if he was casually calling her name.

She opened the small door wide and quickly grabbed Carsion’s wrist and pulled him into the room.

Carsion was dragged into Lien’s hands, staggering as if he had no will of his own.

After completely locking the door, Lien lowered her head and looked up at Carsion, who was fidgeting.

Although his personality was cute, his height was unsuitably tall.

“Pink hair. what’s the matter? “What happened?”

It seems like something really happened.

Carsion couldn’t meet his eyes even once and didn’t know what to do.

… … weird.

This kind of reaction only happens when a prank is played too hard.



  1. tukesi says:


    I like this, but im just so bad at commenting, when i dont have smart to say 😅

    1. Gon says:

      Thank you😂

    2. Umbradens says:

      God me too. so I’ll just piggyback on yours!

  2. Mai says:

    I bet he just realised he went to her room, where she lives alone…

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