I’m Not Doing This With A Friend

INDTWAF I Chapter 3


As he tried to distance himself from her, he bumped into the desk behind him and made a loud noise.

…Ouch, that must hurt.

“Are you crazy?!”

“Pink-haired one, are you okay?”

“Do you think you’d be okay?”

He covered my ears with his hands, his face filled with frustration.

He was asking if the part that bumped with the desk was okay.

Well, judging by his reaction, it seemed like other parts were fine.

I tilted my head slightly and asked him with a subtle tone.

“Should I kiss it to make it better?”

“For the love of…!”

Carson quickly approached and covered my mouth with his hand.

I looked at him with blinking eyes, unable to speak.

“If you promise to stay quiet, I’ll let go.”

It didn’t seem like he was making too much noise.

I was annoyed but didn’t bother to argue. After all, I could have removed his hand without using my own.

I licked his hand like a cat while looking into his eyes.

To my surprise, he pulled away from me, looking embarrassed.

“You’re really…!”

Seeing his reaction, I casually said, “You’re cute.”

I think I’ve discovered a new taste.

I might have to tease him occasionally just to see that shy face.

The ‘Arena Academy I am currently attending is a school established by nobles for nobles, making it the only school in the empire without any social status restrictions.

In other words, anyone who passes the entrance exam can attend, regardless of whether they are noble or commoner.

Of course, the entrance examination is a disadvantage for commoners, who have few opportunities to learn.

But aside from that, this academy is almost perfect, receiving full support from the empire.

Not only is the building large and spacious, but the quality of food, dormitories, classes, and scholarship programs is unparalleled.

One of the aspects I particularly liked was the strict rule enforced based on the founder’s belief that ‘everything is equal before learning.’ The academy strictly prohibits mentioning one’s social status.

However, upon entering the academy, it seemed that this rule wasn’t being followed very well.

You could tell by the subtle division between nobles and commoners.

And even now…

“Pink-haired one.”

Referring to Carson as the pink-haired one, he frowned as if he didn’t like it.


“What is this?”

“Can’t you see? It’s a sofa.”

Why did he ask such an obvious question?

And why a sofa?

Moreover, why is a sofa with the crest of the Lucianthus family boldly displayed in our club room?

Did he bring it from his own house?

This almost reveals his identity.

“Rather than a hard chair, a sofa is more comfortable.”

“Is it okay to bring such a luxurious item to the club room? What if someone steals it?”

“Who in their right mind would steal a sofa…?”

He rolled his eyes in various directions. Then, suddenly, he began to refine his words as if thinking twice.

“No one can take that big sofa. Moreover, this is our designated club room, so no one else can enter.”

I didn’t expect it to be a designated club room. I didn’t even think they would decorate a room for a club that barely met the minimum membership requirements.

“It’s a designated club room? Oh. I didn’t think they would give a room to a club that just meets the minimum requirements.”

“You haven’t been in the academy for long, so you don’t know much, but this is not that surprising.”

Indeed, as the rumors say, Arena Academy seems to have a lot of money.

“That’s truly surprising.”

“Are you genuinely surprised, or are you mocking me?”

Carson raised an eyebrow as if finding my reaction absurd.

Look at him, raising his eyebrows over such trivial matters.

He’s really handsome.

I shrugged.

“I was genuinely surprised just now.”


“From the moment we first met, I’ve always thought, I want to peek into your mind. I’m curious about what you’re thinking when you speak.”

What are you thinking?

You’re probably thinking about how handsome my face is, or maybe how cute my actions are, or even that you want to see my blushing face again.

“Can I know if I split your head in half?”

A slightly uncomfortable energy briefly passed through Carcion’s eyes. However, I thought he was good at acting, so I casually brushed it off.

“Do you want to try splitting it?”

In response to my playful remark, a somewhat sinking feeling passed through his expression. However, after a while, his eyes closed quietly.



In that case, I should have continued the act of splitting my head into two halves.

I sat down next to him, feeling a bit disappointed by Carcion’s lack of sense.

Originally, I had planned to spend the club time sleeping again, but sleeping on the comfy-looking sofa while leaving the hard chair behind would feel somewhat sad.

Today, I should read a book.

While rummaging through my bag to take out a book, even after the conversation had ended, I felt his gaze still on me.

A bit awkward.

I took out my book from the bag, but even before I could start reading, his voice reached me.

“Why are you sitting there?”

“Where else can I sit?”

“There’s the sofa.”

“Isn’t that reserved for you?”

“… “

He stared at me with a strange expression.

“I thought you weren’t the type to care about such things.”

“You’re right.”

“But that sofa is for everyone to use, so feel free.”

…Wait, that luxurious sofa is for public use?

I had thought Carcion brought it for himself.

Considering how he dislikes even being called by name, who would have thought that he would share such a luxurious sofa?



“Once again, you’re the best.”

After another short compliment, I sat down on the sofa next to him.

I had no intention of refusing. To someone like me who loves beds, a sofa is almost the same as a comfortable haven.

Wow. It’s really comfortable.

Let’s try it again.


Wow. It’s so nice. Just one more time.


Wow. It’s amazing. Without realizing it, I started moving my hips up and down on the sofa.

At some point, a burst of laughter echoed from somewhere. I stopped my movements and looked towards the source of the laughter.

“Why are you laughing?”

Carson looked at me with a playful smile.

“Is it that enjoyable?”

“It’s just comfortable.”



“Your expression tells a different story. Very pleased, I see.”

Oh no. I got too absorbed in the comfort of the sofa; my facial muscles relaxed.

For you guys who seem to enjoy this sofa so much, tonight, you’ll receive a high-nutrient, high-moisture herbal pack.

“Why are you laughing?”

Carcion, with a slightly weakened voice, observed me.

“I can’t help it. You seem to be enjoying yourself so much.”

“Whatever. I don’t need to see it again.”

He said that, looking somewhat disappointed. Well, whether he’s sulking or not, I don’t care.

“Stop grumbling and sleep like you did yesterday.”


As Carcion lightly flicked his finger, the blanket on top of me fluttered and fell.

I looked at Carcion with a strange gaze.

Even though he seemed grumpy and unpleasant yesterday, now he’s taking care of me with such attention.

If you’re going to take care of me like this, you’ll receive a high-nutrient, high-moisture herbal pack as a token of gratitude.

“…Why are you so kind?”

“Don’t misunderstand. It’s not for you; it’s for my eyes.”

“Still, thanks. As a gesture of gratitude, I’ll treat your wounds if you ever get hurt.”

“No need for that!”

“Sure, sure.”

Once again, I found myself amused by his naive expression.

Pink baby cat.

Yes, no matter how you think about it, the rumors seem to be a bit strange.

“Pink Hair. Pink Hair.”


“Again, what is it?”

“I heard some ridiculous rumors about you, and I thought it might be necessary to clear up any misunderstandings with others.”

“Just let me sleep.”

“If I don’t tell you this, you might not be able to sleep.”

“What kind of rumor is it?”

“Well, rumors like a kind person like you half-killed someone and entered the academy, or that you went wild with magic in a swordsmanship duel, and such nonsensical things.”


“No way someone as nice as you could turn into a potential murderer or a psycho, right? That’s why rumors are not to be trusted.”

“That rumor…”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t believe it even if I heard it from you.”

“That rumor… Where did you hear it?”

“I overheard it while passing through the hallway. I should have checked the nameplate to see who it was, but it seems like the rumor has spread more than I thought.”

Carcion’s expression while telling the story seemed to be smiling, but an underlying sense of suppressed anger appeared as if he was holding back boiling rage.

“Next time, check the names of those spreading rumors, no matter how many there are.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that. You should calm down a bit while drinking some water.”

Upon my suggestion, he naturally picked up the glass on the desk and took a sip.

“By the way, Pink Hair.”

While Carcion was drinking, he looked at me with an expression that seemed to ask why I was calling him.

“The sofa is spacious enough for two to lie down comfortably. How about it? Want to share it?”


“Just kidding.”

“You’re really…!”

I raised one corner of my lips and looked at the blushing Carcion with an amused expression.

Such an innocent reaction.

How amusing.

After that day, for some reason, the rumors about Carcion that were actively discussed among the children in the hallway seemed to disappear completely.

As if Carsion had destroyed the source of the rumor.

Well, it’s probably just a coincidence. It must be my imagination.


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