I'm Going to Change my Husband with a Predatory Marriage


Early morning that day.


Arpad returned to the Crown Prince’s palace. The courtiers in the crown prince’s palace who were waiting for his return were shocked.


“Uh, Your Highness!”


“How already…!”


“What? Are you afraid that he might go crazy and tear you to death?”


“Your Highness!!”


Although the courtiers were upset, they did not refute his words. In fact, everyone was afraid. When would the crown prince’s madness get the better of him? 


A bright red moon rose behind him. The same crimson moon that was floating on the day Empress Shen died from her madness.


Arpad glared at the moon, whose eyes resembled his own, with disgust.


‘Few people know that on the days of the Crimson Moon, I stay up all night in the catacombs to suppress my madness…’


But the woman found out and came. She even had silver coins for the dead that he had to hand over when one came to visit Mercenary King Arpad. That wasn’t all. He felt the pearl rolling in his hand.


‘That woman knew information about the mercenary king and the crown prince.’


Information that couldn’t be known unless one was sure from the beginning that the two were the same person. That was something that few people other than Arpad know about.


‘This is information that would be impossible to find out even if you spent a fortune not only in the imperial palace but also in the entire mercenary guild, or even the entire continent.’


He had absolutely no idea what had happened. After Arpad bites all the fearful courtiers. He checked the ‘advance payment’ that the mysterious woman had given him a while ago. A precious pearl larger than his thumb nail gave off a mysterious light.


‘This is real. Of course, I confirmed earlier that the woman draws on the divine power of divine creatures, so it is only natural.’


He took a deep breath and placed the pearl on his forehead. The divine power of the divine jewel began to shine in response to the dragon blood flowing in Arpad’s blood. But…


“It’s no use.”


It was as she said. The blessings remaining in the spirit could not neutralize or eliminate this madness that ran through Arpad’s bloodline. In the end, she was right.


Leaning on something new was one of the shallow hopes he had. Although he didn’t have high expectations, he felt helpless when he found out that it really didn’t work.


Arpad threw the pearl on the floor. And he recalled.


‘What on earth is that woman?’


A woman who found him in a surprising way just a few hours ago.


‘How did she know this was going to fail?’


She was a striking woman with thin, fluffy-looking pink coriander hair. Her deep purple eyes were like candy violets, and her smooth white skin had a pale pink tint that resembled cherry blossoms. She has such a sweet appearance that it seemed as if she would melt just by touching her with the tip of his tongue… 


“This pearl, or any other blessed gem or new item, will be of no use.”


‘Those were very cold words.’


Moreover, bold and threatening threats were added. One thing was certain.


‘Whatever she is, she is too dangerous.’


At the very least, it was clear that she should not be left quietly by Ludwig’s side. What if she used her unidentified abilities for Ludwig?


‘The crown prince will change immediately.’


If he looked at it that way, he ultimately had no choice.


‘Her threat under the guise of a request was not something I could refuse from the beginning.’


And she was sure of it. He was once again fascinated by the violet-colored eyes that looked at him with such fearlessness that it was strange. Those were eyes filled with calm madness. 

If he saw those eyes of hers again, his decision might become more certain.


Arpad glared at the just-dawn sky and laughed viciously. Although he didn’t realize it, he resembled a hungry beast that had already spotted its prey. In the end, he greeted the morning sun with his eyes wide open and had his chamberlain bring him his white robes.


* * *


There was a saying that I had grown to dislike since my first regression. ‘Dawn will come even if you twist the chicken’s neck.’ Because every time I desperately hoped that the next day would never come, that proverb always mercilessly became reality. In the end, the next day came again.


‘The morning of my fourth wedding day.’


Except for the first time, there was no excitement or joy at all. Of course, there were only a few times that I had spent my wedding day so quietly in my room. Immediately after my first return, she attempted to run away to a temple and become a nun, but she failed. At the time of the return just before…


‘Because I ran away with Lord Beltane and failed most miserably.’


I heard a voice calling me from behind.




I slowly turned my head.




My lips were trembling as I said his name. Of course, it wasn’t because I was sentimental or had any regrets after seeing this human face.




‘I want to kill him again!’


The tips of his fingers holding the bouquet were trembling with overflowing anger. To be honest, there was something I regretted a little yesterday.


‘I moved around too much because I thought the regression was over, and because I was worried about the possessed person.’


Besides, I couldn’t help it because I was so focused on Arpad. However, when the day of the wedding arrived and I saw his face, the murderous intent and injustice were so intense that it was difficult to bear.


‘I’m sure I’ll punch that guy in the face at least once out of three times!’


But not now. It couldn’t  be done. It wasn’t time yet. Then I heard the sound of Ludwig talking.


“Do you really know how much I suffered because of you yesterday? It wasn’t normal to get a wedding dress and a new veil!”


I heard a sound as if something was breaking in my head. He was talking almost like he was scolding me. I protested with a trembling voice.


“B-but Ludwig. It wasn’t me who ruined the dress. The intruder…”


“But if you had locked the door properly, nothing would have happened!”


Yesterday, there was someone who said something similar to me.


“Even if it happened because my step-sister carelessly didn’t lock the door…”


It looked like that guy ended up coming to a similar conclusion after fighting with Evangeline yesterday. If you see that the logic was the same… And maybe the two of them would have made a dramatic reconciliation by blaming me equally. I knew this because I had seen that happen once or twice in my past life.


“Okay, Eva. What’s wrong with you? The problem is Hilia, who took the place that should have rightfully been yours.”


“No. It must be the hardest for you, having to hide your true feelings.”


My blood pressure soared again.


‘Let’s be patient. You have to endure it. You must be patient for now, Hylia Delphine!’


The clock seemed to be ticking so slowly. But she felt like she couldn’t bear to show her anger and hatred, so she lowered her head.


“I can’t believe you cried just because I said something like this. Do you have to be so weak-hearted to be able to fulfill your duties as the Grand Duchess?”


His bullshit continued.


“No matter how upset you are that your dress was ruined because of you. Even the neck is made like that, where on earth is your mind?”


He was referring to the wounds from being cut and strangled by Arpad’s blade last night. It was easy for anyone to mistake my scars as a result of trying to make a bad choice and failing. There was another mess in the morning trying to cover it up with a choker and lace decoration. This morning, I clearly remember how Annie cried when she saw me and how worried Lord Beltane was. However, my fiancé, who should be the most worried and saddened, was busy using that as an excuse to push me around.


“To be honest, I was very disappointed, Hylia. To the point where I want to reconsider marrying you.”


I knew Ludwig’s methods well. He was now waiting leisurely for my apology and prayer. Just like it has been until now. Then he would become a merciful husband who generously forgives my mistakes.


‘Do you know that I will do whatever you wish?’


I took my time, calculating delicately. I bit the inside of my mouth and forced out tears, then appealed to him again in a tearful voice.


“Actually, actually Ludwig… There was another intruder at dawn. What should I do?”




I made it to the end before Ludwig’s embarrassed response got any longer.


“I was sleeping and woke up with a strange feeling, and someone was strangling my neck.”


“Don’t talk nonsense! You had been on tighter security since what happened yesterday! But there was an intruder?! You must have had a nightmare!”


“Then what about this wound?”


“You must have harmed yourself while having a nightmare, you idiot!”


I shook my head and cried.


“Do you think I could hurt myself like this? If it wasn’t the work of an outside intruder, it must have been the work of an insider!”




Ludwig was unable to refute my remarks this time. Even though I almost collapsed crying, Ludwig did not help me. He just looked worried with a complicated expression. I started fanning the flames of his suspicions, which had been sparked yesterday.


“There must be someone who wants to interfere with our marriage, Ludwig! What should I do?”


Ludwig looked nervous.


“Nonsense. There is no way such a person exists.”


Unlike when he was pushing me with such vigor just moments ago, his voice lacked confidence. I whimpered and responded.


“There might be someone who secretly admires you. It’s closer than you think.”




Ludwig looked visibly surprised. And I pushed him harder.


“The woman who loves you might want to sabotage our marriage, even if it means killing me!”


“…That can’t be possible. It’s speculation.”


“Otherwise, why would anyone ruin my dress and kill me, the bride?”


“If that’s true, why didn’t you call someone when there was an intruder in the early morning?!”


I raised my head. And then I made eye contact with Ludwig directly. Ludwig was seen visibly flinching.


“I called you.”


“What? But I did not heard…”


I sobbed like the most pitiful woman in the world.


“I called you countless times!”


“What? What kind of nonsense is this all of a sudden?”


Of course this was nonsense. I didn’t want anyone to know that I met Arpad early yesterday, so of course I stayed quiet as if I were dead. But was it really necessary to tell the truth? I lied so calmly that even I was surprised. It was so easy in front of Ludwig. A voice so sad and pitiful that even hearing it brought tears to my eyes came out.


“I don’t know how many times I’ve called your name at the top of my lungs, but… You didn’t come.”


“No, what on earth are you talking about now?!”


He seemed crazy, crazy, and angry. So I poured oil there.


“Did you miss my screams because you were with another woman?”




Unlike before, he was shocked by these words, as if he had been stabbed.


‘There is actually a woman, so it makes sense.’


He just dismissed my shenanigans as pre-wedding hysteria. And he started to get angry.


“Can’t you just stop crying and get up, Hylia?!”


Ludwig grabbed my wrist and pulled it roughly.




It wasn’t visible because it was covered by the sleeve, but there was a bruise where Arpad grabbed it roughly yesterday. My scream was louder than I expected and clawed at the air sharply. As a result Ludwig was embarrassed.


“W-what is it?”


At that time, an angry, majestic voice seeped through the half-open door.


“What on earth are you doing now, Ludwig?”


Ludwig turned around in shock as he grabbed my wrist. There stood a middle-aged man with golden hair. The platinum-blonde hair, which had now grown gray, looked quite similar to someone I had seen yesterday. Even his fairly long beard couldn’t completely hide the scar that ran from his left cheek to his chin. However, no matter how large the scar was, it could not harm the man’s dignity and nobility in the slightest.


Ludwig and I knew very well who he was.


“Your Majesty the Emperor!”



Translator Note:

I will take a week to rest so see you after that!!
Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year!!

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 7.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    i regret assuming she didn’t try in her previous lives

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