I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me


When I turned to look at him, Luke casually filled the chamber and handed the revolver back to me.

“Then do you mind if I teach you a lesson now?”

He just asked that question.

“If I had great skills like the Duke, I would have boasted more…”

I sighed and nodded.

Luke just smiled at my compliment, then made me lower the gun and ripped off the target I had shot at. Compared to Luke’ target, my target was unsightly, with irregular holes here and there.

Luke showed me the target and explained.

“It was a good shot. I shot well, but if you look here, the first three shots are gathered together, and right next to them are the next three shots.”

“…Yes, what about it?”

“If you feel like you shot wrong at first, you have to correct the direction, but I think I’m lacking a lot in that area. I feel like I lack experience compared to my skills.”

It’s natural that you lack experience compared to your skills.

I’ve never really shot a gun before. But I didn’t expect him to notice that.

‘I heard it’s really sharp.’

I shrugged my shoulders at the overly precise point, but he corrected my posture by placing his hand just barely touching my hand and arm holding the revolver.

“It’s a good idea to keep your hand here and be careful not to put your hand near the cylinder, just in case.”


“And because I’m right-handed, I tend to lean slightly to the left. I think you should pay attention.”

“Yes? Like this?”

“It seems to be leaning to the left, so this way.”

When I moved my hand in the opposite direction, Luke lightly squeezed my wrist and corrected the direction. There was only a tiny bit of skin in contact with his fingers, and that tiny bit was strangely conscious and tickling.

While attempting to subtly remove his hand, Luke moved on to the next explanation.

“And when I fire multiple shots in succession, my aim gets worse, and that’s because I’m not used to the recoil. You don’t just hold the gun like this…”

Luke wrapped his hand around my hand, which kept squirming, and slightly adjusted the position of my fingers.

“I cannot say which grip method is the right answer, but it is best to hold it as stably as possible to reduce recoil. Miss Green has long fingers, but her hands are not large, so it would be better to hold her like this.”

Luke seemed to just hold the ball with one hand and shoot aimlessly, but they coached me on my posture in great detail. Perhaps because my hands have more sensitive sensations than other areas, my hands kept twitching every time he grabbed my fingers or the back of my hands.

“Does it tickle?”

“…no. Keep talking.”

“And I tend to hold my gun too tightly. So when you pull the trigger, you move a little without realizing it, causing the bullet to deviate to the side. I wonder if it has changed from the original aiming point.”

Luke taught me how to handle a pistol with such enthusiasm that I feel sorry for doubting them when he brought me here. I often missed what he was saying because I was distracted by things like his soft, soft voice or the feel of his hand, but he corrected my posture again as if it was no big deal.

‘…Let’s come to our senses.’

I didn’t know how many times I’ve thought about this since I came here.

I lightly bit the inside of his lip as I felt my entire body focus on the sensation of Luke’ hands straightening my shoulders and letting go. Then he closed his eyes tightly and opened them. I took a deep breath and let it out again.

Consciously doing things that could be done unconsciously can be a great help in getting your mind back on track.

I didn’t look back at Luke standing one step behind me, but only aimed at the target.

‘…good. Nothing’s wrong now.’

I again held the revolver with both hands and glared at the target. It was not easy to synthesize the information provided by Luke and make a decision. Since the aiming point was visible in the system window, I kept thinking that all I had to do was aim at it.

‘Hold the gun gently, aim straight, and be aware of recoil…’


The bullet hit the exact center of the target, but I was not satisfied.

One shot was easy. It’s difficult to start with the second foot because of the recoil.

After glancing at the target Luke was shooting at, I took a breath again and pulled the trigger toward my target.

Bang, bang!

Two bullets flew out in quick succession.

Even if it wasn’t as clean as Luke’ shot, the gap between the marks left by the bullets seemed to be noticeably narrower than at first.

“You have very good concentration. I had no idea you woul improve so quickly.”

“Thank you.”

“You always have good sense, so it seems like you can improve your posture just by correcting it a little.”

I ignored Luke looking at me with a happy expression and fired the remaining three bullets one after another. Because a part of me didn’t want to feel good because of his praise.

Luke was not only good at shooting, but he was also good at theory.

After making several modifications as he instructed, I was able to shoot so close to the center of the target that the aiming point shown in the system window was rather annoying. But shooting a gun was a lot more tiring than I thought.

I wanted to practice for a long time, but my concentration disappeared after less than thirty minutes. To be honest, the fact that Luke kept appearing in my field of vision also contributed greatly to eroding my concentration.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

When I raised my hands, Luke smiled softly and nodded.

“It seems to have improved a lot. I’ll meet you in my room at the same time tomorrow.”


Without realizing it, my voice was distorted and came out strangely.

“Why are you doing that?”

“…no. I thought I should practice hard.”

‘Is it okay to have an event every day where I can see that handsome face up close? No, I won’t even include a service cut like this. huh? If you’re going to make him that handsome, shouldn’t you make him a good character so people can feel at ease and think he’s handsome?’

I was indignant on the inside, and without showing anything on the outside, I slipped out through the bookshelf that Luke had opened. When I turned to greet him as he closed the bookshelf again, I saw him smiling and placing his hand on the middle of the bookshelf. It’s like I’m having so much fun that I’m dying.

“You know that you really can’t hide your facial expressions, right?”

I thought it’s just my opinion that it didn’t show anything. I looked at his deep smile, and he let out the words he had been suppressing all this time.

“The Duke… So, do you think that the kidnapper is the culprit of the serial murder case?”

Luke dropped their playful expression at my question and looked at me seriously.

“It’s a bit of a strange question… So, did he think there was another culprit?”

“Because there were too many incidents in the park.”

I didn’t know how long I hesitated to ask this one question. I stared at him intently, trying not to miss a single change in Luke’ expression.

To get at least some clue. Luke, who had no logical explanation for anything, was now even teaching me how to use a gun. I was so confused because he was no longer thought of as a serial killer.

Luke nodded very slowly but firmly.

Watching his confident movements, my breathing became unnatural, as if I had forgotten how to breathe.

I wanted to believe him, but I also wanted to doubt him. I thought I had solid evidence to suspect him, but the more friendly he became to me, the more confused I became. The serious gray eyes of Luke I was currently facing stood at the peak of the confusion. Because I kept hesitating, I unknowingly put the words on my tongue that I couldn’t say out loud.

“Please show me the basement.”

Luke looked at me with surprising eyes. He lowered his gaze to the floor, closed his mouth for a moment, wondering what he was thinking, and then raised his head again and looked at me.

“Do you by any chance remember?”


“When Hunt met me in the alley in front. About what we encountered back then.”

I frowned at him because he seemed to be diverting his words instead of giving me the answer I wanted straight away.

“I remember. A creepy creature with many eyes… No, you mean the encounter with the spider?”

Luke smiled faintly at my answer and nodded his head.

“As expected, you remember.”

“…Well, how long has it been since then that you’ve forgotten that?”

“Because it has nothing to do with time.”

Luke mumbled something I couldn’t understand and was deep in thought. Memories took advantage of that silence to be noisy in my mind.

‘There is a ghost story that there is a chained body in the basement.’

The story I heard at the tea party was spinning around in my head, and the story I heard while playing hide and seek… And even after that, I kept thinking about the strange voice I had heard once more. Whatever Luke had hidden there… There must have been something secret enough to leave a warning to keep away from the employee while hiring him.

This Duke, who has a lot of things hidden on the rooftop and in his room, has something he wants to hide, even going as far as warning.

“Are you that curious about the basement?”

‘No, I know the route is open anyway, so why are you taking such a long time?’

I swallowed hard.

If this were a game, going to the basement would definitely be a turning point.

‘Saying that you are not curious may be the way to prolong your life, but… I have no intention of doing that now. And yet, the reason I’m so hesitant…’

It’s not just that I was scared of that place and that I thought I would be killed by Luke if I went there.

For some reason, I hated it.

Even though I suspect that Luke was a serial killer with a very high probability, and I also thought that he was the culprit of the disappearance… Didn’t I want to face him with evidence that made me 100% sure of his identity?

‘Oh, now. There is no place to retreat.’

I forced my head to shake up and down.



Translator Note:

There won’t be a new chapter next week, but the story will be back soon. Sorry!

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 29.

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not work with dark mode