I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me


I quietly spoke to Shine.


“Shine, don’t do that, just invite them. Latte, Lemuët, and Milorad wanted to see Shine and Luna!”


However, Shine’s response was lukewarm.




“Why? I don’t think you’ll come?”


“…It’s not like that. The Rearmond family is such a great family, who would turn down an invitation?”


‘In the meantime, the pride in my family never rests.’


Maybe we’ve become closer now, but the more he spoke in such a stiff and arrogant manner, the more I could see that Shine was trying to cover up his true feelings. I don’t like people coming and going because of power or family. They move regardless of their true intentions.


‘But I can see that everyone likes Shine… Why is he so depressed?’


In the midst of these questions, the day of the tea party suddenly came to mind. The conversations I heard that day.


‘Would the Duke of Rearmund have entrusted his children to you as well? They are his niece and nephew who are poor parentsless people, so they should be left in the care of a woman like that.’


‘The duke is really kind too. Just seeing you take care of your brother’s children who have nowhere else to go is amazing. No matter what, they say you can’t reap what you live without.’


Shine was really sensitive to rumors, to the extent that she was sometimes surprised. He was smart, but somehow he couldn’t seem to take his ears off the stories the maids and Luke’s guests were talking about. I thought that because children naturally like to join in on adults’ stories, he often picked up such stories because he was bored. But now that I think about it, it was because he was paying attention a lot. Because he was treated like a ‘poor, rich nephew’.


One day, your whole life would change. Since losing his parents and being taken into care by Luke. Even though he was doing fine, there’s no way he hadn’t noticed. At first, I thought that all I had to do was do something like this as a tutor and stick to Luke’s family. I didn’t think of it that way anymore, perhaps because I had grown attached to them before I knew it.


‘…I want to do what I can too.’


I tried several more times, but Shine kept diverting my words and saying that he wanted to see the next letter.


‘I guess I should plan a surprise meeting between the trio, Shine, and Luna?’


She had asked me to invite her anyway, and I heard that the latte came yesterday because she was worried about my condition. It won’t be that difficult.


‘Of course, I know that it’s not good behavior for me to keep doing unplanned things like this.’


Even so, they often deviate and deviate from the original story, and the more unexpected actions they take, the more difficult it will be to predict the future. Then it will be difficult to utilize the information I have. The most efficient action as a player is to do nothing but catch the criminal and see the true ending quickly. But I didn’t want to do that. It’s been a long time since these kids were just NPCs to me. While I was making plans in my head, Shine quickly picked up her letter and held it out to me.


“Who sent this?”


The next letter was a thick, luxurious white envelope. Just by looking at the pure white envelope with the temple pattern engraved on it, I could immediately tell who had sent it. The writing in the corner was, as expected, ‘Alay Kus’.


‘Now that I think about it, I need to discuss meeting Monica at the royal banquet.’


As I opened the letter with that thought in mind, Shine looked at me with wide-open eyes.


“Who is this person again? It’s a man, right? Why do you have such profound eyes?”


“Oh my, do you know the word ‘profound’?”


“Don’t talk back. It’s a man, right?”


“What… It’s true that he is a man, but he is a priest.”


“It’s a priest, but it’s a man.”


One of the things I realized after being forced to take on the role of a tutor in a horror game was that it was quite impossible to logically persuade children of this age. When I repeat the same story over and over and only say what I want to say, it is impossible to shift the conversation to another topic.


‘It’s like that again, it’s like that again.’


Why on earth are you so obsessed with the sender being a man…? I shook my head and opened the letter.


[To Mr. Arbice Green.


This is Alay Kus. Are you okay?


I can’t believe you suffered such a great disaster the day you met me… I felt so bad. I should have brought you home, but I didn’t have time to do so because I was just out for a short break during work. And I was even more confused when I was suddenly notified that I would be in charge…


I went to visit you yesterday, but the Duke clearly said that it would be difficult to meet him now, so I just came back.


Please contact me whenever you have time and I will come to you right away. Please allow me to be comforted by Your great arrangement.


I’ll wait for your reply.


P.S. I will be officially nominated as the next High Priest this weekend.


The blessing of oblivion is equal for all.


– Allay Kus]


I laughed a little while reading the letter.


‘Isn’t the image really different from when we met in the game? What a huge arrangement. He’s a very generous one.’


Suddenly, I felt a stinging gaze and looked ahead to see Shine looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed.


“What’s wrong?”


“Because you look so happy.”


“…Can’t it just feel good?”


Shine pursed his lips in frustration.


“He seems to be very friendly.”


Luna quickly added her words while being held in my arms.


“Teacher, do you like this person better than Luna?”


‘What, are these little guys jealous?’


I smiled slightly and grabbed Luna’s cheek.


“Teacher likes Luna and Shine the best. all right?”




Luna quickly nodded with her puffy cheeks and waved her legs happily, but Shine, who was also nine years old, did not give in so easily.


“It’s not like that… no. It’s okay. What is the other letter?”


‘Why are you suddenly interested in my letter?’


I tilted my head and opened the other letters at once. One was from my aunt, but I didn’t even bother to open it, and the other was a lengthy apology from Officer Amanta. The last one was from Lambiel MacRae, and it contained his regards regarding the kidnapping incident and a wish to visit him sometime before the banquet at the royal palace.


‘Even though we keep seeing this person, we strangely don’t get closer to him.’


But since he was also a candidate for victim, I wondered if I could persuade him by having him meet Alai Kus in advance. He seems to be an acquaintance of Luke and frequents this mansion, so we might have a chance to talk sometime. As I was organizing the letter, Shine looked at me and muttered.


“Teacher, you meet a lot of men.”


I was startled and gave Shine my hand.


“If someone hears it, they misunderstand it. We’re all just friends.”






Shine wrote his impressions as they were, and then she released them. Then he looked at me intently and bellowed.


“I can’t allow it, so just know that.”




“You’re not allowed to meet other idiots.”


I burst out laughing at his cute declaration.


“We’re not meeting, are we?”


“Anyway! Anyway. already… There are rumors that you will get a place on Rearmond Manor.”


The words ‘getting one spot’ were not positive stories, but I couldn’t blame Shine for just picking up his words from somewhere. I was more interested in what Shine wanted to say. 

Something… He seemed very happy about the rumor that his uncle Luke and I were lovers.


‘Even Shine says he sometimes goes out of nowhere.’


I smiled slightly and returned Luna to her place.


“Now, if you’re done looking around and not making any weird noises, let’s solve some math problems.”


Shine pouted as if he didn’t like what I said, but Shine, who was acting like an adult today, didn’t complain anymore and stuck his nose in his worksheet again. While Shine and Luna were struggling with their short attention spans to solve problems, I wrote a reply to each letter and sent it to Mrs. Blier. It was a reply to everyone who asked how I was doing, asking them to visit whenever they had time.


Someone from the police station came to see me before the costume room. He was a tall police officer who guided me when I visited the police headquarters. We talked in a small room next to the study room.


“The building where Arbice was trapped is now an abandoned building with no owner. We have completed our investigation of the location, but very little information has been obtained.”


It was as expected. I nodded, not overly disappointed.


“I see.”


“Are you okay?”


“Yes, thanks to Luke who found it quickly.”


I brought this up because I wanted to blame the police for their incompetence, but I knew that my words were filled with sincerity. The officer asked me various questions about the information I had about seeing the criminal and recorded it on the investigation paper he brought with me. However, the officer’s concentration suddenly decreased when the criminal’s mask was torn in half.


“…Uh, so…”


The officer scratched the paper with his pen and repeated my words.


“…There was no substance?”


“Yes, that’s right? It swooshed like a shadow and disappeared through the window. Luke followed suit… Are you listening?”


“That’s true, but…”


“You haven’t been taking notes since a while ago?”


The officer looked at me as if he was worried that I was going through extreme trauma, then asked one or two additional questions and left early. I looked at the police officer disapprovingly.


‘I couldn’t be more sane than I am right now.’


“That’s enough for today. If you think of anything else, please let me know.”




I caught him trying to leave and told him the amazing information I had discovered.


“That culprit is someone who can participate in the royal banquet.”


The officer must have been impressed by my amazing reasoning ability, and now he looked at me with great pity.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released after a little rest of two weeks, on April, 27.

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not work with dark mode