I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me


Luke loosened his grip.

“Like you said last time, is it because you have a romantic interest in the banquet?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s funny that he remembers that ridiculous excuse.


“…His Majesty the King also says that he has no intention of canceling the banquet under these circumstances… Miss Green…”

He seemed to want to say that I had a big liver, but he trailed off, perhaps because he was worried that it would trigger memories of the day before yesterday.

I shrugged.

“What did I say… I’m not going to cancel the banquet because of what happened to me.”

“No. This person is well worth it. If it is too much, it is too much, it is not enough.”

Luke denied it so adamantly that I didn’t even get the chance to feel embarrassed.

“Then why is His Majesty the King holding that banquet?”

“To find a marriage partner for his daughter.”


“It may seem like I’m joking, but I’m serious.”

“If it’s his daughter, it’s Princess Blanthe, whom I met last time…?”

Luke shook his head.


I rolled my eyes upward.

‘The princess who was sincere to Luke. Is there a need to find a separate husband and hold a banquet? When there’s a person in front of me who she is so interested in?’

“The princess likes Luke. It’s not my place to interfere, but…”

He didn’t even deny what I said. Well, it’s impossible not to notice that the princess appeals so openly. But that didn’t mean he looked proud or happy.

“I think that’s probably the problem.”

“Are you saying that His Majesty the King doesn’t like the Duke?”

He calmly tilted his teacup without answering. But that must have been a very euphemistic affirmation. I rolled my eyes as much as I could.

‘…Why are you objecting to my daughter liking this country’s greatest public figure?’

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no good reason.

‘Does the King know what Luke was doing? But that wouldn’t be true because if the King knew Luke was a criminal, he would have already put him in prison.’

“If you just follow the princess’s heart, she will persuade you. “No parent can beat their child.”

“I have no intention of doing that.”

The Duke cut off the words I muttered with a single sword.

‘Why on earth are you doing that? Last time I saw you, you two looked good together. Besides, shouldn’t you be happy if such a pretty and talented princess likes you?’

Anyway, a man with a handsome face is just extremely arrogant.

I clicked my tongue. Of course, even if he were that arrogant, there would be plenty of women who would want to dance with him at least once. But there is no need for me to interfere in other people’s relationships.

As I was about to say something, I suddenly realized that we were now spinning around the center of the story. I lifted the glass in front of me and drank the last few bites of milk tea. Then he put the glass down on the saucer and looked straight into Luke’s eyes. Then I took a deep breath and spoke slowly and clearly.

“Luke, do you know who kidnapped me?”

His fingers that were tapping my knee stopped. I added without waiting for an answer.

“You weren’t even surprised even though he wasn’t human. I can’t help but think that you already knew about the kidnapper.”

Luke’s long eyelashes fluttered a few more times. As he was looking at the fluttering wings of a butterfly as if fascinated, he let out a small sigh.

[Luke Rearmond’s favorability has increased.


Now, it wasn’t surprising that Luke’ favorability notification window, not someone else’s, was so common.

He muttered slowly, as if he was telling something he didn’t want to talk about.

“As expected, Miss Green looks straight ahead at everything.”

“Are you looking at me face to face?”

“Just… I thought I could remember things properly without forgetting things I wanted to forget.”

“Sure. Fortunately, I haven’t developed severe forgetfulness yet.”

I asked why he was saying all that, but Luke, who had serious faces, burst out laughing because they thought my serious answer was so funny.

“That’s a good thing.”

Then, he lightly ruffled my hair and parted his beautifully sculpted lips.

“What can I say, there are many people who have encountered criminals. It would be difficult to say that you know who it is. Because I’ve never seen his face.”



“Then why didn’t you catch me?”

“As you can see. Because it is something that cannot be caught.”

I nodded. Luke’ power was absolute. He killed the enormous spider creature in one go, and made the kidnapper, who was unharmed even after being shot, run away first. But if he can’t solve it, other people won’t be able to help him. Since I didn’t ask for help from the Metropolitan Police Department when playing the game, the Metropolitan Police Department wouldn’t be able to help me either.

I looked at him thoughtfully. I don’t know what Luke was thinking, but this question is the most important to me right now.

“The culprit… Duke, he didn’t kidnap me by accident. It is true that I was kidnapped while trying to protect Shine, but even if that wasn’t the case, I have already met the culprit.”

A faint look passed through his gray eyes. It was a very small and insignificant change in emotions, so I wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t been looking closely. Luke looked down at his teacup, then he turned to face me.

“Is that so?”

‘Look at that shameless face.’

“The Duke has always tried to protect me. When I think about it now, it was from the day I collapsed. I thought the duke didn’t know that I met the criminal, but now that I think about it, it’s too coincidental to think that way.”

He didn’t deny it, but leaned back on the sofa and furrowed his eyebrows. There was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Seeing his relaxed face made me irritated. If you were caught lying, I wish you would have looked embarrassed.

“You knew, right? The criminal is targeting me. Did you know that you had Officer Amanta escort me?”

Luke got his nod much easier than he thought.

‘…It’s amazing. He spoke as if he had never encountered the criminal.’

I frowned at the expression on his face, as if he was praising a child who thought hard enough to find the right answer.

“You should have told me too! That way I can be careful.”

“The truth is not always good.”


“Everyone sees what they want to see and hears what they want to hear. Any truth that cannot be tolerated beyond that is just inconvenient.”

Again, that look again. I didn’t like that look on his face, like a pitiful puppy that had been abandoned somewhere alone. Even though I know that he is a person who may change at any moment and try to kill me, his expression keeps making me look at him.

I frowned and asked directly.

“That criminal is targeting me, and he failed once, but if he is dissuading me from attending the royal banquet because he thinks he might harm me in some way… I’m going.”


“At first, the person he was targeting in the alley was not me, but Shine. I’m sure I’m not the only one the criminal is targeting.”

“That’s it…”

“And when you point out the royal banquet and tell people not to go, isn’t there something there? Did the criminal have any warning?”

Luke laughed helplessly, as if they had lifted both hands and feet.

“This is it. You are the queen of mystery.”

“What exactly did you say?”

“…Rather than saying exactly what he said, he hoped I wouldn’t go there in exchange for giving you back. Because I’m the only one who can stop him.”

I glanced at Luke after blinking. It seems to be the truth thus far. As far as I’m aware, nothing happened at the dinner hall, but since the royal banquet route is so hard to navigate, I can’t say for sure because I wasn’t present for everything that happened there. In addition, I had to go alert Monica.

Additionally, the princess may be at risk if the abductor decides to harm Luke’s most valuable possessions. You should go ahead and alert them. 

I grinned.

“Then I guess I have to go.”


“As you just said, if the Duke is the only one who can stop him, then the Duke will protect him. I’m a pretty useful tutor.”

Luke wrinkled their eyebrows and laughed.

Tsk tsk tsk.


Pfft… Tsk tsk.

He laughed for a while while bending down to his waist, then straightened his back, wiping away the tears from his eyes.

[Luke Rearmond’s favorability has increased.


Affinity Quest – Tea Time Open]

[Luke Rearmond’s favorability has increased.


Favorability Quest: Additional increase in Favorability +30 as a reward for completing tea time


No matter how much I got used to seeing Luke’ favorability rise, I felt embarrassed when I saw windows popping up in succession like this.

‘…What is that crazy person thinking about alone in front of people?’

“As expected, I like you.”

If anyone hears it, they will think it is a confession.

‘Again, another strange sound.’

I tried to half-listen to the killer’s absurd words. Luke wiped the smile off his face and looked at me like a man with a very big decision.

“Is it so? I will live as if this life is my first and last. I don’t know if it will work, but if I try, I won’t regret it.”

As I was wide-eyed at the seemingly unknown words, he stretched out his hand towards me. Suddenly, I grabbed his hand and looked at him blankly, and Luke gently placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

“…What now… what…!”

“Then, if you have no choice, will you attend the banquet together, my partner?”

There was obviously a lot more left to talk about, but I jumped out of my seat without realizing it, feeling like the back of my hand was burnt.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released in a bit.

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not work with dark mode