I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me


‘It’s not surprising.’

How does Arbice Green know him so well? She sticks her head out at every incident as much as Luke. Of course she would have been a very thorn in the side of the criminal.

‘…That’s why I told you to be so careful.’

But where did she go wrong? Everyone else was in trouble because they couldn’t stay with Luke, but she was in trouble because she couldn’t run away from him. Was the problem that he left her alone because he found her amusing to look at it as if he was ecstatic at times, but then again it would glare at him as if she was looking at the enemy of the world?

‘I want to pull out my sword and go kill the culprit right now, but if I provoke him for no reason, I might end up in more danger. Since this is an incident that has never happened before, we can’t make a raid because we don’t know the location of the confinement…’

Luke climbed into the carriage with Shine in one arm, calming his ever-growing nervousness.

“It’s okay, Shine. It will be fine.”

Those words were actually not something she said to Shine, but something she said to himself.

‘If the criminal has the green sheep, he will come to Learmond Street and ask for something, so let’s go back even if we are upset.’

That’s right. Because if the criminal was going to kill Arbice, he would have killed her on the spot. Considering the criminal’s actions so far, the reason he was dragged along was probably to threaten Luke. He was sure of that. But no matter how hard he tried to think about it calmly, why did he keep feeling frustrated? Luke looked at Shine, who was curled up against her body, holding her knees, and she thought about the woman who saved the child and was taken instead.

‘Why on earth did you do that?’

She was a woman with long emerald-colored hair who looked very innocent and fragile, but at the same time looked very timid. However, one could quickly see that she had a very upright nature in her eyes that did not bend easily…

She’s a very strange and funny woman. The woman was a mystery who suddenly appeared in this episode.

It’s not the first time he had encountered her in this episode, but she’s one of the many tutors that were replaced every time, and she’s just a minor thing that’s in the back of our memories and then forgotten…

This time was different. One or two unusual incidents were often observed due to changes in his behavior, but Arbice Green was not like that… It was a very big wave.

She changed so many things… At first, she didn’t think much of the things that were different from her usual self, but when those little parts came together and came together, she became a completely different person.

‘She is… When she sees something, she doesn’t pass it by.’

Maybe she could be said to be just.

Everyone in the park, if not more so than Luke, was exhausted from fear. When they saw something suspicious, rather than delve into it, they closed their eyes and wanted to avoid it, and were busy running to the god of oblivion and praying.

But Arbice was different. Even at Luke’s tea party, she clearly said what she wanted to say, even showed her head to places related to missing persons or serial murder cases, and even tried to dig up the secrets of his house even with very frightened eyes.

That’s probably why she was captured after saving Shine. Although she seemed weaker and more timid than anyone else, she also knew how to look away more than anyone else.

However, the fact that she was persistent enough to somehow sneak through the door that Luke closed and delve into his ugly side was not just comfortable.

‘It probably wasn’t comfortable for the criminal either.’

Luke remembered the expression Arviche used to make when he saw me and chewed his lips accordingly. But that didn’t calm his mind at all. After fiddling with the small whistle that fit in his hand, he frowned and closed his eyes.

‘For now, I hope you stay alive. You must be safe and without any injuries.’

As soon as the carriage arrived at Rearmond Manor, Luke called Blier. Blier, who heard the sound of the carriage and rushed out to the front door, smiled softly as always and took his coat.

“Did you have a good trip, master?”

Luke responded by looking at the nanny who was taking care of Shine with an unpleasant gaze.

“I would have told you not to let Shine go out.”

“…yes? Did you go out?”

“Okay. The nanny should stay alone for the time being.”

Blier looked embarrassed, but she quickly accepted the situation and nodded her head.

“All right.”

Shine tugged on Luke’s pants.

“…I went out on my own. So, don’t scold Nanny and Blier.”

Luke looked down, a little surprised by his unexpected words. Shine and Luna were both very cute children, but perhaps because I had never properly educated them, they were wild and self-indulgent.

Time was bound to go back anyway…

Because he thought he was doing his job just by protecting these children. So he never hugged them properly or scolded them. Moreover, the tutors he hired to do his work were too concerned about him and never gave his children a proper education.

As such, the Rearmond family was a family that held absolute power. There was no tutor so generous as to scold and educate the Duke Rearmond’s children.

But Shine has changed this much. To the point where he apologized and told him not to scold the workers for his mistake.

Arviche Green came to mind once again, a sight she had never seen before.

He pushed up Shine’s back and spoke like a sigh after a moment of silence.

“Arbice Green has been kidnapped.”

Blier’s face contorted in shock and concern. Luke looked out the window, eyebrows furrowed.

Although he was scouring the entire park like catching a rat by scouring the Metropolitan Police Department and even mobilizing his private army, he still couldn’t feel at ease if he did come forward himself.

As he was nervously looking out the window, he suddenly felt like the atmosphere of the entire mansion had become droopy.

“…It’s extremely quiet.”

He had no idea that the mansion would become so empty and quiet just because one girl disappeared.

Only a few hours had passed since Arbice Green disappeared. After hearing the news about Arbice, Blier, the butler whom he trusted for not having emotional swings, lost his smile as if he was somehow lost.

Well, the relationship between Arbice and Blier seemed to be quite close. He had never seen her wear any accessories, but she wore wild flowers on her head until they wither, so he was a bit surprised when she told him that Arbice gave it to her when he asked her about it.

He didn’t explain the details to Blier, but she must have guessed the situation by seeing Shine look so depressed. She may be thinking that it’s her fault for not taking care of Nanny and Shine properly. Not only that, other workers also became noticeably lifeless.

And more than anything, Shine and Luna, who filled the mansion with their endless laughter these days, were downcast.

Although no one had explained the truth to Luna, she seemed to be depressed enough just by saying that Arbice was staying the night somewhere else.

Luke thought of Luna and the nanny who had just been arguing in the front door.

“Go up and sleep, Luna.”

“No. The teacher said that if you wait patiently while drawing, she will let you play hide and seek. I’m going to get my picture checked and then sleep!”

“…You can get tested tomorrow.”

“Huh? But if the teacher tells you to do it again, you have to do it again.”

“Go up first and sleep.”

“…huh. Just wait a little longer.”

‘Because Arbice is honest. Even the kids know it. The sense of stability that her honesty gives.’

Luke’s room had a clear view of the window next to the front door. Looking at her silver hair, Luna seemed to be waiting for Arbice to return, holding her sketchbook no matter how much the nanny tried to coax her. And Shine, needless to say, was extremely depressed. It seemed like they thought Arbice was kidnapped because of me.

‘The criminal was targeting Arbice from the beginning. Shine was just the opportunity.’

Luke felt the atmosphere of the mansion being so quiet that if they listened, they could even hear the sound of water being drawn from the well, and then let out a deep sigh coming from within. He didn’t know when she was there but… Arbice Green seemed to have permeated the entire house very slowly and deeply.

‘They say falling water penetrates rocks…’

Of course, Arbice smiled a lot, listened carefully to what others said, and always said thank you to his employees. But she didn’t know that everyone was so infatuated with her. They had only been together for about 15 days.

‘What was it like when Arbice Green first arrived?’

Well. Because his first impression of her was so vague, he didn’t have any clear memories.

She’s like this… Even the police officer in charge of Arbice, Aman Tina, was so entranced that he came to her mansion today on annual leave and waited for news from her. Moreover, it seemed that news of Arbice had circulated as she was turning over the whole park at the Metropolitan Police Department, even though it had only been a few hours after the incident.

He had also contacted the Magic Tower, trauma ward, and merchant guild through letters. He even sent people from temples with which he was not on good terms. Also, the person who would soon become her high priest, Al Raicus. All of them had no direct relationship with Luke.

‘You were quite short-footed, Arbice.’

Luke looked down at the entrance, which was crowded with police officers and the post office, and nervously pulled on their collars, thinking that the wide collar was constricting their necks.

‘My feelings for Arbice Green… interest. I thought it was just interest, but I can’t say that’s all.’

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been this nervous.

Flop, flop.

At that time, the sound she had been waiting for was heard. A pure white dove flew in and landed lightly on Luke’s finger. Luke stared at the pigeon, which was constantly flapping its wings and balancing on its finger. There was a red drawing on the pigeon’s pure white wing, but it was so distorted that it was difficult to recognize its shape. When he stretched out his hands and spread his wings, the hidden star was revealed.

Luke wrinkled his eyebrows.

‘I can’t believe I’m finally contacting you.’

He was reading through the pattern, and even though it took exactly as long as he expected, it felt like it took an extremely long time. The pigeon was a contact person from the criminal.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 27.

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