I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me


Rattle, rattle.

It was a quiet breakfast spot, with only the sound of dishes clinking. I squinted at Luke’s face while eating scrambled eggs, sausage, warm fresh milk, large cheese, and black pudding. Luke ate his meal neatly and with the same peaceful expression he always did. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find any evidence of murderous intent or suspicion of me anywhere on that straight face.

“Did the basement visit incident really end with that long conversation from last night…?”

As I lifted my fork again, rubbing my chest, Luke suddenly spoke.

“Have you still not changed your mind about going to the royal banquet?”

“…yes? Yes, that’s it… You even put on clothes to go. Of course I have to go.”

“Something like clothes is good. Just think of it as my gift.”

Also, the logic seemed to be to not go to dangerous places. But then what about Monica? It’s a golden opportunity to meet after a long time. This time, I won’t let the next victim become meek prey. When he saw my stubborn expression, he shook his head as if he thought we would never understand.

“I’m telling you this because I feel like I’m attracting too much attention.”

“Me? Who would care about a poor self-worker like me?”

As I shamelessly muttered, the Lakers sighed as if their bones were in pain. The moment I put down my napkin, feeling like a troublemaker, Shine pointed behind me. Mr. Blier was standing at the door holding a letter on a silver tray.

‘Are you planning on standing there until the meal is over?’

I heard that aristocratic culture is truly too old-fashioned. Trying to avoid conversation with the Lakers, I quickly got up from my seat and approached Mr. Blier. She cut a small piece of the wild flower decoration I gave her yesterday and placed it in her hair. In her hand, there were about five letters.

“I finished eating. Give it to me. Would you like me to deliver it to the Duke?”

Mr. Blier smiled brightly and shook her head.

“Two of these belong to the Duke, and three belong to Lady Green.”

“…It’s mine?”

In an instant, my gaze met Luke’s silver eyes looking at me. Look at that. Those eyes looked triumphant, as if they were saying, ‘You’re getting enough attention, right?’, so I quickly packed the letter in my arms.

I checked the letter after Shine and Luna had finished their meal and I had told them in detail what they were going to do and play tomorrow. Before I returned to the room, Luke kept looking at me, as if he was interested in the letter I had received, but I continued to shamelessly pretend not to know. When I got back to the room, I quickly closed the door, sat down on the bed, and took out the letters. The first letter comes from Lambiel McRae.

Did the visit incident end with the long conversation from last night?

[To Arbice Green.


The reason I am writing this letter is because I heard that you will be attending a banquet at the royal palace.

If you don’t mind, would you be my partner?

I remember the last time we ran into each other, you said it was okay to ask me out on a date.

I would like to get my umbrella back and visit sometime to talk.

I’ll wait for your reply.

– Ranviel McRae,

With admiration]

I blinked in confusion. It was a good idea to talk to potential future victims a lot in advance. As I tried to focus on the fire that had to be extinguished immediately, I was concerned that I had not been able to warn him separately even though I knew of Langviel’s existence, and more than anything, I felt sorry for losing my umbrella at that time, so I should have responded. It bothered me a little that they kept asking me about the Lakers, but it doesn’t hurt that there are people other than me who doubt Luke. Moreover, it seems like he has a close relationship with the Lakers since he frequents this mansion, so maybe… I took out the following letter. It was a letter with a red seal on a very white envelope. Without even having time to find a letter knife, I tore the end open with my hand, and a letter came out with neat writing that looked as if it had been printed on a printer.

[To Mr. Arbice Green with emerald hair.

I am sending you a letter based on what I heard from her that she is at Rearmund Manor.

Please, I need this letter to arrive properly.

Oops. I should have stated my name first, but the order of the letters was messed up.

My name is Alay Kus.]

Alay Kus! I only met him yesterday, and he contacted me much faster than I expected. He had a very uninspiring face and said things like I had no talent, so I was nervous that he might quit before becoming a high priest, unlike the original plan. I quickly finished reading the letter.

[This morning, I was called to the High Priest and heard a certain story.

He dares to entrust me, a worthless being, with a mission that is not something that will be given in the right order.

The moment I heard those words, I knew I had to write this letter. I would like to meet you again. I am curious as to how you were arranged.

I’ll wait for your reply.

The blessing of oblivion is equal for all.

– Alay Kus]

I poured out my heart. It seems that he was nominated as the next high priest early this morning. If we hadn’t talked yesterday, it would have been very difficult to convince Alai Kus, but the timing was perfect. He only knew it after he became a high priest. He didn’t know how he lived before that, so he almost missed it.

‘For some reason, I felt like I had to visit the temple yesterday.’

Although half of it was a product of luck, I was happy to praise myself. At that time, the text in the notification window quickly rose to the top.

[Alay Kus’ favorability has increased.


Affinity Quest Salon Open

Favorability event festival opened

Favorability event temple lake opening

Favorability event blessing opening]

I was surprised to see the messages popping up one after another.

‘…Even if you just exchange letters without meeting in person, your liking can increase.’

The level of friendliness raised through this letter is much greater than the level of friendliness I have built up from meeting other characters so far. It seems like they were very surprised by what I left behind.

I laughed softly.

In the game, Alay Kus was always a stiff person who only appeared to be worshiped by believers. Of course, he was like light and salt to me, but it wouldn’t be easy to show everyone that he was well-equipped. It’s fun because I think I’ve become a little closer to him personally, and after getting to know him during his weak and difficult time as a priest, I also want to be his support. It felt like the text about increasing favorability was not just a means of opening an event, but was somehow an actual exchange. Since today was also the weekend, I held the last letter in my hand, thinking about going out as long as the Lakers were okay. Unlike the other two letters, it was decorated very extravagantly with a golden eagle pattern and purple floral patterns, starting from the outside. The eagle is a symbol used as a royal symbol in <Night of the Murderers>. I felt like I knew it without even reading the content.

Invitation to the royal banquet.

I thought it was just a verbal invitation, but I was a little touched that they even sent a separate invitation like this. Since the invitation also required a RSVP, I sat down at my desk to find a pen to reply to the three letters. As I laid out three pieces of letter paper side by side, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘…I think I’ve improved a lot since I first fell in love with this game.’

At that time, even the employees at the Learmond Mansion did not properly greet Arviche, and they were not friendly with Shine and Luna at all. Compared to then, I have become quite close to many people now. Of course, the thing that has greatly increased our intimacy with Luke… Although that wasn’t really my intention. I wrote replies to all three letters, sealed the envelope tightly, and stood up.

‘Would it be okay to ask Mr. Blier to deliver it?’

Just as I was opening the door, there was a tall figure standing awkwardly in front of the door.

“It looks like something good is happening. You seem to be in a good mood.”


If you’re too surprised, you won’t even be able to speak. My face went white and I just fell to the floor, but a large hand of a familiar shape grabbed my shoulders and elbows and held them as if they were hugging me.

“Are you okay?”

“…Are you okay? Why are you standing in front of someone else’s door like that?”

“I was just about to knock, but the timing wasn’t right.”

‘Is timing important in seeing the killer? …Don’t just tell me to be careful, be careful yourself!’

I grabbed my left breast, spitting out words that I couldn’t get out of my mouth.

“I think you were really surprised by this.”

“…no. It’s fine, really.”

After barely getting out of Lakers hands and landing on my feet, I glared at the straight, handsome face that was too close to me.

“So, what brought you here?”

I asked this question because I thought he was going to circle around me with another ridiculous excuse, but surprisingly, it seemed like he really had some business to attend to.

“Do you have plans to go out today?”

“Yes? Ah… well. I’m thinking about it… Will you come with me today?”

“No. I have some urgent business to do at the Metropolitan Police Department, so it will be difficult for me to accompany you today. If you have to go out, it would be a good idea to bring a police officer with you.”

It was welcome that the inconvenient watchdog called the Lakers was not following them around, but I was a little curious about the fact that there was business at the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Ah yes… By the way, what kind of business are you going for?”

Luke closed his mouth for a moment before answering the question.

“I heard that Catherine Hunt’s autopsy results came out.”

In front of the soft silver gaze that was trying to penetrate my insides, I opened my mouth small, not even thinking about managing my facial expression.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on December, 7.

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not work with dark mode