I'm a Supporting Role in a Horror Game, Don't Kill Me

Arbitche Green.

I stood blankly in front of the doorknob, trying to recall everything I knew about Arbitche Green. But apart from being an insignificant supporting character, there was nothing special about her. Because it was so small…

‘What’s unique about her is that she dies quickly…’

I bit my lip. As far as I remember, Arbitche Green was all listed in the player’s notebook records together with the articles about the other corpses. Since it was an unfortunate supporting character with no close friends, there was no one to testify about her whereabouts, and it seemed that it was a death that was not clear whether it was a suicide or a murder.

‘Why am I in a game like this and in a character like this?’

I ran my hand through the goosebumps, pushed the door open, and went out. Yellow gas lights were lined up in the dark downtown area, and people who were startled by the commotion were pulling their heads out of each building window. The gloomy, mysterious air that harbored the truth of what had happened somewhere was not pleasant. Swallowing a smoky breath that smelled like fire, I was sure once again.

‘I don’t know why I woke up in a game like this, but it’s definitely not a dream.’

My head was pounding. What’s going on?

‘But how did I end up in a place like this?’

I tried to rummage through the last memories I had, but I couldn’t remember anything. Seeing as I couldn’t remember this much, it seemed like I fell asleep after drinking as usual. I pressed my throbbing temple and looked at the unfamiliar night scenery.

‘What now?’

The excitement I felt the moment I went to see the Lakers was gone. I hesitated for a moment but decided to go to the original target site. Anyway, I had to figure out what was going on. Still, I had a positive personality.

‘This is fun.’

While I was terrified and taking reluctant steps slowly, I suddenly had such a thought. It was the fact that the spaces seen in the game were implemented in detail. A park with a bunch of dogs lying there—yes, that’s where Baron Rayler’s arm or iron was found in a trash can—and that mossy, shady, dead-end alley where the killer’s message would be engraved. I followed my memory and moved my steps here and there, and when I came to my senses, I arrived at a place where there were a lot of people. The air was spicy and so hot that I couldn’t help but look up.

I gulped.

‘This is right.’

In front of me was the scene I had seen repeatedly on Day 1. In person, the terrifying scene of the massive mansion engulfed in flames was much more terrifying than it had been in the video game. Red flames stuck out their long tongues from the edge of the fourth floor of the old mansion and engulfed the building, which only had black skeletons. In the middle of the 4th floor, through the stream of water that was belatedly sprayed here and there, I could see a corpse hanging in a strange state, as if it were on display.

‘I didn’t want to see this myself.’

The flames were so intense that even the proper shape was unrecognizable, but the sight of the dry, distorted corpse swaying slightly made me very uncomfortable. The common emotion on the faces of the crowd seen through the red reflections was deep fear. I involuntarily took a step back and covered my mouth.


‘I think I’m going to vomit.’

Modern people rarely face death. Death was thoroughly separated from everyday life, so it was handled secretly. To see a dead body right in front of you… Even though it was a scene that I had seen on the monitor several times, it was not something I could easily pass over. Moreover, at that moment, the page where Arbitche Green’s death was recorded in the case notebook… It even seemed to overlap with the scene of death unfolding before my eyes. My body trembled with indescribable horror and some disgust at the unusual sight. Even though I thought this was not a dream, I pinched my cheek as hard as I could again. After all, I only felt intense pain, but nothing happened. I took a few more steps back.

‘I have to get out of here for now.’

I couldn’t possibly stand here any longer. As if running away from the terrifying feeling that someone might pull my hair, I hurriedly stepped forward as far as I could. I panicked and didn’t know where I was going. How long have I been walking aimlessly? When the alley turned at a right angle, I suddenly stopped.

‘What, it’s a dead end.’

Then my head went cold. I didn’t even know how far I had gone since I walked so recklessly.

‘Let’s calm down and go out to an alley with a lot of people. It’s too dark here.’

The moment I turned around, I realized that there was another person in front of me. Bright golden hair that glistened in the moonlight, straight legs, and a voluptuous body A familiar, beautiful man. The prime suspect in this game is Lakers Rearmond. Unrealistic beauty stood in front of my eyes, and I stopped right there, forgetting all the confusion I had just felt.


How could I hold my breath as if it were neither reality nor a dream, even though it was just standing in front of my eyes? The taller man, one head taller than me, frowned slightly, barely realizing that he was not a piece of marble made of beauty. Lakers warned Arbitche, sharpening their gray eyes soaked in melancholy.

“I’m not in that state right now, so I hope you don’t come close.”

It was a bleak voice, as if the wind were passing by, but I liked it on a different level than when I heard it through cheap speakers. To the point where you feel a strange thrill running down the back of your neck, like goosebumps that you can only feel when you hear something so perfect and good. As I was just looking at him with no intention of approaching or moving away, Lakers raised his hand as if sighing. There was something red on his hand.

‘That’s blood…?’

Looking closely again, it was clear beyond a doubt. It wasn’t just a small wound; it wasn’t just one or two drops; it was so soaked that I couldn’t even see his palms.

‘Whose blood is it? Lakers…? If not…’

Then I realized that the Lakers were not just handsome and beautiful men, but killers in this game. No, I belatedly remembered that it was almost 99% certain that he was the killer. It was only then that I was able to retract my gaze, as if I were bewitched by him. 

Instead, with the blood on the hands of the Lakers, my own words came out of my mouth involuntarily.

“Yes, the killer.”

Did he hear her talking? His eyes were momentarily stained with wonder.

“Miss Green, did you just say that to me?”

The moment I heard that ghastly voice, my tongue stiffened with tension. There were no witty excuses. At the end of that brief silence, the Lakers’ eyes quickly sank.

[Lakers’ favorability has declined.]

A small notification window appeared in the lower left corner. At the same time, he pushed me against the wall. The action was so fast, I didn’t have time to react. He tilted his head as if he were about to kiss me, as I was firmly trapped between the wall and the Lakers. His bloody hands gently grabbed my wrists. He asked in a low voice just before his lips touched mine, but I was so shocked that I was immobile.

“Miss Green is convinced that I am the culprit, right?”


My heart was beating like crazy.

‘I shouldn’t have said that.’

Even though he thought that this place was real, he must have still thought that it was just a game in his heart. That’s why I said it carelessly. But it was also very realistic. It was absurdly frightening to see the beautiful jewel-like eyes of Lakers shining right in front of me.

‘I have to run away.’

I moved as if I were ramming him with a trembling body.


Biting my lips hard, I managed to free myself from him and ran into the darkness. I wandered aimlessly down the street. Even after wandering through the dark alley, I couldn’t dare to look back. Knowing the way well was a vain self. Unlike modern times, alleys without street lights continued one after another, and even if I tried to step out, aiming for the smoke rising from far away, I just kept going around the alleys. I was getting more and more scared, and only my hair stood on end.

“Omg… Omg…”

I was out of breath to the extent that my head was spinning tight. I leaned against the wall and gasped for breath when I heard footsteps approaching. It’s Lakers, I was so sure.

Terrified, I turned to another alley and ran away, but the opponent was much faster than the speed at which Arbitche moved silently. The moment I thought the distance had shortened in an instant, I tripped on a stone and fell. My shoe came off, and I fell violently.


There was no time to moan from the bitterness. I felt a large hand close my mouth and grab my hair. The difference in power was so great that I couldn’t even try to resist. I sounded very light. There was no time to check the opponent’s face. The sensation of twisting my neck was terrifying. No other death I could have imagined was as terrifying as that one. The short pain tormented me without mercy, to the point where I thought I’d rather die.

The moment my body flipped over and a black figure passed in front of my eyes, everything was finally over. I was allowed to escape from that hellish pain to death. Between them, only pure white letters came to mind clearly.

[-Game Over-]

Bad End: [Cleared the route ‘Dangerous Trap’.]

* * *

When I opened my eyes again, a small information window appeared in the middle of my field of vision.

Welcome back to the horror game <The Night of the Murderers.

[<ArbitcheArbitchework is a Level 1 character, and 2 out of 3 hearts are left.]


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. Thank you for reading this story!

If you like my work, please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon.

The next post will be released on August 4.

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I lay down blankly and looked up at the information window in front of me. My heartbeat thumped like crazy.

‘Did I just say the wrong thing and get killed? Was that why I lost one heart?’

The backbone was pulled in fear. I let out a long sigh and covered my face with both hands. What really frightened me was the soreness I felt when I fell to the floor. No, it was the fear of the pain at the moment of being killed and the power that could never be resisted. The fear of being chased in the alley… It was terrifying to remember it again. Even when I was sitting in front of the monitor, holding the controller, and enjoying the game, I had experienced many times when I was being chased, but it was different from that kind of fear. The player has a bad ending on the side of finding out someone’s death, not being killed himself.

‘I thought it was real, but it was really real.’

I really had become Arbitche Green. As long as this heart remains.

I opened my eyes and quietly looked ahead through my fingers. White letters that did not disappear were shining in front of my eyes. In fact, only two hearts remained in the upper left corner of the visual field, in the status window. Of the original three hearts, the one on the right was dyed gray. There were two hearts left. So what would happen when you used up all your hearts? It’s a natural rule of the game. When all hearts are exhausted, the game just ends there.

My saliva went down involuntarily at the ominous imagination.

‘…How did I end up in a game like this, really?’

No matter how much I thought back, the memory of the last day was not clear. I thought I was playing a game. I thought for a while, then brushed my hair and let out a long sigh.

‘Even if I can remember, what difference will it make?’

Anyway, the important thing now was the fact that I was in this game.

‘For now, what I have to do is never die again.’

I slowly organized my thoughts. I would live like a dead rat. It’s a dream or whatever, so until I get out of this situation, I will do so.

‘Game? Criminal? That’s not important right now. Let’s live. Let’s survive.’

Pressing my pounding chest with my hand, I nodded in my thoughts.

‘And… Let’s get away from the main flow of this game.’

As long as it was a mystery horror game, death and strange events were inevitable in the main story of this game. Because the main stem itself was finding out who the serial killer was. After setting a goal like that, it felt like my heart, which had barely been beating fast, calmed down a bit. When I stretched out my hand toward the floating character image at the upper left corner of my field of view, I was able to query information like a touch screen.

[Arbitche Green]

Age: 27

Occupation: Resident tutor of the Duke of Leermond

Birthplace: First daughter of Baron Green

Affinity: (If there is a character whose affinity has risen by 1 or more, it will be displayed here.)

Holding amount: 0G

Residence: Lakers Rearmond Mansion

Other than that, I clicked on this and that, but there was nothing to set separately and nothing to query further. I just saw a sign that there was one ending that was collected for no reason. It seemed that this was all the information available in the room. I searched all the drawers here and there to see if there were any decent items, but all I found was an unopened gym bag. Even so, the only items inside were a few books to use while working as a private teacher and personal letters that seemed to have been exchanged with the original family. What I needed right now was weapons, armor, or seed money. None of them were.

‘No, no matter how much it is, does it make sense that there is only 0 gold?’

I let out a breath and sighed. Since there was nothing like this, I suddenly realized it again.

‘Really, this character… He was just a supporting character who was about to die in the beginning.’

There’s no way to set things up like money. I felt the fear of the last ending creeping up from my toes, but I struggled to get my mind together.

‘The first thing to do is to get out of this mansion. Let’s quit the tutoring job first.’

I needed to reduce my encounters with Lakers. It seemed that there was a connection, so if I went there, maybe something would work out? After scrutinizing some of the letters, it seemed that Arbitche Green really came from a rather poor baron family and that her aunt had taken away her little legacy after her parents died.

As the aunt had Arbitche, it seemed that one characteristic forced her to do this job. I liked writing and learned a lot, so I thought I would do well, but since the character Arbitche Green was timid and had no characteristics, I didn’t seem to be able to adapt.

‘What… If I quit and go back, won’t they still let me sleep and feed me?’

If I went, I would be treated badly, but anything would be better than staying at the killer’s house. I took my little things, packed them well, and waited for Mrs. Blier to come. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the door opened with a knock.

“Oh, are you awake?”

Blier, wearing round glasses that matched the black maid outfit very well, poked her head out just like in the first playthrough. I smiled slowly at her.

“I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.”

Mrs. Blier blinked her eyes, and she smiled faintly.

“Oh, you speak like a completely different person.”

“Because Mrs. Blier always worries about me like this.”

“Oh my. You seem to be really okay.”

“Did I get my energy back thanks to Mrs. Blier? You always take good care of everyone in the mansion. I am always grateful.”


[Blier White’s favorability has increased.

Lv.1 (27/99)]

It’s very small, but it’s a more specific compliment than the last time, so the extent of the increase in favorability was large.

‘This game… It’s not a way to choose an option, but a reaction based on my words, so there must be a lot of fine-tuning.’ 

I even felt my stomach churn at the level of sophistication that made me feel uncomfortable. Trying not to wrinkle my expression, I secretly spilled a story to Blier.

“I’m going to visit my aunt once, but can I just tell you in advance about going out?”

“You can go out freely on the weekends. Even on weekdays, you can relax after work.”

‘Rather than saying I’m quitting right now, I’d rather secure a place to live and say it more clearly.’

As I nodded, a loud scream rang out from outside the window. It was a familiar sound.


“…What do you mean?”

Unlike me, who was calm, Mrs. Blier hurriedly approached the window, and I also went to his side and watched the flickering flames in the distance. The acrid smoke rising from the place where death lurked was very ominous, even from a distance.

“Ask for more help! I can’t catch the fire!”

“That way! Catch it! You son of a bitch, I won’t let you run away today!”

“Catch it! Don’t go alone!”

Loud whistles and shouts After going through the same thing this far, I came to the realization that it was the second episode.

Mr. Blier murmured urgently.

“The master is still outside, but it looks like something big has happened outside. I have to send someone, so I’ll just go.”


As soon as Arbitche nodded, she hurried away.

“The master is still outside” sounded very different from before.

‘That killer bastard.’

Yeah, now I know better than anyone that the Lakers were near the scene. I got chills and rubbed my goosebumps on my arms, mentally calculating the time to jump with my bag. Then I suddenly remembered something important that I had been missing. Until now, I was surprised that this situation was not a dream, but now I have to think about surviving here.

‘Isn’t farming the most important thing in a game?’

Farming. In other words, obtaining items was one of the most important factors in solving the game.

‘The most important item in this game is the case notebook.’

The notebook that marked the death of Arbitche Green It was a very useful item that informed both rumors the player was unaware of and the information gathered by the police up until that point. I could roughly remember the events before and after the death of Arbitche Green, so if I had that notebook, I would be able to know the timing of Green’s death.

‘Obviously, I got the case notebook through a conversation with the superintendent on DAY 1…’

As soon as I thought about it, I jumped up from my seat. It was only natural that there was an NPC, Inspector Tribber, at the scene of the incident.

‘Just now. Right now, with Lakers preoccupied with killing, must be the time to make a move.’

I was so scared that I didn’t have the courage to leave the building, but if I didn’t act like the first playthrough, nothing would happen on the first day. And… I was planning to move my residence. If I don’t get it now, it might be difficult to come this far again.

I quickly turned around and went down the stairs. Just like the last time, I met the gaze of the servants who were looking at me face-to-face, but I smiled as much as I could and waved my hand.

‘The saying that you can’t spit on a smiling face seems to be true’

Instead of ignoring me like the last time, some of the servants waved at me with dumbfounded faces as if they were surprised. With a satisfied face, I passed through the corridors and stairs I had passed before and exited the building. However, fearing that he would run into Lakers again, I chose to walk only on the main road, not paying attention to the alley. It wasn’t too difficult to walk the same road again and blend in safely with the crowd. A building on fire with dead bodies dangling from the fourth floor soon appeared in front of me. Family members who seemed to have come out without proper clothes sat on the floor with lost faces, and onlookers were talking in whispers with frightened faces. It was a scene that might have been obvious at the beginning of a horror game. When I was playing, I just thought it would be fun when the truth was revealed. No matter how many times I watched it, the miserable feeling did not go away.


Eventually, the moment I couldn’t stand it and looked away, Inspector Triver stood at the entrance of the old mansion. The pleasure was also short-lived.

A large group of officers had surrounded Inspector Triver as he shouted among them.

‘…How can I talk to that person?’

I had a bad feeling that talking to him would never be easy.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. Thank you for reading this story!!

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on November, 21.

Want to read more?


  1. Sadbeech says:

    Holy crap that’s pretty scary. Snapping someone’s neck is such a brutal murder method but the fact she felt the pain before dying 😭😭😭.

    Thank you for updating <3

  2. bluepillow says:

    I’m already loving it!! I love thrilling, horror genres 😀

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not work with dark mode