I'm A Fake Bride Who'll Run Away Someday





The girl was sitting on the edge of the bed, gently wiping the moisture from her face.


It seemed like she had just finished washing her face, so the curls of hair near her forehead were even more curly.


Moreover, Erica was wearing an apron that was larger than her body, folded several times and tied tightly.


The girl’s eyes widened at the sudden appearance of Vincent in her room.


“uh? “Deacon Vincent?”


Erica looked up at him with a puzzled face for a moment.


Although the girl was not particularly displeased, Vincent quickly grabbed hold of the strings of reason and quickly lowered his head.


“S-sorry. “I committed rudeness because I was anxious to check quickly.”


“no. are you okay. You also knocked.”


Erica answered kindly and smiled like a noblewoman who had learned from a marquis.


Then, I soon noticed. It was because there was something that Vincent said that bothered me.


‘What do you mean by checking quickly?’


The girl asked carefully, trying not to let her impatience be noticed.


“By the way, is something wrong? I think there must be a reason why you came looking for me so quickly… … .”


“ah. Well, that’s no different.”


Vincent trailed off several times, which was unusual for him.


How many times did you promise yourself this before Sebastian came back?




“You must never get caught.”




Also, how many times have you advised users to do so?




“We ask that you all do your best to ensure that nothing is neglected in serving you.”




The person who would become Sebastian’s wife was the only daughter of the Marquis de Blanche, who was not on good terms with the Archduke Acliffe.


As the two people’s marriage did not start off on good terms, Vincent thought that every action of the employees could be an excuse for the marquis.


So, with the intention of nipping such a bud in the first place, I did my best to prepare for the arrival of the daughter of the Marquis Erica Blanche.


‘But this has been happening since day one!’


Everything was going beyond Vincent’s expectations.


He swallowed dry saliva and barely opened his mouth.


“I was going to ask you what you plan to have for breakfast, little madam.”


Vincent quickly looked around.


The ‘dropped’ bread in question, which the maid Joanna had seen, was lying quietly next to the silver basin.


‘There is no trace of eating!’


It was truly fortunate.


Vincent was finally able to relax for a moment.


Actually, Erica honestly intended to eat that bread.


If it were me, I would have dusted it off with my hands a few times before eating it.


However, perhaps because he received harsh training at the Marquis de Blanche, he refrained from taking action even though he knew there were no eyes watching.




Erica’s eyes sparkled.


Erica’s face brightened at the thought of finally being able to eat something.


Vincent quickly calmed his expression and continued speaking.


“How do you usually eat breakfast? If you tell us, we will alert the kitchen to prepare it quickly. ah! Would you like to eat at the restaurant before then? Or would you like to eat in this room?”


“If it’s okay, I’d like to eat in my room.”


“All right. If so, let me put away the bread first, along with the basin. “It’s probably dirty because it was dropped.”


Erica’s head tilted to one side.


“Hey, deacon?”


“Yes, little madam.”


“But how did you know I dropped that bread?”


It was then.


“yes! “I saw it!”


Joanna, who was standing behind Vincent, stepped forward, raising her right arm so loudly that she put it to her ear.


It seemed like his mouth was itching.


Even though Vincent was glaring at her, she continued to introduce herself without giving in.


Despite that appearance, I thought that he had an optimistic nature.


“Hello, little madam! My name is Joanna! I saw the little lady picking up bread. I should have helped right away, but I couldn’t because the little lady entered the room faster than I could. sorry!”


“Oh, no. are you okay.”


Vincent immediately frowned. Fortunately, Erica was watching so she didn’t seem to raise her voice.


“Would you like to go out for now, Miss Joanna? “I’m going crazy so I’ll give you time to formally say hello later.”


“Tsk, yep.”


Joanna let out a small sigh of regret, bowed her head politely, and left the room.


Vincent cleared his throat, opened his mouth, and pointed politely at the middle-aged woman who had remained silent the entire time with a gentle smile.


“Little madam. Actually, I was planning to formally greet you in the afternoon, but I will introduce you first. This is Lady Alma, the head maid. “she is in charge of overall management of Anasalim.”


The head maid is a person who assists the mistress of a noble family in managing internal affairs, and is mostly held by vassals of high-ranking noble families.


This meant that Vincent and Madame Alma were both people with noble titles, even if they were low level ones.


“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Alma.”


“Nice to meet you, little lady. Please take care of me in the future.”


“Please take care of me.”


When Erica greeted her politely, Mrs. Alma also responded with a friendly smile.


“By the way, little madam. “If you don’t mind, may I ask you a question?”


“Ah yes.”


Unlike Vincent, Madame Alma naturally asked Erica questions about her actions in the morning.


“Joanna said that the little madam herself brought the face wash this morning. “Why didn’t you call the maids?”


“Oh, that’s it.”


Erica seemed to be embarrassed, slightly scratching her cheek and rolling her eyes.


Then, perhaps because I thought it would be better to show rather than tell, I gently pulled the string.


Vincent and Madame Alma quietly watched what the girl did.


“I guess this thing is broken. I called several times, but no one came… … .”


“Oh my goodness.”


“ah… … .”


Vincent’s lips parted and a low growl came out.


“I went outside and there was no one.”


Erica finished speaking by adding in a quieter voice than before.


Vincent put strength into his clenched teeth.


In fact, the reason why there were no occupants on the floor where Erica’s room was located and above and below was because he personally ordered it.


Anyway, it was the first day the girl arrived at the Grand Duke’s residence, and all the servants were bitten in order to get a good night’s sleep.


But I never thought it would lead to such disastrous results!


If it weren’t for Erica in front of him right now, Vincent felt like he just wanted to close his eyes and touch his forehead.


“Little madam, it seems there was some confusion.”


Vincent’s straight face was colored with embarrassment.


He tried hard not to frown in front of Erica, but it didn’t seem to be easy, and Vincent moved his facial muscles in odd ways a few times and barely managed to make a strained voice.


“I checked the room several times before you arrived… … . “It looks like there was a problem with the sling rope.”


Erica nodded.


“I thought that was probably the case.”


“It looks like the connection was lost in the middle, but we will try to restore it as soon as possible. I’m really sorry.”


Vincent’s eyes fell on the bread Erica put down and the apron she was wearing.


He looked like he was overcome with the urge to sigh again, but since it was in front of Erica, he seemed to be holding it back with effort.


“And I will tell the employees right away and order them to apologize properly for their rudeness.”


“Oh, no!”


Erica added, shaking her head.


“Everyone treated me warmly. “They gave me that bread because they thought of me.”


The girl grinned.


But whatever Erica’s true feelings were, Vincent was so disgraceful about the current situation that he eventually lowered his gaze.


Erica, who was concerned about that sight, looked at his thoughts and eventually let out a small sound.


“excuse me… … Deacon. And.”


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