I'm A Fake Bride Who'll Run Away Someday




Sebastian had a rare frown on his face.


He stretched out his arms toward Erica.


Sebastian stretched out his index finger and flicked it upward.


I was thinking of getting rid of something that bothered me earlier.


“Hurry up and wake up. “Because it’s unsightly.”


“ah… … . Ah, four!”


Erica raised her voice and quickly stood up.


Because she was kneeling, the white dress she was wearing was a little dirty.


There was dust and dirt exactly on my knees and shins, and I quickly brushed it off with my hands, but it left a mark.


Erica’s face turned red from embarrassment. At that time, Sebastian’s voice was heard again.


“Don’t kneel carelessly again.”


“… … yes.”


Erica was hesitant and muttered an answer.


Sebastian pursed his lips for a moment and then added a word. It somehow felt like an excuse.


“Now that you are married, you are no longer a member of the Marquis de Blanche, but a member of the Archduke Acliffe.”


“ah… … yes.”


“It means that you should not lower the reputation and status of the Archduchy Acliffe.”


Erica nodded. She looked somewhat downcast.


“Yes, I understand. “I will behave properly.”


It was a polite answer, but Sebastian’s frown did not go away at all.


For some reason, it seemed like it wasn’t the reaction he wanted.


However, he must have felt that it was lame to open his mouth again, so he glanced at Milod as if telling him to clean up, and then turned around.


Milod received the signal and approached Erica as if he had been preparing.


“We can finally leave now. miss. No, little madam. “I will escort you to the carriage.”


Milod put one arm behind his back and extended the other arm toward Erica.


Erica, who blushed for a moment as if embarrassed, carefully placed only her fingertips on his forearm.


“thank you. hmm… … .”


“It’s called Milod.”


“Yes, Lord Milod.”


Erica, accompanied by a very polite escort, boarded the carriage of Archduke Acliffe that Sebastian had brought from the estate.


I sat down and looked outside without thinking, and saw the face of Bonpiju, who was hesitantly following her.


In an instant, Erica’s heart sank again, and her face, which had brightened for a moment, also darkened again.


‘I forgot. Bonpiju is also riding in the same carriage.’


I felt even more depressed as I imagined being scolded from the moment the door closed.


Bonpiju got closer and closer.


That was when she put one foot on the carriage step.


Sebastian stuck out his sword and blocked her path.


“I can’t allow you anything from Acliiffe. In short, it means that climbing together is not allowed.”


“Great, Grand Duke. You forgave me… … Wasn’t it?”


Sebastian’s lips twitched.


“It’s so shameless. “I see you opening your mouth again, saying only useless things, not realizing that you have shown great generosity just by saving your life.”


BonPiju looked at Sebastian in despair with a bloodless face, but the boy was resolute.


“Inside… … .”


It was okay to call her wife, but it still seemed awkward.


Sebastian, who had been struggling for words for a moment to find the appropriate title to call Erica, soon spoke again.


“The little boy wants to go with you, so I won’t stop him from following. But please come on your own. “If you don’t like it, you can go back to your master.”


After finishing speaking, Sebastian personally closed the door of the carriage Erica was riding in and kicked down the carriage steps so that BonPiju could not climb up even if it was late.


BonPiju bowed his head towards Sebastian with a black, dead face, and then quickly moved towards the narrow and poor carriage of the marquis he had arrived in.


“I guess they will follow me even if I die soon.”


Sebastian snorted and lifted his hand.


“Mill Road.”


“Yes, Sebastian.”


Milod, who immediately closed the distance, lowered his voice low and secretly.


Without taking his eyes off the carriage, Sebastian gave an order. He was also in a situation where he kept his voice so low that no one else could hear him.


“Mill Road. Learn about Erica Blanche.”


“Miss, no. Are you talking about the little madam?”




“hmm. “Is there anything that bothers you?”


But this time there is no answer from Sebastian.


Milod glanced at the young lord’s expression, but could not detect any significant changes.


‘You must have an idea.’


After taking a quick bite, Milod asked another question.


“Then what should we focus on?”




“… … yes?”


“Select nothing from your line, but bring to me everything you collect.”


“… … All right. “I will contact you right away.”


Milod responded politely and then stepped back to increase the distance between him and Sebastian.


At the same time, Sebastian looked towards the old priest.


“Then let’s go.”


The old priest nodded with a regretful expression and then added a final greeting.


“I hope your future will be filled with blessings.”


“thank you. “Then I’ll see you next time.”


As if there was no time to waste, Sebastian jumped onto his dark horse.


Then he stamped his foot and kicked the horse in the stomach.


As a signal to his black horse moving, the carriage carrying Erica also began to roll slowly.


‘I’m really leaving now… … .’


It was certainly much more stable and spacious than the carriage that the Marquis de Blanche had given me, but I felt more nervous for some reason.


After taking a long breath as if to ease the tension, the girl repeated in her mind the greeting she had never been able to say.


‘I’m sure we’ll meet again. therefore… … ‘Please wait a moment, Mom.’


Erica looked out the window with a distraught expression and soon closed the curtains.




* * *




For a 10-year-old girl, the journey to Archduke Acliffe was not easy, to say the least.


Especially when passing through the manor and entering the mountains or forests, the road was often not paved.


So, no matter how big and strong the Grand Duchy’s carriage was, it couldn’t avoid all the stones caught on the wheels, so Erica had no choice but to jump up without warning sometimes and bounce around like a ball on the chair.


Moreover, the carriage was traveling at a very fast speed.


‘W-I’m scared… … .’


Erica, who had pulled back the curtains of the carriage window, was startled by the changing scenery outside so quickly and relaxed her grip on the edge of the cloth.


I was dizzy and felt like I would get motion sick if I continued to watch.


It was frustrating, but Erica endured it well.


Patience was the girl’s talent and specialty, so she was quite confident.


The things she could do in the carriage were usually limited, and when even that got boring, Erica got lost in thought.


The main topic recently was, of course, my husband, Sebastian.


‘What kind of person are you usually like?’


The first impression was, of course, nothing more or less than fear.


This was because Sebastian was not a kind person, even to say the least.


I don’t know the details, but anyone can tell that he was forced to marry because of the emperor’s orders, so he didn’t seem to feel the need to be nice to Erica, the ‘daughter of the Marquis de Blanche.’


‘It seems like you don’t have me in mind at all.’


A brief meeting at the temple.


After that, we never spoke to each other other than when we saw each other during break times.


Sometimes, if I mustered up the courage to peek at Sebastian, I could see him scratching his head and sighing.




“Damn it. There is no such thing as turtle walking. “Only in what millennium will we arrive at Grand Duke Acliffe?”




Even though the speed was so incredibly fast that Erica’s eyes rolled around, Sebastian seemed to think it was slow, which surprised her.


‘You’re a very busy person… … .’


And Erica guessed the reason, remembering something she had vaguely heard at the temple.




“The situation on the border is not very good.”




It was a forced march.


Unless Sebastian’s aide, Milod, took Erica’s physical strength into account and asked her to take a break, she would drive the horse for days without resting.


To that extent, it seemed like the only thing in Sebastian’s mind was ‘boundary’.


‘What on earth are boundaries?’


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