I'm A Fake Bride Who'll Run Away Someday

IAFBWRASD chapter06



Erica swallowed dryly.


At that time, Sebastian’s mouth opened.


“You’re lying.”


The girl, who had been staring at her clasped hands at the sudden sound, raised her trembling eyes like an aspen tree.


“lie… … “What do you mean?”


She was agitated.


“Well, what do you mean by that?”


It’s not because there’s something holding me back, but because I don’t know what’s going on.


My mouth was dry.


As she behaved awkwardly due to embarrassment, Sebastian persistently looked at Erica with even more distrustful eyes.


“I hate lying.”


Erica couldn’t help but take a breath without realizing it.


In order to become a fake bride, she received special training from a marquis, and studied hard about the Archduke Acliffe.


Although Sebastian is only fourteen years old, I heard that he is much more cool-headed and rational than adults, and has a sharp personality.


‘Could it be that the Archduke caught something of what I said inadvertently?’


Erica needed to check if she had made a mistake, so she glanced around and looked at Bonpiju’s expression.




But Bonpiju also had a dumbfounded look on his face.


‘If you look at Bonpiju’s appearance now, you will see that there is nothing wrong with my behavior so far.’


So BonPiju also probably didn’t understand why Sebastian was saying this.


My confused mind calmed down little by little.


There is nowhere to retreat anyway.


Erica clenched her fists tightly with both hands.


‘For now, you have to be brave!’


Erica calmly caught her breath.


Except for BonPiju, no one here knows that she is the Marquis’ fake daughter.


Bonpiju, who received a direct secret message from the Marquis, was also on the same boat as her, so there was no way he would reveal Erica’s identity here.




The girl raised her voice loudly.


Dealing with Sebastian was very difficult, but it also gave me strength in my eyes.


“Of what I said to the Archduke, what do you find difficult to believe?”


“That’s bold.”


Sebastian crossed his arms and pointed at Erica with his chin.


Although it was only a brief moment, Erica felt like the moment until Sebastian opened his mouth again seemed like an eternity.


‘What on earth is the problem?’


The girl looked anxiously at Sebastian’s lips.


Finally, Sebastian twisted one corner of his mouth and spoke.


“What makes you think the young lady is ten years old?”


“… … yes?”


She looked around my body with surprised rabbit eyes.


But I didn’t notice anything strange at all.


‘What on earth is the problem?’


It was when Erica was tilting her head.


Sebastian’s crooked voice continued.


“No matter how important this wedding is, that’s true. “You’re trying to get your young daughter, who still needs help from her parents, to get married by lying about her age.”


Sebastian clicked his tongue roughly.


‘Young daughter?’


It blinked slowly.


“So, what the Archduke is saying now… … . “Are you saying you don’t believe I’m ten years old?”


Sebastian nodded loudly with an expression that seemed obvious.


“Isn’t it obvious? He’s short and short. “If you look at her a lot, she looks like she’s about seven or eight years old.”


My voice was unwavering, as if my judgment was never wrong.


Child marriage exists in the Angelica Empire.


However, as there was a separate system called engagement, getting married at a young age was rarely seen even in noble families.


Moreover, even if it was an early marriage, there was a minimum age for a wedding, which was ten years old.


Looking at it objectively, Erika’s development was not very good, so it was natural for Sebastian to be suspicious of the girl’s age.


It was then.


The sound of laughter was heard as the young priest parted his lips.


‘Seven years old.’


Erica’s face turned bright red, and her lips immediately closed tightly.


I felt resentful about being misunderstood like that.


What kind of guts did it take?


Erica raised her voice without realizing it.


“I… … ! I’m ten years old! I may be short, but I’m not seven years old! ”


“It’s more suspicious to be upset.”


“It’s real!”


But Sebastian did not take her plea seriously.


‘Why am I so angry?’


My face turned bright red and tears welled up slightly.


At that time, the old priest who was watching the situation spoke in a laughing voice.


“Grand Duke. It is true that this young lady turns ten this year. “We checked your birth records.”


“… … Is that really true?”


Sebastian repeatedly asked the old priest with a slightly frowning face, and each time the priest also nodded.


Sebastian had a confused look on his face.


“this… … “Ten years old?”


This is why, no matter how many times I hear it, I can’t believe Erica’s age.


He grumbled quietly between his teeth.


“Hah, this little lady is ten years old. I can’t believe it. Anyway, we need to completely change the system for registering for coming-of-age ceremonies. “It’s something we do from birth.”


For some reason, the voice sounded like teeth grinding.


In the Angelica Empire, the coming of age ceremony was called ‘second birthday.’


This was because when he turned 19, he went to a temple and registered by dropping a drop of his own blood into the holy water.


This was possible because the entire continent believed in one god.


Although the ritual may not seem like a big deal, it is a profound work that touches life and soul, so it cannot be performed on young children whose souls are still unstable.


Only after going through such a coming-of-age ceremony could I be recognized as a true person.


‘I guess that’s why Marquis Blanche told me to hold out until the coming of age ceremony.’


If he passes that period, his real daughter will become a shadow and will never be able to appear in the world again.


At that time, Sebastian’s assistant, Milod, quietly intervened and tried to allay his master’s suspicions.


“Grand Duke. “The Blanche girl is shorter than her peers, but she still looks taller than her seven years old.”


“Don’t take sides. “When I was ten, I was a head taller than that kid.”


Milod responded in a tired voice.


“Yes, I know. But, Grand Duke. Not everyone grows up like you. Besides, you said you were weak since you were young.”


“Even considering that, isn’t it still small?”


It was not that he was trying to catch the pod, but that he was worried, but it was difficult for Erica, who was unfamiliar with Sebastian, to understand.


Meanwhile, hearing Sebastian’s words, Milod’s eyes naturally turned to Erica.


“Hmm… … .”


Erica held her hands tightly and looked up at Milod with earnest eyes.


I hoped and hoped that his opinion would be different from Sebastian’s.


However, Milod immediately nodded as if there was nothing to worry about.


“surely… … “I see.”


I muttered quietly in case it was rude, but Erica had good ears.


The girl closed her lips even more tightly.


Then, I deliberately lifted my heel slightly. To look just a little bit bigger.


Sebastian astutely noticed this and extended his hand towards Erica.


Then he fluttered down and said.


“get off. Still, it’s small. “It’s meaningless.”


There certainly doesn’t seem to be any significant change in the facial muscles… … .


Strangely enough, it seemed like the boy was laughing.


‘Did I hear wrong?’


Erica tilted her head.


At that time, a cold wind blew.


It mercilessly took away her body heat in an instant, making Erica shiver.




Before I could stop it, a cute sneeze escaped my lips.


Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Erica.


The girl quickly put her hands over her lips to try to stop herself from sneezing, but it was a futile effort.




Another sneeze with a very honest pronunciation came out.


‘oh my god. Bonpiju will scold me again for behaving undignifiedly.’


I need to stop quickly, what should I do?


Erica took a deep breath when she had a moment and then held her breath.


But then, something was wrapped around her shoulder.


‘… … uh?’


Erica lifted her tightly closed eyelids in the warmth that not only blocked the cold wind but also melted her frozen body.


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