I'm A Fake Bride Who'll Run Away Someday

IAFBWRASD chapter01



‘… … ‘What if I’m hated there too?’


Erica thought with a gloomy face.


The carriage was shaking hard and her skinny body was moving around, but that didn’t stop Erica from thinking.


‘I’m afraid. ‘I’m scared.’


I knew it wasn’t a long way from the Marquis de Blanche to the Great Hall of the capital, but I still wanted to arrive as late as possible.




At that time, the carriage shook violently again.


Tears welled up in Erica’s eyes as her butt bumped into something wrong.


It may have been because the girl was seriously thin and she was in more pain, but the fundamental problem was the carriage.


This was because the quality was not very good to be considered as belonging to a marquis.


Moreover, the rattling continued even after that, as if the coachman had deliberately chosen only the rough roads to go on.


Erica’s worries were the same.


‘Can I do well? If you make a mistake… … .’


Even though it was just an assumption, it sent a chill down my spine.


I was sweating profusely, and my bangs were sticking to my forehead, despite the fact that I had dressed up nicely since dawn.


My agitated heart never calmed down.


‘Can I last until the end?’


It was quite a daunting task for her who was still young.


Is that why?


Once I recognized my fear, my self-confidence, which I didn’t have much before, started digging in, and negative thoughts continued to form in my head.


‘Oh, what should I do? If you make a mistake and get caught… … !’


It was a dark time when Erica hit her head on the wall of the carriage.




A large hand firmly grasped the girl’s shoulder.


“ah… … !”


Erica, startled, quickly came to her senses.


When the girl looked to the side with wide eyes, she saw Bonpige’s face, frowning so much that vertical wrinkles were formed between her eyebrows.


“Bo, Bonpiju… … .”


Erica’s voice trembled as she said her name.


My mouth was dry. She was Bonpiju, the Marquis’ maid, and the Marquis’ closest confidant, so she was a very difficult person for Erica.


Bonpiju didn’t even try to hide his annoyance.


“It looks like they were planning to get caught.”


There were only two people in this carriage, Erica and Bonpiju. Nevertheless, Bonpiju glared at Erica to the point that it was a bit excessive.


The timid girl tried to make an excuse with trembling lips.


“Well, that’s not it… … .”


“You can’t believe I’m talking back. “It looks like that bad habit is going away.”




Bonpiju’s hand, which was still holding the girl’s shoulder, gained even more strength.




Erica shrugged her shoulders and closed her eyes, followed by Bonpiju’s cold reprimand.


“I would have taught you. That sighing is frivolous. And keep your posture straight.”


“ah… … . “I’m sorry.”


Erica had no choice but to keep an eye on Bonpiju, who was just the head maid.


Because she knew very well that just because she was dressed as a noble lady, she was not a real lady.


Meanwhile, despite Erica’s apology, Bonpiju did not give up his cold gaze.


Erica cringed even more at her sharp, sharp voice.


“Keep in mind and keep in mind. You are now the face that represents the Marquis of Blanche. “It’s better if it’s engraved in your bones.”


“… … yes.”


Erica answered right away, but it seemed like she wasn’t trustworthy at all.


“I understand that since you have accepted this job, you also have a duty. Until the coming-of-age ceremony, please be very careful not to offend Marquise Blanche by acting as the real Lady Erica perfectly.”


Bonpiju continued speaking again.


“Never, not even a speck of dust should be captured by the Archduke Acliffe. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“Yes, Bonpiju.”


The moment Erica obeyed and nodded and answered, Bongpiju clicked his tongue and said, ‘Tsk.’


“Don’t nod your head. “No other lady from a noble family would give such a shallow answer.”


It’s vulgar.


Erica’s shoulders slumped even more at the clearly readable tone of the tone, which was clearly meant to be an insult.


The girl clenched the hem of her skirt tightly, but then remembered the price of this dress and relaxed her fingers.


Instead, he bit down hard on the delicate flesh in his mouth and then let go, answering in a low voice that could barely be heard.


“yes. “I will.”


Bongpiju clicked his tongue as if he was quite annoyed and repeated his request.


“I don’t know why you became the face of the Marquise Blanche, but I can’t help it now that things have come to this. “Please pay attention to how you conduct yourself.”


“… … “I will listen carefully.”


My voice keeps getting weaker.


Erica lowered her head and looked at the floor and answered in a hushed voice.


This time, I almost nodded without thinking, but fortunately, I came to my senses and strengthened my head.


Bonpiju still seemed displeased with Erica, but fortunately, he did not criticize her any further.


“Do your best.”


Bonpiju let go of the girl’s shoulder and warned her harshly.


She cast a long, disapproving look at Erica and then turned her gaze to the other side.




Only then did Erica, who was free from Bonpiju, feel less nervous.


The girl sighed internally and lowered her gaze.


It was only then that I realized that I had been fiddling with the tips of my fingers instead of holding on to the fabric for fear of wrinkles forming on my precious dress.


Meanwhile, the speed of the carriage gradually slowed down.


‘already… … ‘You’re near Daesinjeon.’


Erica realized that she had reached her destination, closed her eyes tightly, and then opened them.


‘There’s really no way now.’


okay. In fact, Erica knew it too. Once I get on this carriage, there is no longer any way for me to escape.


‘I have to do it somehow.’


Even though the anxiety lurking around could not be erased, the girl quietly swallowed her dry saliva and consoled herself.


Today was Erica’s wedding day.




* * *




Erica Blanche.


The only daughter of the Blanche family.


However, perhaps because she was born prematurely without completing the full term, she was weak from birth.


Because it was a difficult birth, the Marchioness also died while giving birth to her daughter.


The Marquis’ people raised the child with great care after obtaining it with great difficulty.


As everyone raised the child, worrying and supporting him, fearing that the wind might scratch him, the child naturally grew up to be a careless person.


He was so vicious that it was hard to believe he was a child, and because of that, he changed nannies countless times.


As caregivers continued to change, the child also became distant from a stable life.


Then, the last person saved was a commoner named Julia.


But it was a strange thing.


The young nanny also had a daughter of the same age as Erica Blanche.


Even the daughter’s name is ‘Erica’. The two were identical.


That’s why the Marquis’ daughter Erica Blanche hated her nanny’s daughter so much.




“You don’t use that name! That’s my name! “It’s not a name someone like you can use!”




She knew, and everyone knew, that it was ridiculous and far-fetched.


But Erica Blanche was young, so she was able to force herself.


The Marquis Blanche, who wanted to do anything for his young and sick daughter, called a nanny.




“Julia. What would it be like if I changed your daughter’s name? People get confused sometimes. “He’s still young, so even if I call him by his new name from now on, he’ll get used to it quickly.”




Of course, it was pressure disguised as encouragement.




“It’s the only thing my father has left. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”


“I will provide you with enough compensation so that you will not be offended. Why are you so stubborn? “Just one name.”


“I’m sorry, Marquis.”




However, the nanny was adamant, and strongly indicated that she would resign if the Marquis Blanche continued to urge her to change her name.




“Tsk… … .”




However, Erica Blanche’s attachment to her young nanny was significant.


Deciding that keeping her by his side would have a better influence on his daughter than sending her away, the Marquis Blanche had no choice but to give in and go in.




“I want this. I didn’t know you would be this strong. Okay, keep writing your child’s name. However, I hope you will refrain from provoking her by calling your daughter’s name carelessly in front of my daughter.”


“… … .”




After much thought, Julia nodded.




“I will be careful in front of you, young lady.”




So, instead of the girl’s original name, Erika, she was called ‘Nanny’s Daughter’, ‘Riri’, ‘Rika’, etc.


Young Erica, the nanny’s daughter, was very upset.


This was because it had become a name that no one called her anymore except Julia.


But I had no choice but to suppress my complaints and endure them.


Marquis was my mother’s job, and I was just a dependent.


That’s how I lived in the Marquis of Blanche for several years.


Then one day.




“The Marquis is looking for me?”




The nanny’s daughter, Erica, received a sudden call from the Marquis of Blanche.


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