If You Want a Perfect Divorce


“Episode 32”

As Diana watched this unfold, Hithria’s expression grew increasingly rigid. The young ladies, oblivious to the change, continued their chatter, noisy and animated. Diana observed them silently, her demeanor suggesting indifference to their words.

At that moment, a young lady sitting opposite Diana raised her head and met her gaze. This woman, with her jet-black hair and eyes that seemed to swallow the darkness, smiled faintly before speaking.

“I believe I can understand,” she said.

All eyes turned to her immediately. The faces of those who had been trying to catch Hithria’s attention with trivial remarks stiffened.

“What did you say, Lady Inas?”

“I said I understand,” Inas repeated calmly.

“Understand? What do you mean…?”

Ignoring the murmurs, Inas spoke again, her gaze fixed on Diana.

“A man is, after all, such a creature. I can understand. After all, I am the primary wife, and eventually, he will return to me. A temporary dalliance is something I can overlook.”

Her words seemed directed at both herself and Hithria, but Inas continued to look at Diana as she spoke, as if to emphasize her point. Diana smiled slightly and shifted her gaze to Hithria.

Inas was probably the sharpest among the young ladies present. Hithria, who had seemed unimpressed by the other girls’ comments, now wore a smile.

“You seem very confident, Lady Inas.”

“Yes. I believe that throwing a fit over a fleeting affair would only tarnish the dignity and respect of the primary wife.”

“You’ve greatly impressed me.”

Inas beamed at Hithria’s praise.

“Thank you. In fact, when you held my hand earlier, I felt something quite unusual.”

To an outsider, it would seem as though the two were already a family. Diana glanced at the table, noting that only her cup was missing, and nodded inwardly.

‘The one who speaks like that will be the first to throw a fit later.’

Diana had once thought similarly. She had believed she could overlook another woman in her husband’s life, priding herself on her fortitude.

‘But things never go as planned.’

She had been the most agitated of all, and her distress had ultimately cost her a child. Diana pitied Inas for her naive confidence.

At that moment, another young lady chimed in.

“Not only Lady Inas, but I also felt something unusual when Lady Hithria held my hand!”

“And I felt a tingling sensation!”

One after another, the young ladies spoke up, eager to share their experiences, as if touching Hithria’s hand was a special event.

To Diana, the scene was strangely unsettling.

Feeling a mere touch to be tingling or unusual—was that even possible?

‘Come to think of it, I did feel something strange when I first touched Hithria’s hand. Not just recently, but even further back….’

Suddenly, memories she had buried resurfaced. They were so old that they had been forgotten.

She recalled meeting Hithria for the first time after being charmed by Rixio at a party and promising to marry him. She visited the ducal household the very next day and met Hithria.

‘Wait, at first, she didn’t seem to dislike me this much.’

Diana realized that Hithria’s animosity towards her had started from that very first meeting.

‘Why was that?’

While Diana was lost in her memories, the young ladies continued to clamor, each eager to share their experience of touching Hithria’s hand.


  1. arisu says:

    Oh, so the FL is disliked because she is immune to the magic/brainwashing of Hithria? 😱 That explains a lot.

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