If You Want a Perfect Divorce


“Episode 31”

“Hithria has expressed that she would very much like you to come.”
The chamberlain’s face hardened as he watched Diana sitting silently in contemplation. He knew this wasn’t right. Although he had spoken in a roundabout way, he was aware of the kind of event Hithria was inviting Diana to, and he secretly shook his head.
She was sure to wreak havoc there. Despite her recent unusual behavior, it was obvious to the chamberlain. No, this situation would provoke the same reaction from anyone, not just Diana. Which woman would welcome the arrival of a new consort into the family? Thus, he quickly spoke up.
“If you do not wish to go, I can inform her…”
“No. I will go.”
The chamberlain’s face grew even more rigid at Diana’s completely unexpected response.
“I said I will go. Lead the way.”
Diana placed her now-empty teacup silently on the table and stood up.
Caught off guard by Diana’s demeanor, the chamberlain hesitated before finally leading her. The beta and the knights guarding Diana quickly followed her from the door, but Diana didn’t notice them, as she was too focused on steeling herself with a determined expression.
‘Hithria, you must be hoping for me to show up and make a scene. For me to reveal my true nature.’
She had always enjoyed watching Diana crumble.
Whenever Diana cried out in despair, Hithria would pretend to console her while secretly relishing it, and whenever Diana’s reputation plummeted, she would subtly undermine her pride, saying she didn’t belong in her position. Knowing all this, Diana followed the chamberlain.
‘The more I disgrace myself, the worse my reputation will become. And gathering all those gossip-loving young ladies together will only make it worse.’
That’s why she had to go.
‘If you’re expecting it, I must oblige.’
Somehow, she even felt a sense of anticipation. It was as if someone had suddenly splashed color into her monochrome world, brightening it in an instant.
“Are you truly alright?”
The one who felt uneasy now was the chamberlain. Watching Diana obediently follow him filled him with anxiety.
“Of course. So let us proceed.”
With no other choice, the chamberlain resumed walking.
The small castle, which Hithria had taken over entirely for her use, was bustling with numerous servants. Their activity alone indicated how many guests had arrived. As soon as Diana appeared, they showed signs of discomfort and quickly stepped aside.
Accustomed to such looks, Diana followed the chamberlain without emotion. After quite some time, the chamberlain finally stopped.
“Here we are, Your Grace.”
The servants standing before the ornately gilded door seemed to know of Diana’s arrival, as they bowed silently.
“Announce me. Tell Lady Hithria I have come as she wished.”
The servant, flinching at Diana’s more confident demeanor, hurried inside. Shortly after, he returned.
“You may enter.”
The doors opened, and Diana stepped into the room alone.
As expected, the room was filled with Hithria and several noble ladies. As soon as Diana entered, they all stood up simultaneously and bowed. Seven young ladies, each adorned in elaborate dresses and accessories, greeted Diana with courtesy.
“Greetings, Your Grace, the Duchess.”
One of the young ladies spoke, and the rest followed suit.
“You have arrived.”
“Yes. I had no idea such an event was taking place today, so I hadn’t even considered attending until Lady Hithria mentioned it. My apologies.”
“It’s nothing. Originally, I planned to meet with them alone and send them on their way, but I thought it might be beneficial for you, the current Duchess, to get acquainted with them.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. Come, sit beside me.”
Smiling as if she were a kind person, she gestured for Diana to sit.
“Thank you, Mother.”
“Don’t mention it. Ladies, please be seated.”
Before Diana could take her seat, Hithria had already seated the other young ladies. The meaning behind this seemingly trivial act was not lost on those present.
For those from the social circles, where they were quick to pick at each other’s faults, this gesture had significant implications.
‘Hithria would never mistakenly seat the young ladies before her own daughter.’
This single action made it clear to the noble young ladies where Diana stood. Their expressions, previously polite, turned hostile, as if ready to devour Diana.
However, Diana, having experienced this many times in the past, remained indifferent. She simply moved with a blank expression and sat next to Hithria. The young ladies, already seated, watched her intently. The atmosphere had changed dramatically from when she first entered.
“What do you think, Diana? Do you see anyone suitable to be a consort?”
“Well, I don’t think I have a better eye for people than you do, Mother.”
This was the kind of response Hithria had always wanted from Diana. It was something she would never have said in the past, but this time was different.
“Diana, it warms my heart to hear you say that. It’s so touching to know you feel that way.”
“I’ve always thought so. Therefore, I respect your decisions, Mother.”
Seeing Diana smile as if she were a different person, the composure on Hithria’s face faltered subtly. It was clear even to Diana that this wasn’t the reaction she expected.
But Hithria quickly resumed her smile, as if putting on a different mask.
“Of course. But as the Duchess, do you have anything to say to these young ladies?”
Diana suppressed the urge to laugh.



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