If You Want a Perfect Divorce


“Episode 26”

After all, orphanages were institutions for children abandoned by their parents, so it was natural that the royal family considered them the least worthwhile investment. As such, new orphanages were rarely established. If such an event did occur, it would have been driven by the Temple of Augustus. Only the Temple of Augustus had the power to establish a new orphanage.
“Is the Temple of Augustus establishing it?”
While Diana was talking, the knights of the ducal house and Beta, who had come with her, began unloading the luggage from the carriage, and the children started running toward them one by one.
“No. This time, it’s being established by a private individual, apparently.”
“A private individual…?”
At this unexpected statement, Diana tilted her head in confusion.
“Yes, it seems so. Although the identity of the person has not been revealed.”
It must be someone with a very peculiar hobby. Running an orphanage, an endeavor avoided by both the royal family and the temple because it wasn’t profitable.
“I see…”
“That’s why the director and the other teachers are out helping with the situation. Normally, a few more staff would have stayed back since Your Grace is visiting, but some of the children got injured while playing today, so the remaining staff had to rush out too.”
Diana couldn’t hide her surprise at this information.
“Injured? Surely not! Is it that child from before?”
Now that she thought about it, the child who had expressed resentment toward her last time was nowhere to be seen among the children flocking around the gifts.
‘I knew this would happen. I’m tired of people coming and going all the time.’
It was a little girl with silver hair and brown eyes who looked a lot like her. Diana had intended to tell her that she would keep coming, to prove herself. She hadn’t even asked for the girl’s name, planning to ask once the girl opened her heart.
“Yes, it was…”
“Oh my, is she badly hurt?”
“She’s not seriously injured. Recently, it has become a trend among the children to jump off the swings while standing on them. We try to stop them, but it’s difficult.”
Bethany sighed deeply, watching the children busy unwrapping their presents.
“So Daisy and Celine, who were playing below, got hurt. The girl who spoke to Your Grace last time is Daisy.”
“That’s worrisome.”
“They’ll be fine. But I’m sorry that we can’t properly welcome Your Grace due to these circumstances.”
Bethany made an apologetic face but then smiled brightly. That smile somehow put Diana at ease.
“Shall we check out the presents I brought?”
“Yes! We are always grateful to Your Grace. The director also said she doesn’t know how to express her thanks.”
“Is that so? It’s all thanks to the ducal family’s funds, not mine.”
After all, it wasn’t her own money. The allowance for maintaining the dignity of the duchess was substantial, and thanks to Diana not spending much of it, it had accumulated significantly.
“Even so, just using it for us is more than enough. Most noble ladies only come once in a while for annual events or show.”
Bethany looked at the children with a somewhat sad expression.
“The children are used to it now. They seem to just like the food and toys those visitors bring.”
Meanwhile, the gifts unloaded from the carriage were being diligently distributed to the children by Beta.
“I see…”

“Yes, you seem like you’d be a great mother to the children who don’t have one. Sometimes, a mother who can be strict when needed…”
Bethany smiled brightly, seemingly unaware that Diana had recently lost a child. In the past, or even just a short while ago, such a comment would have upset her, but not anymore. Now, it just felt strange. It was a potentially rude comment, but she didn’t feel any anger. Instead, it even gave her a sense of courage, making her feel like she could do anything.

Meanwhile, Bethany led the children to a small playground nearby. She let the children play there, and Diana watched quietly.
“Yes? Because the children are young, they tend to cling to people. That’s why I brought them here.”
“Do you mind if I play with them?”
Bethany, surprised by Diana’s unexpected request, awkwardly nodded.
“If you do, the children will love it.”
“Then I’ll join them!”
As if she had been waiting for this, Diana rolled up her sleeves and headed toward the children. The children, initially shocked to see Diana approaching, soon began playing in the sand with her. Beta and the knights from the ducal house looked on with astonished faces, but they couldn’t stop her even if they tried.
“Y-Your Grace!”
The more they tried to intervene, the more enthusiastically Diana played with the children.
‘Watching them play from a distance is nice, but…’
Diana found this much more enjoyable. Feeling truly alive, she lost track of time while playing with the children.

After about an hour, Diana suddenly stood up amidst the playing children. Bethany and the children looked at her in surprise, but without a word, she hurried off as if something urgent had come up. Bethany and the children quickly turned their attention back to their play.

Diana headed toward the forest behind the carriage she had arrived in. As soon as she reached the forest entrance, she called out loudly,
“Werner, is that you?”
But the quiet forest only answered with the sound of the wind.
At her second call, there was a faint rustling of leaves.
“Come out. Why do you keep following me?”
At her sharp question, a red-haired Werner, sweating, revealed himself.
“Why are you following me?”
Diana glared at him, her discomfort clear.
“Say something. Why are you following me? This isn’t the first time you’ve done this.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Someone as skilled as you?”
But he remained silent.

Werner, a close knight of Rixio. Throughout both the past and present, it was rare for Werner to act independently of Rixio. Even when he did, Werner and Rixio were always together in public. Yet, here he was, by her side. Diana couldn’t relax her tense expression as she stared at him.

Then, an unexpected thought crossed Diana’s mind.
“Could it be… you’ve been following me on purpose, making it obvious?”

Thinking this, everything started to make sense. Werner—she had heard all sorts of rumors about him. When it came to swordsmanship, he was renowned for his skills. For someone like him to be noticeable to her, it had to be intentional.

“Is that really it?”
Diana’s question was met with silence as Werner simply gazed at her. His red eyes, much like Rixio’s, seemed raw and untamed.

“Werner, say something.”
There was only a subtle change in his expression, as if he was answering with his eyes, but still no words from Werner. Diana stepped closer to him. It seemed Werner had no intention of speaking. So, Diana decided to change her approach.

Instead of demanding an answer directly, she would observe his reactions to find the truth. She needed to ask a question that would provoke a clear response from him.




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