If I was Going to Regret It Anyway

Daryl immediately ran out of his office upon receiving Sam Henson’s report.


Even though it was still early, it was a great relief that he was at the mansion. If not, there was no telling how much more delay there would have been. The situation was that critical.


“Deploy all available forces. Fully arm everyone.”


“Yes, Duke.”


The captain of the security guards bowed his head at Daryl’s command.


Since the emperor showed interest in Eleanor, they had always considered the possibility of such an incident. Therefore, they were able to respond relatively quickly.


Of course, today’s event was close to the worst-case scenario he had imagined. He never thought that the emperor would kidnap Eleanor so blatantly.


For nearly two years, Crown Prince Aaron seemed to be controlling the emperor at his discretion. But the uneasiness he felt when Aaron showed a strange sign at Layla’s wedding eventually became a reality.


The emperor had several villas outside the palace for secret meetings. The place where the emperor kidnapped Eleanor and took her was the closest villa to the road. Even if they hurried from the mansion, it would take at least 40 minutes by carriage.


So Daryl rode the fastest horse in the mansion’s stable.


He galloped at full speed, pulling the reins tightly.


He couldn’t be late by even a little. If something that shouldn’t happen happened, Daryl wouldn’t be able to forgive himself even in death.




Eleanor slowly backed away, putting distance between herself and the emperor.


The emperor’s sticky gaze scanning her up and down was unbearably disgusting. She felt a physiological repulsion stronger than fear.


But the emperor was happily laughing as if Eleanor’s grimacing face was part of the fun.


“…What is going on, Your Majesty?”


“Why are you in such a hurry? This room is too small for a game of tag.”


Eleanor glanced around the room structure.


There was only one door and two windows.


Escaping through the door was virtually impossible. It was likely to be locked first, and there would certainly be someone guarding it.


The windows seemed large enough for Eleanor’s body to slip through at a glance. The problem was how many floors this place was.


If it was the second floor of a small mansion, jumping down wouldn’t hurt much. But without the memory of being brought here, she couldn’t be sure.


Eleanor watched the emperor’s move and quickly ran towards the window.


She tried to open the window immediately, but it only rattled and didn’t seem to open.


She heard the emperor’s laughter from behind.


“Take it easy. Why are you trying to hurt yourself? It’s a fixed window, you can’t open it.”




Eleanor turned around with a stern face.


“Please stop this, Your Majesty.”


“What do you want me to stop? I haven’t even started yet.”


“Aren’t you the father of all the people in this country, Your Majesty? Please refrain from doing anything against the law. I beg you.”


At Eleanor’s words, the emperor’s eyes narrowed.


“Are you trying to teach me the emperor’s duty?”


“I am merely a powerless citizen asking for your mercy.”




The emperor laughed as if amused.


“Don’t you know that what I’m trying to bestow upon you is mercy? From today, you will become my woman. You will lie next to the emperor. What greater honor could there be for a woman born?”


Now the emperor didn’t even try to hide his desires and intentions. Eleanor turned pale.


“That’s impossible. Please reconsider.”


“What’s impossible? Have you been listening to me?”


The emperor spoke irritably.


“I am indebted to Her Majesty the Empress. Please allow me to repay her kindness.”


“What does the Empress have to do with this? Enough. No more words.”


The emperor approached Eleanor with a frown.


“Your Majesty, no!”


Eleanor ran away to avoid the emperor trying to grab her wrist. But it was only a matter of time before she was cornered.


“Tag is over. Now it’s time for punishment.”


The emperor said, laughing with his muddy eyes. She felt a chill run down her spine.


Eleanor struggled with her wrist caught by the emperor.


“Hey, stay still. Damn it, stay still!”


As Eleanor continued to resist, the emperor cursed and slapped her cheek. Her head spun and her vision turned white for a moment.


“Stop, please stop…!”


As Eleanor did not stop resisting, the emperor slapped her cheek again. Once more, and again. Until Eleanor collapsed, the beatings continued.


“I told you from the beginning, if you had just obeyed, huh. This wouldn’t have happened.”


The emperor muttered, panting. Eleanor’s face was swollen red on both cheeks, and her lips were also bleeding.


“Eh, it’s not fun.”


The emperor grumbled and reached for Eleanor’s clothes. The sound of the fabric tearing under his rough touch echoed.


Then a shout came from outside.


“Who the hell are you! This is…Cough!”


The emperor looked back with wide eyes as the locked door rattled a few times, then broke open with a loud noise.




When Daryl entered the emperor’s bedroom, he couldn’t help but harden his expression.


Underneath the emperor, who was looking at him with wide eyes, Eleanor was lying on the floor.


Eleanor was unconscious, her dress torn and disheveled. Seeing the wounds on her swollen red face, Daryl felt like his blood was flowing backwards.


Daryl rushed to the emperor and grabbed him by the collar.


Cough, what is this! You, have you lost your mind? Have you forgotten who I am!”


Ignoring the emperor’s words, Daryl pushed him against the wall. The emperor screamed in pain as his head hit hard.


“You, you really want to die? How dare you touch the emperor…!”


Daryl pulled out a pistol from his coat. The emperor turned pale at the sound of the bullet being loaded.


“What, what are you doing…!”


Daryl silently pressed the muzzle against the emperor’s temple.


“You, you’re crazy! You dare! Dare!”


“I thought I had clearly warned the crown prince, but it seems I chose the wrong person to talk to.”


Daryl’s voice was chillingly ominous.


“Didn’t your son tell you? What I would do to you if you touched Eleanor.”


“Re, rebellion. Rebellion! You, you. Da, dare, ungrateful…!”


The emperor was shaking and gritting his teeth, but his voice was as weak as a dying patient.


“How do you plan to deal with the aftermath of this? I, I am the emperor! The emperor of this country!”


“That was until now. Not anymore.”


“What, what? What nonsense―”


Daryl pulled the trigger. With a deafening gunshot, a hole appeared in the emperor’s head. He died instantly and collapsed.


The pistol fell next to the fallen emperor’s body.




Daryl carefully picked up Eleanor. Seeing her miserable state, he was filled with unbearable anger. Daryl bit his lip hard. A sharp pain and blood flowed at the same time.


Eleanor weakly opened her eyes.


“…Daryl… how did you get here…”


“Don’t say anything and rest. You’re safe now.”




Eleanor looked up at Daryl with cloudy eyes, then quietly closed her eyes.


Holding Eleanor, Daryl stood up and left the room.




The captain of the security guards was speechless with a shocked expression. The other soldiers around him were the same.


“Gather the subdued guards together, tie them up, and seal off the mansion. No one is to pass until I give the word.”




At Daryl’s words, the captain of the security guards hesitated with a pale face, then said, “…Yes, understood.”




As Daryl got off his horse holding Eleanor, Herbert ran up to him with a shocked expression.


“Master, what is this…!”


“Call Hardy urgently. Prepare clean towels and water to clean the wounds.”


“…Yes, yes. Understood.”


Daryl personally took Eleanor to the Lilac Room and laid her on his bed.


Soon a maid brought water and towels. Daryl himself wet the towel and wiped Eleanor’s face. Every time it touched her wounds, Eleanor’s face faintly winced. Daryl swallowed a groan with a heartrending feeling.


Soon, Hardy, the family doctor, came and examined Eleanor.


“Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be serious. It should be fine with proper treatment.”


“…That’s a relief.”


Daryl muttered softly, then stood up from his seat.


“Your Grace. What on earth…”


“Watch over Eleanor until she wakes up. Take immediate action if necessary.”


Daryl interrupted Hardy’s words and gave instructions.


Then, after leaving the Lilac Room, he saw Herbert pacing nervously and said.


“Prepare the carriage. I’m going to the palace.”



  1. Mai says:

    He finally did a good thing and got rid of that creep but it was still a bit late, Eleanor surely will have trauma from this but I hate the Prince the most right now, this is on him.

  2. invictus says:

    Holy crap. I expected him to threaten the Emperor into backing off and then quickly putting the Crown Prince on the throne. But I did NOT see a gunshot to the head immediately. If only he could be this decisive about his feelings this novel would’ve ended in like 50 chapters lmao

  3. lil says:

    Oh. finally one good decisive thing he did

  4. Pitidris says:

    A maior culpa, com certeza é do príncipe… ela não queria exposição, ele obrigou ela praticamente a se mostrar como pintor….. Depois ele ficou enrolando até ao ponto do imperador fazer merda mais uma vez…. fico imaginando quantas vidas esse imperador acabou…. e o príncipe é igual ao pai…. dizem que ele é menos ruim que o imperador, que ele não faria isso…. mas e quando ele se tornar imperador, ele também é cheio de desejo sexual igual ao imperador, ele também trai a princesa e já coagiu o Daryl a participar da festa de bebedeira e mulheres…. quando ele tiver o poder, e não conseguir oque quer, vai se tornar igual ao pai dele….

  5. Florentia says:

    Well…. I didn’t expect to end with a bullet in the emperor’s head. I’m shock but quite happy 😆

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