I’d Rather Abandon Than Be Abandoned

RATBA I Chapter 8


Claudia, who had been dozing off, woke up startled at Nathan’s voice. Her beautifully dressed gown was already crumpled. She had waited too long, sitting hunched over. Her hair was a mess from being pressed down.

“…I’ve been waiting.”

“Why? I told you clearly to go back because I didn’t want to see you.”

Despite waiting for a long time, she smiled brightly, which made Nathan angry. He couldn’t fulfill what she wanted. The fact that she believed and waited for him so stubbornly irritated him.

‘What am I…’

What was a cursed prince like him to warrant such expectations?

Anger surged within him, and he clenched his teeth in frustration.

Despite this, Claudia remained cheerful.

“I really wanted to prove that I’m not a liar. That’s why I waited.”

Saying such incomprehensible things, she pulled out a glass bottle from her bosom and drank the liquid inside in one gulp. Her bizarre actions didn’t end there.

“What are you doing…? Why are you undressing…?”

Before he could stop her, Claudia threw off the shawl she had draped over her shoulders, leaving her in a highly revealing dress. She spread her arms wide.

“Go ahead, touch my body as much as you want. That will prove everything.”

My request was not reasonable. But I didn’t expect him to flee to the corner like that.

I felt baffled as I watched Nathan press himself into the corner.

“Did I say I would harm you? There’s no need to avoid me like that…”

“I told you, because of the curse, it hurts to touch a woman. Didn’t you know?”

“I just drank the curse antidote, so it’s okay! Just trust me and touch me once!”

Despite undressing to make it easier for him to touch, he still avoided me. Frustrated, I spread my arms wider and slowly approached him.

“Stop. No closer. That’s an order from a prince.”

Saying “no closer” made it sound like I was threatening him with a weapon if someone heard from outside.

‘I have to prove it before the guards arrive…!’

Getting desperate, I quickly approached him. Despite getting closer, he continued to avoid me.

“I won’t leave until you touch me!”

“I told you I can’t…”

He turned his head away as if dealing with a cockroach. Feeling hurt, I pouted. Then he spoke.

“…And it’s not just because of the curse.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s hard to control my body right now.”

“Is it because you’re in pain?”

He sighed heavily, as if something was frustrating him. I leaned closer to get a better look at him.

“Your ears are red. Do you have a fever?”

“It’s not that… I’m asking you, please go back.”

His voice almost sounded like he was pleading. But I couldn’t turn away.

“I’ve waited here all day. I won’t leave.”

“…What do you want?”

When he asked resignedly, I answered immediately.

“First, please accept my proposal. So I can break off my engagement with Prince Regis.”

“Alright. I’ll think about it. Just go back for now.”

“No, you have to definitely say you’ll accept my proposal before I’ll leave.”

He answered with a bitter expression.

“You already know. I can’t take a wife. Because of the damned curse, I can’t even give my wife a proper hug.”

For some reason, his words sounded so sad. I almost hugged him.

“It seems you still think I’m lying. Even though I swore on my life that I could break the curse.”

I cautiously reached for his face. I knew he wouldn’t push me away roughly. No, I was sure.

And I was right. He didn’t push me away. It was easy to remove the cloth covering his face.

“Please look at me directly.”

He slowly turned to look at me. Heavy silence fell, and my heart pounded loudly in the quiet. Finally, when he fully turned to me, I forgot how to speak.

‘He’s handsome… Even better than Regis.’

His revealed skin was white and clear like marble. Although nobles were generally pale, his skin was even more so. Perhaps because he always covered his body meticulously.

His perfect skin made his deep blue eyes stand out sharply. They looked like they were carved from jewels. White skin, deep blue eyes, black hair… Every part of him blended beautifully.

‘My goodness… He’s been hiding this face? What a waste…’

When he slightly turned his head again, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of admiration. It was because I saw his perfect profile and long eyelashes.

Barely regaining my senses, I spoke.

“I hoped you would touch me yourself, but you probably won’t, will you?”

“You’re still engaged to my brother. I won’t touch you.”

I laughed softly.


I quietly reached out and took Nathan’s hand in mine.


He seemed shocked that the curse didn’t activate. I further proved my point by placing his hand on my cheek. First, I let him touch my cheek, then even let him touch my cream-colored hair.

“See? Nothing happens when you touch me.”

“The curse’s pain is gone… How is this possible…?”

I finally managed to make him realize that it was okay to touch me. It was unbelievably hard to prove this simple fact.

“This is unbelievable…”

Without my urging, he began to touch me on his own. He gently caressed my face, which fit perfectly in his large hand, for a long, long time.

As if all his avoidance earlier had been a lie. Then, his fingertips brushed down my neck.


His hand moved to my bare shoulder. Somehow, his touch felt different than before.

Sensitive, I shivered. But he didn’t stop. Instead, he wrapped his strong arm around my waist. I felt the heated excitement from his body against mine.

“Y-Your Highness?”

I didn’t expect him to become so assertive after avoiding me so much. I was a little flustered. Despite having persistently urged him to touch me.

“I warned you not to come because it’s hard to control myself…”

His deep, low voice close to my ear made me shiver. All my strength left my body.

‘I need to stay calm. I knew this would happen.’

Physical contact was the fastest way to transfer the spirit grass’s power to him. So I had long been prepared.

‘Though I chose him to defeat Regis… I don’t dislike Nathan either.’

Through the thin fabric, I could feel his body. His muscles moved responsively to my touch. The sensual sensation made me forget my situation.


He picked me up suddenly. Then he carried me to the couch and laid me down, positioning himself above me.

I wasn’t so young that I didn’t understand what this position meant.


Soon, it would begin. Nervous, my hands clenched. Yet, I didn’t avoid him.

Seeing this, he smirked.

“Is this what you wanted? Fine. I’ll not only accept your proposal, but I’ll also announce our marriage to everyone myself.”


“That way, breaking off your engagement with Regis will be easier, as you intended.”

Just as I was about to thank him, he warned seriously.

“But I don’t want a half-hearted marriage. If we do this, you must fulfill all marital duties, both publicly and in the bedroom.”

Stepping back slightly, he added.

“If you don’t understand what I mean, it’s not too late to leave.”

The choice was mine. If I left now, he wouldn’t stop me. But my answer was already decided.

“…I’m not leaving. I’m prepared for everything.”

Breaking off the engagement with Regis was a matter of life and death for me. If I did nothing, he would execute me. I had to succeed in breaking the engagement.

Moreover, Nathan wasn’t unattractive. In fact, he was very handsome. There was nothing to be hesitant about.

‘This is a good deal for both of us.’

In the meantime, I felt his large, rough hand on my ankle. I decided to enjoy the sensation of his hand slowly moving under my dress.


  1. Ehhhh! 😲🫣Thank you translator

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