I’d Rather Abandon Than Be Abandoned

RATBA I Chapter 7

Inside the carriage that had come to a halt at the destination.

I faced Marie and spoke seriously.

“By the way, I need to ask you something. You must never tell anyone what we did today.”

“What? Why?”

“You just can’t. Can you keep it a secret?”

Marie, who was very loyal, seemed likely to keep the secret.

As expected, she answered with a determined look in her eyes.

“I’ll take it to the grave. Even if I’m reborn, I won’t tell. I’ll take it to the grave again.”

“Won’t tell until you go to the grave twice? Very good. Now, let’s change into the comfortable shoes we brought.”

The reason for changing shoes here instead of at home was because I had lied about our plans.

Everyone except Marie thought I was out shopping.

If I had said I was going to find herbs to break a curse, Luke would have surely mocked me.

“Are you all set? Let’s go.”

After I also changed into comfortable shoes, we started climbing the mountain together.

There was no need for a guard.

The mountain wasn’t dangerous.

“Uh, miss? Why are we suddenly going up the mountain…?”

“There it is! I found it!”

I immediately ran to where I saw the light purple flowers.

Sure enough, I hadn’t seen wrong.

The spirit herb was swaying gently under the shade of the trees.

“Could you hand me the trowel?”

Following my words, Marie took out a small trowel from the bag.

Carefully, I dug out the spirit herb without damaging its roots.


* * *


The spirit herbs I had diligently gathered were boiled well and divided into two glass bottles.

One was for storage.

Holding the remaining bottle, I went to find the prince again.

With this, I could alleviate his symptoms to some extent.

‘Once I show the effects of the spirit herb, gaining Nathan’s trust is just a matter of time.’

An hour… no, a minute would be enough.

Within that time, I could become the person Nathan trusted the most.

But before I could even try properly, a problem arose.

“He doesn’t wish to see you.”


Nathan’s attendant blocked me firmly.

I felt a moment of dismay.

Then I barely managed to collect myself and shook my head.

“I can’t go back. I must see His Highness today. I have a way to break the curse…”

“I’m sorry to convey this, but His Highness said he would never see you.”


It was so coldly resolute.

From the attendant’s attitude, I could sense how angry Nathan must have been.

“And he said never to mention the curse again, ever.”

The attendant didn’t even tell me to sit down.

He just stood there, waiting for me to leave on my own.

If I didn’t leave, he seemed ready to keep me standing there indefinitely.

‘This is too much…’

No matter what, it was an incredibly cold reception.

‘I must show him that I can break the curse. I will make him acknowledge me.’

Rather than being discouraged, I felt my determination rising.

I crossed my arms and stood firmly.

“I will not move from here until His Highness comes to see me.”

“That would be a bit…”

“I absolutely, positively will not move.”


The attendant sighed with a troubled expression.

“If that’s what you want, then so be it. But know that His Highness is not one to make idle statements…”

Finally, the attendant guided me to the audience chamber.

He seemed to think that if I waited there for a while, I would leave on my own.

But I hadn’t come with such a weak resolve.

‘Let’s see how long he can avoid me.’

I was determined not to leave this place, even if it meant marrying that detestable Regis and dying.


* * *


“She’s come again?”

“Yes, so I have guided her to the audience chamber. She said she would wait.”

Nathan shook his head at the news brought by the attendant.

That day, Claudia saying she would break the curse was indeed a big slip of the tongue.

If the Emperor had heard, there would have been an uproar.

The memory of the Empress, who had left after suffering due to the curse, remained a wound for everyone.

Nathan himself had almost lost his temper but managed to hold back.

‘I forgave her and let her go…’

He was already feeling fed up with Claudia’s audacity for coming back again.

As he sighed, the attendant, who was still there, cautiously asked.

“Shall I send her back to the Duke’s house now?”

“No, leave her be. She’ll tire and leave soon.”

The attendant couldn’t help but shrink back.

In truth, he was secretly afraid of the cursed prince. Though he didn’t show it.

‘As rumored, he’s a terrifying person. To be so cold to his brother’s fiancée… But the rumor about him going mad and killing people because of the curse must be nonsense… right?’

He thought as he swallowed nervously.

“Then, shall we proceed with the monster hunt as scheduled?”


The attendant quickly left the room and hurriedly prepared for the prince’s departure.

He readied weapons and clothes, and while the prince was dressing, he polished the hunting boots until they shone.

He also readied the horses and knights.

Soon, the prince came out and gave a brief order to the waiting knights.

“Let’s go.”

Then, he rode out toward Anesis Forest, where many monsters were lurking.


* * *


Anesis Forest was the largest monster habitat in the empire.

There were so many monsters that they needed to be exterminated regularly.

If not, the nearby villages would suffer from the monsters.

One of the tasks assigned to Nathan by the Emperor was this extermination.

“Release the hounds!”

Nathan commanded upon reaching the forest.

After waiting for a moment, the sound of barking was heard.

“Woof! Woof woof!”

“Over there!”

The knights moved in formation toward the sound of the hounds.

There, plant-like monsters, mandragoras, were writhing and threatening the dogs.


Chiiik. Chiiik.

The mandragoras spewed suspicious pollen from their crowns.

Seeing the dogs collapse and convulse after inhaling it, Nathan shouted.

“Put on the protective masks!”

The knights took metal masks from their pockets and covered their noses and mouths.

Inside were filters made of wet cotton and charcoal.

Nathan then drew his large two-handed sword.


Seeing him, the monster straightened its roots.

The tips were sharp, as if ready to pierce the approaching enemy.

But before that, the knights fired their arrows.

“Cover His Highness!”

The attacked monster let out a confused scream.

In the chaos, Nathan approached and sliced it into two long halves.


The hunt ended like that.

It wasn’t difficult, but there was a slight mishap.

The monster’s body fluids splattered all over Nathan.

“Damn it.”

He wiped the sticky fluid from his face with one hand.

Then he frowned deeply.

‘Of all things, mandragora fluid…’

Mandragora fluid contained a small amount of a substance that sexually excited people.

Therefore, it had to be washed off quickly.

“Your Highness, are you alright?”

The knights approached and asked worriedly.

If he said he wasn’t okay, they seemed ready to insist on returning immediately.

“I’m fine.”

“But just now…”

“I said I’m fine. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

When Nathan cut them off coldly, the knights immediately fell silent.

“We’ll hunt two more and then return to the palace.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The knights and the remaining hounds regrouped.

Then they ventured deeper into the forest in search of more monsters.


* * *


Nathan returned from the hunt late at night.

Arriving at the palace late at night, he immediately called for his attendant.

“Prepare a bath.”

His whole body was still sticky from the mandragora fluid.

Not only that, but the stimulating effect of the fluid was starting to kick in.

On the way back to the palace, he had been quite troubled by his body heating up.


Because of the curse, he couldn’t even hold a woman, yet his desire was boiling over.

Nathan entered the bath as soon as the attendant left.

He planned to cool down this bothersome heat by bathing alone.

Just then, the attendant he thought had left spoke from outside the door.

“But Your Highness, what should we do about the Duke’s daughter who is asleep in the audience chamber?”


Nathan paused and asked the attendant back.

“…She’s still there?”

“Yes, she didn’t listen even when I told her to leave.”

Nathan ran a wet hand through his hair.

Then he sighed.

‘There’s an even more annoying thing left.’

It had been half a day since Claudia arrived at the palace.

She had waited for a full half day.

Curled up in that uncomfortable place without a bed.


He quickly rinsed off the fluid and sweat.

Then, wearing only light clothing, he hurried to the audience chamber.


  1. Kathy says:

    Thank you for the chapter!!

    1. Noor says:

      You welcome…❣️

  2. geneva says:

    thank you for your time and effort! 💜

    1. Noor says:

      My pleasure 😊

  3. Skunkette says:

    Thank you for your translation, this story is delightful.

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