I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 30”

After the morning duties concluded, Dmitri found himself despondent in the empty audience chamber.
“Your Highness, have you truly given Fel to the Grand Duchess?”
Rikar averted his gaze slightly.
“I’ve only temporarily entrusted her with the care.”
It was a feeble excuse, plain for all to see.
“Your Highness!”
Dmitri pleaded earnestly.
“Fel is a rare black swan, worth an entire fortress. How can you allow such a precious bird to become a mere pampered pet?”
The black swan, the pride of the North, was exceedingly rare. It had taken considerable effort to train them for military use, and now the best of them was being given away as a pet—it was unthinkable.
“She is not being pampered.”
Rikar drew the line.
“I have instructed that her diet be kept in check.”
This was a half-truth.
‘Aris. Fel is…’
‘She really likes milk. She loves it even more with a bit of sugar!’
Faced with that bright smile, Rikar couldn’t bring himself to say that this bird was a tactical asset and a weapon for the North.
‘She is so intelligent and well-mannered. I want to take care of her. Can I?’
‘Of course.’
What else could he say? Love makes a man weak.
‘However, it might be best for Fel to maintain a leaner physique.’
‘Am I feeding her the wrong food?’
Seeing her pure blue eyes waver in concern, Rikar could only manage a meek suggestion.
‘It’s fine. It’s just that… Fel’s sleek charm should be preserved.’
‘Yes! I understand!’

Dmitri could only sigh inwardly. There was little he could do against Rikar’s decision, especially when it was influenced by the Grand Duchess’s innocent delight.

“No, I thought Your Highness should see it first…” Dmitri handed over the letter upon Rikar’s gesture of consent. Rikar unrolled the lengthy scroll and, after reading its contents, let out a dry laugh.

“What will you do?” Dmitri asked, his concern evident.

The letter contained a brief inquiry about the princess’s proper marriage and was otherwise filled with demands for wealth.

“Your Highness, this is unacceptable,” Dmitri protested earnestly. “Regardless of Princess Aris’s past status as a princess of the Leon Kingdom, she is now the Grand Duchess. How can they demand gold bars during the marriage and ask for dowry-like payments every time she bears a child?”

The House of Alberthus was wealthy, but that did not mean they had to comply with unreasonable demands.

“They are fools, attempting to reduce the most radiant treasure to mere gold bars,” Rikar scoffed. Though Aris had never explicitly mentioned it, the attitude of the Leon King and Queen towards the marriage made it clear how they valued her.

“Leon thinks they are currying favor with us, but it’s the opposite,” Rikar continued. They valued Aris only for the dowry they could receive from a nobleman smitten with her beauty. The contempt he felt for them was palpable.

“So, the demands from the Leon Kingdom…” Dmitri began.

“Will be ignored,” Rikar decided without hesitation. Having married Aris, he had no need to entertain the foolish demands of her parents.

“Will they give up so easily?”

Gold and treasures have an alluring power, and the gold from the North was among the finest in the world.

“Our Northern gold is currently unmatched by any other in the world. They likely know this,” Rikar noted. There had always been speculation about the vast mineral resources in the North. While obsidian and steel were the primary products, the previous Grand Duke, Rikar’s father, had expanded their territory and secured a gold mine.

“It’s the gold won by the sacrifices of Alberthus,” Dmitri agreed. “Indeed, thanks to those great sacrifices, the Grand Duchy now commands almost all of the North’s land.”

Successive Grand Dukes had devoted their lives to reclaiming habitable land. Rikar’s goal was to ensure that the borders marked on maps matched the territory perceived by the people.

“Resources are finite. While they should be used wisely, none will be given to the foolish king and queen.”

“Absolutely, Your Highness.”

The discovery of enormous gold and diamond mines in some of the reclaimed regions was a major boon for the North. The thought of sharing the fruits of those mines with undeserving parties was intolerable.

“If more gold is given, it will eventually end up in Bernhardt’s hands.”

Every man in Alberthus was taught about their history with Bernhardt. This included how the ancestors of Bernhardt betrayed Alberthus, setting traps, proclaiming themselves emperor, and driving their ancestors into harsh lands after constructing fortresses.

“You know well,” Rikar said. “The founder of Bernhardt betrayed Alberthus, claimed the title of emperor, and after building fortresses, drove our ancestors into the rough lands.”
“Even by my side, you are someone who does not sense malice, and my one and only wife.”
“…I have said something foolish again, haven’t I?”
“As long as you realize it yourself.”
The Grand Duke laughed softly. Since the wedding, Rikar had exhibited a subtly enigmatic demeanor. Whatever it was, it was certainly not unpleasant.
“So, will you take up more of my time with foolish talk, or will you help me with my duties?”
“Regrettably… it’s time for me to attend to the Black Horn Knights.”
Dmitri gracefully excused himself. With Rikar’s hand wave of acquiescence, Dmitri swiftly disappeared. Now, only the mountain of administrative work remained.
The position of a ruler truly shows any day’s neglect. The amount of time Rikar spent on his marriage had resulted in a backlog of work. He sighed as he went through the piled-up documents in his office.
“Finding a partner and getting married does not change one’s life entirely.”
In those popular romance novels among knights, the moment a man and woman met, their fate and lives were transformed. But in reality, his responsibilities and position as the Grand Duke remained unchanged.
“We need to consider expanding the mines… but first, we must deal with the nearby barbarians.”
Rikar’s focus was intense as he muttered to himself. Meanwhile, the falcon named Pell, who had been tapping on the office window, finally couldn’t hold back and fluttered its wings.
“Caw! Caw caw!”
Only then did Rikar, startled, open the window. Pell had a small pouch attached to its leg and landed on the desk.
What is the primary duty of a messenger bird? To deliver messages discreetly to its master.
“You’ve really gone rogue now.”
Pell, once a secret weapon on the front lines, was now screeching with a package attached. How absurd.
“I never raised you to be such a bird.”
Disappointment was clear in Rikar’s expression. Regardless, Pell pointed to the pouch on its leg. Rikar quickly untied it.
[Don’t overwork yourself, and have some snacks. I prepared them myself today.]
Seeing Aris’s handwriting on the small note made him smile. But only briefly. As he opened the silk pouch, Rikar’s eyebrows furrowed.
“She wants me to… eat this?”
For once, Rikar’s voice wavered slightly.




  1. forevergracious says:

    Will this novel still be updated 🥲

  2. Nat says:

    I want to keep reading, please don’t give up🙏🙏

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