I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 26”

It was the right thing to say, but in the world Aris lived in, it was out of the question. On the contrary, being of noble status meant that as a woman, she had to forget her pride and shame and reveal even her most intimate parts to everyone. In fact, in the Empire, noble ladies would enter the delivery room during childbirth.

“Shall I bring breakfast?”

“No, I’m not hungry yet.”

“Then I’ll bring some simple cookies and warm milk.”

When Aris nodded, Rita politely withdrew.

“Did you sleep well last night? Are you not too tired?”

Veronica cautiously asked when they were alone in the room.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Aris’s expression seemed bright to her as well. It was worth the effort to leave the position of Empress and become the Grand Duchess.

“That’s a relief, truly.”

Veronica’s words were filled with genuine sincerity.

“I asked Lady Rita about various things because of the wedding ceremony… It seems that the Grand Duchy prioritizes very rational and simple customs.”

“Did you hear about any other procedures? Like paying respects to the higher-ups…”

“It’s customary for the bride to take as much rest as she wants for about a week after the wedding. They say it’s the most tiring time.”

It was beyond rational, it was a revolutionary custom.

“Of course, during that time, His Highness the Grand Duke may come to visit or dine with you, and when you feel rested, you can pay respects to the higher-ups.”

Although she didn’t intend to be lazy, it was very comforting to hear, considering she had traveled a long way and held a wedding.

“Is it only applied to me? That makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“No, they say it’s the same for everyone in the Grand Duchy. Nobles and commoners alike.”

Considering that almost all brides of arranged marriages fell ill after the wedding, the Grand Duchy’s way was truly wise. When Aris smiled, Veronica added happily.

“The Grand Duke’s residence seems much larger than the Leon Palace. They call this place where the Grand Duke’s family resides the inner palace, similar to the inner court.”

She was too distracted by the wedding to properly inspect it, but from what she had glimpsed, it was comparable to the Imperial inner court. The difference was that, instead of using intense and flashy decorations, it employed elegant and restrained styles.

“The one who leads the inner palace would be the former Grand Duchess, right?”


“When I’m rested, I should meet her first. I’ve already met the Grand Duchess.”

“That sounds good. Oh, there’s one more thing.”

“What is it?”

“Wedding gifts are piling up in the reception room. You can check them later at your leisure.”

She hadn’t expected to be welcomed as an outsider from the North, but from the citizens in the square to the gifts, it was all quite unexpected. Moreover, the unexpected rest was incredibly sweet. As Aris lay back down on the bed, she felt the tension release.

“In the inner palace, several maids and attendants are at your service. Each of them will introduce themselves the first time they meet you, so please be lenient.”

Rita’s handling of things was as smooth as Veronica’s.

“Veronica, after a simple meal, help me with a bath.”

“Yes. Have you decided what dress to wear?”

It was the first time she would meet the former Grand Duchess up close. Even at the wedding, she couldn’t see her face clearly due to Ricard’s condition keeping everyone at a distance.

“First impressions are important.”

“In that case, how about something elegant rather than a flashy dress?”

Veronica was wise.

“I thought so too. Do you have something suitable?”

“There is a subtly elegant beige dress. I will pair it with a simple pearl necklace and put your hair up neatly.”

Although she was told she could rest as long as she wanted, Aris was curious about the new world she would live in. She also wanted to quickly understand what kind of person the former Grand Duchess, mother of Ricard and Roxanne, was.

“I hope she’s a good person…”

Aris muttered to herself, filled with both anticipation and nervousness.

* * *

As Rita stepped out of the new Grand Duchess’s bedroom, a solemn determination filled the inner palace. Following orders, Rita brought a simple meal, and while Veronica was preparing Aris, Rita gathered the main attendants and maids of the inner palace in a large room.

“It seems Her Grace, the Grand Duchess, will start moving around today.”

As the head maid who managed the inner palace, Rita’s expression was stern.

“Is everyone ready?”

Everyone nodded resolutely, like soldiers heading into battle. Among them were those who, like Rita, had served the Grand Duchy for generations and knew its secrets, and those who only knew that Ricard had a peculiar illness that made it difficult for him to be close to others.

“Only she can ease His Highness’s loneliness and share the affection of a couple. We must all do our best for this noble and beautiful lady.”

Everyone’s eyes gleamed with determination.

“To ensure the happiness of Their Highnesses, we must first make Her Grace happy.”

All those who served the Grand Duchy sincerely respected and followed Ricard. Some had their lives saved by him, and others had their families saved. Ricard, who unexpectedly became Grand Duke at the age of 19 after the sudden death of the former Grand Duke, was now 24 years old.

“We were so anxious because he wouldn’t marry…”

At Rita’s words, a few elderly maids shed tears.

“You all saw how His Highness took Her Grace’s hand and helped her down from the carriage, the tender look and joyful smile he showed, right?”

It was a happy expression they hadn’t seen since Ricard became Grand Duke at 19. They all wanted to protect that happiness.

“If she is precious to His Highness, then she is precious to us too.”

Despite the solemn content, the atmosphere was filled with resolve.

“Moreover, Her Grace is beautiful and kind. She greeted me with a gentle expression and tone, even though it was our first meeting.”

No matter how much they respected the Grand Duke, it would have been difficult to serve a woman with a bad temperament. However, the moment Rita met Aris, her worries vanished. At Rita’s words, everyone in the room nodded in reassurance.

Unbeknownst to Aris, those who served the Grand Duchy had already sworn loyalty to her. This was the passionate nature of the Northerners.



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