I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 23”

It was a clear mockery of Ricard’s rudeness and Aris’s belated appearance to offer respect. However, considering Ricard’s status as a Duke, his behavior wasn’t something to be severely reprimanded for. Moreover, Aris’s deeper admiration for the way he handled it made Patrick no longer take issue with it.

“We bless your marriage.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Aris deliberately lowered her head, avoiding Patrick’s gaze. Ricard, by his gesture of respect, clearly conveyed the North’s intention not to submit to the Emperor.

“The Black Beast and a flawed woman. Quite a match. Seems like everyone has their match in the world.”

Neither of them took the cheap taunt to heart.

“Well… let’s go.”

Finally, it was over. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, but then an unexpected incident occurred. In a sudden gust of wind, Aris’s scarf loosened, revealing her delicate face.


Patrick’s keen eyes didn’t miss that brief moment. Aris tried to readjust her scarf belatedly, but her hands trembled too much to tie it properly.

“It’s different from what I heard.”

There were marks of redness on Aris’s cheeks, but her beauty was not marred to the extent of imperfection. Above all, the wounds seemed superficial enough to heal naturally over time.

“I heard there was a big accident.”

“Yes. Because of that, the Princess is still having trouble controlling her body.”

Ricard casually approached Aris and tightly tied her scarf. Patrick still watched Aris’s trembling hands.

“As you can see, the aftermath of the accident runs deep.”

Silently, he took Aris’s wrist and led her behind him. Shielded by his large frame, Patrick was no longer visible, and they could finally breathe.


His heart pounded. Surely, Patrick’s eyes had seen Aris’s face. Aris could be certain.

“The accident happened because of the Duke’s family. Naturally, I will take responsibility for it for the rest of my life.”

Ricard said numbly.

“Thank you again for Your Majesty’s blessing.”

Patrick glanced at Ricard for a moment before turning his back and mounting his horse. Apparently, he was irritated that Ricard’s stature seemed higher than his own.

The sudden shadow of threat receded as they turned away. Then, Ricard’s large back exhaled a sigh.

“He’s gone.”

At that, Aris felt her legs weaken.

“Let’s go to the Grand Duchy. Hurry.”

It was Ricard’s strong hand that supported Aris as she almost collapsed. He carefully lifted her and put her back into the carriage.

“Take it easy… Just breathe.”

His black eyes looked worriedly at Aris.

“He’s gone now. You’re okay.”

As the carriage began to sway again, Aris was gradually moving away from Patrick’s sight. With that thought, as the distance increased, her chest calmed and her breathing became easier.

“Here, some water.”

Ricard handed her a glass bottle of fresh water. She hadn’t realized it before putting it to her lips, but the water felt sweet against her parched lips.

“Are you feeling better now?”


But Ricard’s expression seemed uncomfortable.

“I understand why you dislike and fear the Emperor so much.”

“Yes. The Emperor… is a terrifying person. Ruthless and cruel.”

“If you understand, then why did you come out of the carriage?”

Faint but deep concern was evident in his dark eyes.

“Are you doubting me?”


Aris hesitated before speaking. At least in this new relationship they were building, she wanted to be honest. It was the mindset Ricard had taught her.

“I understand the Emperor’s temperament. If I hadn’t come out and waited, he would have come forcibly and opened the carriage. Then… I would have been closer to the Duke.”

It was obvious what she didn’t say. The reputation of the Duke’s family was already at its lowest, rumored to have dealt with demons. If the Duke himself showed signs of poison in his body, it would be irreparable.

“For my sake?”

If such a desperate emotion had already arisen, it would be a lie.

“No, for everyone.”

Ricard nodded in response. Half of his gratitude and apology stemmed from his anger at not being able to protect Aris completely.

“We’ll arrive at the Grand Duchy tonight. There… I swear such things will never happen again.”

“Yes. Hopefully, we won’t even encounter the Emperor again.”

“And if we do, I am the master of the North, and I will not forgive even the Emperor at that time.”

Ricard’s eyes held a strength that Patrick couldn’t match. It was instinctive.

“That man boldly broke the unarmed treaty of Saint As. Even the knights accompanying the bride procession entrusted their weapons to the knights of Saint As. The Emperor’s arrogance pierced the sky.”

“The first to die in war are often those who are arrogant and foolish.”

The low voice affirmed.

“Saint As is where the teachings of God reside. Passing through here, those dirty blessings will be washed away.”

“Yes. That will happen.”

Their minds were aligned.

* * *

The carriage crossed the border in the darkness, and it wasn’t until midnight that they arrived at the Grand Duchy. It was called a Grand Duchy, but the building was more majestic and solid than the royal palace of the Kingdom of Leon.


Apparently expecting their arrival, Roxanne rushed out and grabbed Aris’s hand warmly.

“There was a big fuss on your way here, right? No, first you need to rest.”

As Aris regained her composure, Ricard was already standing alone, a bit away from them. To everyone in the Grand Duchy, his solitary figure seemed quite familiar.

“I’ll take care of the Princess, so Your Majesty should rest too.”

It was strange to hear Roxanne, who usually used honorifics for her younger brother in public places, speak informally.

“You’ve come at a good time. It was a long journey, wasn’t it?”

“No. Thanks to Your Majesty’s care and resting along the way, it wasn’t difficult at all.”

The two women held hands tightly without letting go.

“I’ve prepared the bedroom. First, take a rest.”

After a long journey, this was welcome news. With the tension from earlier dissipating, rest seemed even more urgent.

“Welcome to our Alberthus Grand Duchy.”

Roxanne’s affectionate greeting made Aris realize the reality once again. She had finally left the Empire, changed her fate, and arrived in the North.



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