I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 21”

Ricard spoke with a hint of bitterness. It seemed that even his own wife couldn’t be brought back by his own hands, weighing heavily on his heart.

“Still, as long as you’re by my side, I’m fine, so I hid in the carriage.”

A faint smile crossed Ricard’s face, revealing a youthful aspect to him.

“Honestly, I still can’t believe it, but seeing that I’m okay even in this cramped space… I’m glad.”

Aris still didn’t feel any discomfort by his side. It was almost doubtful whether his peculiar condition was real.

“Did I disturb your alone time?”

“No, not really.”

Ricard felt both joy and relief at Aris’s response. It was an attitude that didn’t make him feel like a black beast at all.

“You really came.”

“I promised, didn’t I?”

Aris nodded slowly. Thanks to him, she was getting further away from the Empire as she wished.

“I actually wanted to have more conversations before the wedding.”

Ricard’s voice echoed softly.

“I feel bad for not showing proper manners before welcoming the bride.”

“It’s okay.”

Aris shook her head.

“I didn’t have time. Actually, I was relieved that you came quickly.”

“Well, there will be plenty of time in the future.”

The time after the wedding was much longer. Depending on who her husband was, her life in those years would be determined.

“Looking at the map, the North seems closer than I thought.”

“In fact, the term ‘North’ was arbitrarily decided by the Empire. It’s just a name that settled over the years.”


“The North means north of the capital… All criteria are foolish and arrogant actions centered around the palace.”

It was a fact she hadn’t considered. It was natural to expect the North to be far and cold.

“Probably different from what the princess imagined as the North.”

“I see.”

Suddenly, Aris realized how ignorant she was about the outside world. Growing up as a princess and becoming an empress, she had lived her entire life inside the palace. How narrow and confined her world must have been.

“What is the North like…?”

“The North is less cold and more vibrant than the Empire’s prejudices. You’ll soon see it with your own eyes, Princess.”

Would the life of the Grand Empress be different now? A ray of hope sprouted within her.

“Even though, because of me, we can’t have a grand wedding…”

“That’s okay.”

Ricard’s dark eyes stared deeply at Aris.

“Thank you for understanding.”

He could feel that she had thought about the wedding in her own way. It wasn’t just Aris who had been anxious alone, so he felt a sense of relief.

“Between the North and the Empire lies the fortress of Asta. In the past, it was a kind of barrier erected to prevent clashes between the two.”

“I’ve heard of Asta. It’s a city ruled by the Pontiff…”

“And it maintains neutrality towards all nations and powers. Originally, it would be best to have the wedding ceremony at the Pontiff’s residence there.”

Ricard closed his mouth. For a moment, a somewhat bitter expression crossed his face.

“Due to my special circumstances, we will have a modest wedding ceremony at the Grand Duchy.”

“I prefer quiet too.”

Luxurious wedding ceremonies only tire the body and mind. Aris was more interested in the life after the wedding than the wedding itself.

“How long does it take by carriage to the Grand Duchy?”

“With this entourage… it will take more time than by horse. We’ll need at least two days.”

When she set out to become Empress in her previous life, it took only a day. Aris had experienced motion sickness all her life then.

“So I’ve rented mansions where we can rest along the way. You can take a break whenever you’re tired and then continue.”

“But what about the wedding schedule…”

Everything was different from Aris’s common sense. She couldn’t tell if it was the customs of the North or if Ricard was just free-spirited.

“The wedding will proceed according to the arrival schedule of the groom and bride.”

Ricard said it as if it were obvious.

“I’ve decided where to hold the wedding, so it’s up to the Princess to decide when.”

It was an unheard-of statement. Usually, the bride from a distant place would travel day and night in a carriage to match the wedding date.

“Is it okay to have the wedding like that?”

“Each should decide for themselves to be fair.”

Ricard said it wasn’t his consideration but a natural right of Aris’s. By now, Aris had a sincere curiosity about one thing.

“May I ask you a question that may be rude?”

“Of course.”

“Why are you called the Black Beast?”

Aris had seen Ricard as not particularly courteous, but he was a gentlemanly and restrained man. His smiling face was no different from any other young man’s, and besides the faint scar on his cheek, he had a handsome appearance.

“Do I look like a black beast to you, Princess?”

He had a large build and a commanding presence, and he certainly looked strong, but he was far from savage.

“It’s true that you’re black, but… you don’t seem like a beast.”

“That’s enough for me. I don’t care much for what others say.”


When Aris readily replied, Ricard looked amazed.

“Is that your answer? Don’t you wonder why rumors spread, or if the North is uncivilized? Are you not going to ask?”


Aris answered without hesitation.

“Rumors have a way of spreading, but neither His Grace nor Her Grace is uncivilized or savage at all. Isn’t that what matters?”

Ricard momentarily lost his words, gazing into Aris’s blue eyes. Despite the beautiful face marred by the scar on her cheek, it was no issue at all.

“Oh, I almost forgot.”

He took out a small jar from his pocket and handed it to Aris.

“If you apply this regularly, it should heal cleanly within a week. Of course, I instructed a reliable maid to give it to you as well.”

While it was easy to worry about Aris’s wound, it was uncommon to care for a maid as well. He was grateful for the consideration that went beyond what Veronica had provided.

“Indeed, the culture of the North seems different.”

Even her smile with the scarred face was beautiful.

“It seems I’m already starting to like the North a little.”

Ricard silently looked at Aris, a faint smile gracing his lips. Aris still didn’t know. Compared to the warmth of being able to casually converse with herself in this confined space, these things meant nothing.

“It’s an honor to be the lord of the North.”

Ricard’s heart raced as he looked at the woman who was the only one not afraid of him. Even if their relationship didn’t progress further from here, the unchanging feeling in his heart had already taken root for the rest of his life.





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