I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 20”

She understood what it meant.
“Don’t cry. My life has been longer than others. I was happy to meet such lovely children.”
“No, don’t leave me. Not now… I just got to know you…”
“Aris, I love your smile.”
Through the tears streaming down, Aris forced a smile. Seeing this, Sophia slowly nodded.
“I have no regrets. I hope you feel the same.”
Aris couldn’t answer through her tears.
“I love you, dear. This time… make sure to find your happiness…”
But this answer, she had to give. Perhaps because she felt it would truly be the last.
And a few hours later, at dawn, the former queen passed away. It was a quiet and peaceful death.

* * *

The former queen’s funeral was solemnly held at the royal chapel according to the kingdom’s customs. Aris returned to the kingdom with Sophia’s coffin. In line with Sophia’s last wishes, the mourning period was shortened to a week, and the funeral was simple.
‘Grandmother, I will find happiness.’
Placing a final flower on the former queen’s coffin, Aris made her vow. She felt that only then could Sophia rest in peace.
‘No matter how hard and difficult it may be, I won’t give up. I will definitely find my happiness.’
It was also a tribute to the past life that had ended in such misery. The Aris who had given up on everything and ended her life no longer existed. She would live, seize what she wanted, and find happiness. And she wanted to discover the new meaning of her life.
“Veronica, how is it outside? The mourning period is over, right?”
“Yes. But even if it was her last wish… it’s too short.”
Sophia did not want her death to leave behind prolonged sorrow. Understanding her intentions, Aris wiped away her tears and stood up.
“As you might expect, the situation isn’t good.”
“Of course.”
After the funeral, Aris had confined herself to her quarters. The queen had essentially forced her into seclusion. Although the queen had sent her personal physician several times, thankfully, they hadn’t discovered the true cause of the injury.
“What if the queen hides this until the selection day? She’s still searching for ways to get rid of the scar.”
“And my father?”
“He is said to be furious.”
Veronica spoke with difficulty. He hadn’t even come to see his injured daughter, which was telling.
“It’s probably because of the dowry. And since he boasted that I would become the empress, it’s a matter of pride as well.”
The finances of the Kingdom of Leon were on the verge of collapse. The only reason they hadn’t yet embraced austerity was because of the dowry they expected to receive once Aris became empress.
“How long do we have to stay like this? The selection day is approaching.”
If they dragged it out too long, the selection might actually start. If the scar healed before then, it would be the end. However, Aris seemed surprisingly calm.
“The Grand Duke’s family will do something.”
“Did they promise that?”
“No, it’s just my conviction.”
Ricard’s plan was meticulous. Although the unexpected passing of the former queen had occurred, the plan itself remained intact.
“No matter how much the queen tries to hide it, it’s an incident that can’t be covered up. The accident happened at the Farrell Duke’s estate, and the other party was the Albertus Grand Duke’s carriage.”
“That’s true… there couldn’t be a more gossip-worthy event.”
“The ladies of the social scene must be thrilled.”
“As Your Majesty knows well, the Grand Duchy is a prestigious lineage that began with the history of the Empire. There is no more noble match than this, except for the Empress herself.”
The Queen did not care if Aris’s suitor was a villain who had made a pact with the devil.
“Although the princess is not my biological daughter, I truly cherish her. I’ve searched thoroughly, considering her as my own daughter, but other potential matches have issues: they are either secondary wives, problematic, or the age difference is too great.”
“I know that you have cared for Aris without discrimination.”
“The princess now carries the stigma of being dropped from the Empress selection. She must be suffering greatly.”
“Wouldn’t it be just as troubling to arrange a marriage so hastily?”
“On the contrary, once a marriage is arranged, the rumors will die down, and the princess can look forward to her future.”
The Queen’s cunning words almost convinced the King.
“Besides, would a wise person like Your Majesty believe in such rumors?”
“The Grand Duke is called the Black Beast. What do you think that means?”
“The rumors are all preposterous. Do you also believe he made a pact with the devil?”
The King coughed awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.
“First, you must receive the delegation. We cannot delay any longer.”
After some contemplation, the King nodded.
“Presenting Lady Roxanne of the House of Albertus and the honorable knight, Sir Dimitri!”
As the chamberlain solemnly announced, Roxanne entered with Dimitri and several attendants, exuding an overwhelming presence.
“I, Roxanne of the House of Albertus, greet Their Majesties of the Kingdom of Leon.”
Roxanne broke the silence with a dignified gesture as she approached the King and Queen.
“The Grand Duke is occupied with important matters, so my brother’s right hand, Sir Dimitri, and I have come in his stead. We ask for your understanding.”
The Queen was not bothered by the absence of the principal party in the marriage discussion.
“Of course.”
“Quickly, find a seat for the lady.”
“Thank you. However, this will be brief, so I will speak here.”
Roxanne’s dark eyes turned towards the Queen.
“Regarding the recent carriage accident at the Farrell estate, the House of Albertus expresses its deepest regret. We have heard that it led to the princess being excluded from the Empress selection.”
“Yes, it is indeed a misfortune for both the princess and our kingdom.”
The King spoke with a displeased expression.
“The House of Albertus wishes to propose that Princess Aris becomes the Grand Duchess.”
The King remained silent, still contemplating.
“We will take care of all the preparations for the wedding and anything else necessary. Most importantly, we wish to show our utmost respect to the Kingdom of Leon for raising such a beautiful princess.”
“Are you saying you will take responsibility?”
To the King’s question, Roxanne responded with a serene smile.
“The accident is unfortunate, but we see it as fate. We would be honored to welcome the princess as the Grand Duchess.”
Roxanne’s words, though few, carried great weight.
“Dimitri, present what we have prepared.”
Dimitri produced a scroll and approached the King and Queen.
“Please, take a look.”
As the King received and unfurled the scroll, a lengthy list of an enormous dowry was revealed.
“This marriage is a union between nations. Will it suffice to welcome the beautiful princess if the dignity is lacking?”
Roxanne gracefully smiled.
“The Lady’s words are correct. Dignity is important for women.”
The Queen’s mind was already made up. The King had no objections.
“However, as I mentioned, the Grand Duke has no leisure for personal matters.”
It meant they couldn’t meet the Grand Duke.
“It’s natural for the one who governs the Grand Duchy of Albertus to be busy.”
“Thank you for your understanding.”
Roxanne elegantly bowed her knee in acknowledgment.
“In that case, according to the law, we will send a wedding procession from the north… After escorting the princess from the Kingdom of Leon, we can hold the wedding ceremony in the Grand Duchy, correct?”
Marriages between nobles usually proceeded in this manner, so it wasn’t particularly unusual.
“The wedding procession to escort the princess will be more splendidly arranged than any other on this continent.”
Roxanne spoke with haughtiness.



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