I Would Rather Marry The Black Beast Than Become an Empress


“Episode 17”

“I know that. But the divorce decree… It could mean His Grace gains nothing from it.”

Ricar glanced at Aris for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. A slightly bittersweet smile appeared on his lips.

“If it means that much to you, then so be it. Sometimes, concealing disadvantages isn’t the art of negotiation. Sometimes, it’s better to open up all your cards to a suspicious opponent. Show both strengths and weaknesses.”

“A sort of… contract, you mean?”

“Whatever you want.”

The means didn’t matter right now. Ricar just needed Aris.

“Then let’s call it a contract. If you hand me the divorce decree, we’ll consider the contract sealed.”

Ricar nodded leisurely. There was no sign of surprise or joy. He seemed quite confident, having prepared such a substantial guarantee. Clearly, it was a great pledge even in Aris’s eyes.

“Do you need more time to think?”

Aris shook her head. Time was limited. And there didn’t seem to be a better way than Ricar. Just as Aris’s existence seemed miraculous to him, Ricar was a significant presence shaping Aris’s destiny.

“I agree to the contract.”

“A contract it is then… Good.”

Ricar casually took out an elegant scroll from his pocket. Curiosity flickered in Aris’s expression.

“I’ve prepared it in advance. Time is short. Please, take a look.”

Aris took the scroll and slowly read its contents. It was a clean and concise divorce decree. Ricar’s determination not to resort to any trickery was evident.

“You’ve prepared thoroughly.”

It wasn’t praise, but Ricar smiled proudly before producing the scroll again.

“Is this for me?”

“The most important part was missing.”

Ricar dipped his right hand, adorned with a large ring, into a pot of gleaming golden ink. Next to his signature at the bottom of the decree, he stamped it.

“Now, this decree holds the power in the Duke’s name.”

The divorce decree returned to Aris’s hands. Seeing the Duke’s seal stamped, there couldn’t have been a more certain confirmation. It was as if Ricar wanted to erase even Aris’s slightest doubts.

“I won’t ask you to trust me already, but I can act in a way that earns your trust.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Will you willingly become the Duchess now?”


The negotiation had ended smoothly, but now they had merely aligned their intentions. There was still a huge barrier of being the Empress designate.

“Do you remember the bridge where we first met?”

Ricar brought up the topic out of the blue.

“The one with a flaw where you almost tripped?”

Ricar quickly caught Aris then. It was a coincidence that led to this moment.

“If you’re unlucky, it’s a perfect spot for a carriage accident. If the wheel gets caught in the fallen rocks, the horse might get excited and bolt, and someone might get hurt.”

Ricar’s expression was meaningful.

“Are you suggesting that unlucky person might be me?”

“Why would I ask my future wife to do something so risky?”

Ricar said something uncharacteristic with a blunt expression and handed her a small vial.

“It’s a salve. Specifically, it’s made from hemlock.”

Instead of explaining, he dabbed the contents onto his own hand. Soon, his skin swelled red and dark brown blisters formed. It looked like bruises from bumping into something or being dragged.

“Of course, there’s an antidote. Recovery takes about a week… But I assure you, there will be no trace left.”

Aris nodded. She roughly understood his plan.

“But before proceeding with this plan, there are a few things I need to ask the princess.”

Aris nodded.

“Since His Grace has been honest with me, I’ll be honest with you too. The reason I dislike the Empire and don’t want to become an Empress is all because I fear the Emperor’s temperament.”

“As for how you know that… I suppose it’s too soon to ask, right?”

Aris nodded again.

“Just… I hope you understand that this was also an opportunity for me.”

Avoiding Patrick, who ruined her life, and meeting Ricar before being confined to the palace were fortunate occurrences for her.

“The weather is getting cloudy. We should head back.”

Even though it wasn’t yet time for the sun to set, it was already dim. Aris implied that she couldn’t stay any longer.

“As for the rest of the conversation… May I send Fel?”


As Aris thought of Fel, a smile crept onto her face.

“Don’t indulge Fel too much. It’ll spoil him.”

Although inwardly chastised, Aris rose from her seat pretending not to notice.

“Until next time, then.”

Ricar stood up and gestured farewell to Aris. Aris reciprocated with a nod and turned away. Veronica, waiting at the entrance to the greenhouse, rushed over when she saw Aris.

“It seems you’ve been spending all day with the Duchess.”

“It feels like only a short time has passed. But the weather is cloudy, that’s why.”

“Even if it’s not cloudy, it’s time for the sun to set.”

“Oh, really? I didn’t know.”

Today, time seemed to pass unusually quickly. It was a feeling Aris had never experienced in her previous life. Life as a princess, life as an empress—it all seemed tiresome and endless to Aris.

“You made the right decision to come to the Duke’s estate. You look happier.”

In the kingdom, there were indifferent rulers and queens who saw Aris as nothing but a tool. If she had stayed in the kingdom, there was no way she would have been given such an opportunity, even as the chosen empress.

“I’m glad you could take a break before the wedding.”

Veronica’s idea of marriage and Aris’s decision to marry were different. As that thought crossed her mind, Aris felt a tightness in her chest again. There were still many mountains to climb.

“It gets chilly at night, so wear this. The carriage is waiting.”


She would have to tell Veronica about this soon. Without Veronica’s help, even if she and the Duke planned everything, they wouldn’t succeed.

“I was able to come to the Duke’s estate because… Veronica has been steadily persuading Avamama for a long time, right?”

“Me? Oh no, I just…”

“I know. Avamama isn’t someone who easily agrees just because I ask.”

Surely Veronica had patiently convinced the princess to change her mind over a long period of time. Aris felt grateful yet burdened by that sentiment.

“I’m always grateful.”

“I can do anything for your happiness, Princess.”

Suddenly, Aris realized a simple yet warm truth. Veronica wasn’t just another mountain to climb. She was a companion to overcome the mountains with.


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