I Will Try Raising an Enemy


I Will Try Raising an Enemy





#Episode 49 



“I understand. These are all just excuses. In the end, it was me who signed the contract, so it’s only natural that the Count is angry. The compensation mentioned in the contract was only included to dissuade Sir Albert, so you don’t need to worry about it, Count.”


The auction host bowed low in a servile manner. Laurus glanced at the contract and clicked his tongue.


“The name of my family is written here. How can I pretend this didn’t happen? However, the family has been in disarray lately, so I’ll deal with this matter once I’ve straightened things out. Please bear with me a little longer.”


“Bear with you? I’m terribly sorry for bothering the Count.”


The host was shocked by Laurus’ apology and quickly waved his hands in denial. His heart pounded as he realized the implication of Laurus’ words.


‘Could it be… does he really intend to hand over the painting? If so, that would be amazing!’


There was a huge difference between sneaking away with a stolen painting and having one directly given by Laurus.


Of course, Laurus might have meant that he would repay the amount stated in the contract, but the auction host didn’t want to let go of the faint hope that he might obtain Laurus’ painting.


The host had plenty of money, so buying the painting wasn’t the issue.


Instead, the reason he organized the auction without directly purchasing the painting himself was to seize an opportunity.


The chance to be certain he could acquire the painting, and to proudly announce that he legally owned a Laurus painting.


With that in mind, the auction host, relieved he had avoided Laurus’ wrath, left the villa gleefully.


Now, only the butler, Laurus, and a still-dazed Albert remained in the room.




Laurus clicked his tongue and gestured with his hand. The butler immediately grabbed a nearby vase and splashed water on Albert.


“Gah! What the—! Damn it!”


Soaked, Albert shook his head wildly and cursed. With flowers and leaves stuck to his face, he blinked, and clarity returned to his once-dazed eyes.


Laurus, leaning on his cane, looked down at Albert with disdain and said,


“You were planning to sell my painting to pay off your gambling debts. You’d probably sell the title I gave you one day too. I can’t make you my heir anymore, not while your mind is clouded by drugs. Even my late brother would understand.”


As soon as Albert regained his senses, Laurus’ sudden and shocking words made him jump.


“Drugs? That’s absurd!”


He had only taken the painting from the annex, but so much had changed in such a short time. Come to think of it, things had been strange ever since he arrived at the auction host’s mansion. The ground had felt unsteady…


Albert finally realized what had happened. They had drugged him and stolen the painting while he was out of his mind.


Feeling wronged, Albert shouted,


“They deceived me! They used me for their own benefit!”


“And so?”


Laurus’ cold gaze bore down on Albert.


“So, you’re innocent here? You had no intention of selling my painting? You didn’t sign this contract yourself?”


Laurus shoved a copy of the contract the auction host had left behind right in front of Albert’s face, interrogating him.


Albert instinctively recoiled, stepping back. As he did, the key to the annex slipped out of his pocket and fell to the floor.




Everyone’s eyes turned toward the key that had fallen to the ground. Faced with undeniable evidence, Albert’s face turned pale.


Laurus had already known that Albert had taken the annex key. The key was the very medium through which Vasha had cast the [hallucination] spell.


Once the annex door was opened with the key, only a ‘particular painting’ would catch one’s eye, but of course, that painting had been overlaid with an illusion.


If Albert hadn’t touched the key, Laurus would have at least given him a modest title and let him go. However, the moment he laid his hands on that key…


It was all a test. Laurus had left intentionally to see what Albert would do, and Albert had fallen into the trap without a second thought.


Even though he had set up the trap himself, Laurus found it unbearable when he saw the key fall from Albert’s pocket.


Laurus raised his cane as if to strike Albert, but then, with a trembling hand, he lowered it again.


He let out a weary sigh and waved dismissively.


“I don’t want to hear any excuses.”


Laurus staggered toward a chair, where the butler assisted him and poured him some water, giving him a moment to collect himself.


After gulping down the water, Laurus, without even looking at Albert, spoke coldly.


“You’re no longer my heir. Pack your things and leave the estate immediately.”




Albert crawled on his knees, clinging desperately to Laurus’s legs, pleading.


“I am your only blood relative! Who else could possibly become the Count of Renfield but me?”


“That was true until now.”


Laurus’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. For the first time, a hint of gentleness appeared in his gaze as he looked down at Albert.


“But didn’t you already bring my true heir to me?”




Albert was dumbfounded by Laurus’s words. How could he have brought Laurus’s blood relative when Laurus had never married, let alone had children?


Knock knock.


At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Laurus nodded, and the butler opened the door.


Vasha and Todd entered the room. Vasha’s face was obscured by a thick veil.


However, before anyone could focus on Vasha’s appearance, all eyes were drawn to Todd, who had undergone a remarkable transformation.


Gone were the rags he used to wear. He was now immaculately dressed, with his once dirty skin now pale and smooth as milk, and his black curly hair as dark and glossy as the night sky.


Even his golden eyes shone brightly like lanterns in the dark.


Todd now looked like a young nobleman from a prestigious family, a strikingly handsome boy.


Vasha walked over and sat next to Laurus as if it were her rightful place, gently massaging Laurus’s arm and speaking kindly to him.


“Grandfather, don’t be so angry. It’s not good for your health.”


“Grandfather? What are you saying, Miss Vasha? You must address the Count with proper respect.”


Albert, still clueless, was appalled by Vasha’s informal tone toward Laurus.


Laurus found Albert’s cluelessness ridiculous.


How could he be so blind?


Laurus explained with a scoff.


“When you brought those people as my companions, didn’t you notice something strange? Those people you brought to keep me company were none other than my blood relatives.”


“That’s impossible!”


Finally understanding the situation, Albert tried to stand up in shock, but the butler forced him to kneel.


Despite Albert’s struggles, the butler’s grip was surprisingly strong for someone with a bureaucratic appearance.




Laurus continued speaking calmly, paying no mind to Albert’s distress.


“Even though they’re from an illegitimate lineage, their blood is far stronger than yours, my nephew’s grandson. They have the rightful claim to inherit the family. Unfortunately, Vasha’s health is too weak for her to be the heir… but Todd is different.”


Laurus gestured to Todd, who straightened his posture and walked to Laurus’s side.


Laurus placed a hand on Todd’s shoulder, clearly pleased.


“He’s healthy, intelligent… This boy will be the next Count of Renfield.”


Todd glanced down at Albert, who was still kneeling at Laurus’s feet, and spoke.


“Brother, I’ve heard that you neglected your studies to become an heir and instead indulged in gambling and other vices. You were never fit to be the Count of Renfield. Don’t grasp for something beyond your means. It’s disgraceful.”




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