I Will Try Raising an Enemy


I Will Try Raising an Enemy





#Episode 38


Todd clicked his tongue.


“Seeing how even the villa, not the manor, is at this level, it seems that the Renfield family’s wealth is no joke. That must mean there are many rare items too. But I can’t feel any divine energy at all? There’s only one answer.”


“What is it?”


“Someone cleaned it out.”


“The sacred relics? Why bother?”


“That’s what I’m saying!”


Todd stomped around in frustration. It was certainly an unusual case.


“I’ve heard of something like this in passing before…”


Todd scratched his head irritably, but nothing came to mind right away.


As Todd was furiously sifting through his well-packed 13 years of memories, there was a knock at the door.


Knock, knock.


Albert’s presence could be felt from beyond the door. Vasha got up.


“Well, it’s a relief that you’re not having trouble moving around. Just eat for now. I’ll be back soon.”


“… Don’t let your guard down.”


If only there had been a little more time, Todd might have finally remembered and given a hint.


But it was already too late. Todd, having not found an answer, suppressed his growing anxiety and saw Vasha off.


Surprisingly, Vasha, the one at the center of it all, seemed more calm.


Of course, it wasn’t that Vasha wasn’t nervous. But she didn’t want to make Todd, who was already worried, even more upset. With an air of nonchalance, Vasha opened the door and stepped out.


After a long moment of silence, Albert’s loud voice praising Vasha rang out.


“You look truly stunning! Black silk isn’t a common fabric and it was rather difficult to obtain, but seeing you in it makes all that effort seem worth it.”


Through the closing door, Albert could be seen escorting Vasha. Todd’s eyes landed on Albert’s hand grasping Vasha’s.


His hand was large enough to completely envelop hers. Unlike Todd’s small hands, which could barely hold onto her palm.


Vasha, tall and slender, and Albert, dashing and well-built, looked quite like a fitting pair from the outside.


Albert pulled Vasha a little closer and smiled broadly.


Deep within Todd’s chest, something hot and indescribable surged up.


That emotion was unfamiliar, yet somehow familiar. He had felt a similar discomfort when they first arrived at the villa and Albert took over escorting Vasha.


‘Hmph, it’s just disgusting seeing that idiot prance around like a peacock, showing off. I wonder if he’s know that the person they’re trying to flatter is a vampire.’


If he didn’t want to see it, all he had to do was turn his head. But Todd couldn’t tear his gaze away. He watched in a daze as Vasha slowly disappeared through the gap of the closing door.




Count Renfield’s room was in the best part of the mansion. It was dark and shadowy, with the best view of the moonlight.


Perhaps because of this, even though the sun had not yet set, the corridor was dim.


The butler who served Count Renfield greeted them in front of the door. The middle-aged butler, who seemed to be around the same age as Albert’s father, had the stern appearance of a tax collector.


But despite his appearance, which suggested a life spent at a desk, there was a hidden intensity about him that was far from ordinary.


Vasha silently gauged the butler’s skill.


‘Is he a hidden bodyguard for the Count?’


The butler opened his mouth, about to reprimand Albert for being slightly late.


“The Count….”


At that moment, Vasha took a step forward. Her face, which had been hidden by the shadows in the corridor, was fully revealed.


The butler, who had locked eyes with Vasha, momentarily lost his words. His wrinkled eyes trembled.


“… The Count is waiting for you.”


Quickly regaining his composure, the butler finished his sentence and opened the door.


Vasha brushed past the butler and entered the room. While the guest room where Vasha had been staying was luxurious, it couldn’t compare to the grandeur of the Count’s quarters.


Thick curtains, layered several times, blocked all light from entering the room. Instead, dozens of candles illuminated the space.


Under the flickering candlelight, an elderly man, who seemed frail, was reclining against the headboard of his bed.


The old man’s face briefly came into view as he turned his head. His cheeks were hollow under his prominent cheekbones, and his chin was sharp. His sunken eyes were dark and looked much closer to death.


This frail old man was Count Renfield.


Albert introduced Vasha to the Count.


“Great Uncle, I’ve brought the lady I mentioned yesterday.”




But the Count gave no response, completely ignoring Albert.


Feeling embarrassed at being disregarded, Albert gave Vasha an awkward smile.


“Ha ha, my great uncle is a bit reserved…. Anyway, I’ll leave you to your conversation.”


As Albert left, he winked at Vasha, reminding her not to forget the request he had made.


With Albert gone and the door slowly closing, Vasha and the Count were left alone in the dark room.


In the silence, Vasha pondered how to start the conversation.


Should she talk about the weather? Health issues?


As they walked down the hall earlier, she had tried to subtly ask Albert about the Count’s interests, but Albert had brushed off her questions.


<Don’t worry too much. My great uncle will be happy to hear anything you say.>


At first, Vasha hadn’t given it much thought, but after witnessing Albert and the Count’s interaction, she now found it hard to trust his words.


‘It didn’t seem like they normally have proper conversations… It’s clear Albert doesn’t know much about the Count. So why would he be so confident that I’d win the Count’s favor?’


Regardless, Vasha needed to make a good impression on the Count. She hadn’t come to this villa, disabling sacred relics and even going through an interview, for no reason.


What Vasha was after was this very villa.


‘There’s no way to know what counts as a mid-level hideout, so for now, I need to secure the best possible place.’


Shabby abandoned houses in slums or neglected attics, no matter how well hidden, could only serve as low-level hideouts.


But this villa?


Located away from the city center, it didn’t draw attention, and it was more luxurious than any other house in Noctiluca.


Thinking of Todd’s comment that the villa lacked the energy of Lamphas, Vasha was even more convinced that this place was perfect.


It was her best choice. However, Vasha couldn’t reveal her plan to Todd.


‘Todd, that tiny realist, would say I’m aiming too high by targeting a noble’s villa for a hideout! He’d definitely argue it’s better to start with a basic hideout and gradually expand, rather than trying to bite off more than I can chew.’


Todd’s argument had some merit. If it weren’t for the differences in rewards based on the level of the hideout, Vasha might have agreed.


‘Low-level offers [Illusion], mid-level offers [Hallucination]…’


Since the reward was proportionate to the first hideout acquired, Vasha had resolved to secure this villa by any means necessary.


Albert probably chose Vasha as a companion for the Count, hoping she’d take him outside. But to Vasha, it was merely an excuse to get invited to the villa.


‘I don’t really need to do Albert’s bidding…. Honestly, Albert is more of an obstacle to my goal.’


At first, Vasha had considered using Albert, since he would inherit the villa once the Count passed away.


But no one could predict when the frail Count would die.


‘Besides, Todd doesn’t seem to like Albert much. It would be hard to discuss big plans with him.’


In any case, Vasha ignored Albert and focused on charming the Count into giving her the villa.


‘He seems to have a nasty personality, so it won’t be easy. But if necessary, I can always use him as a pawn….’


Vasha’s fangs gleamed sharply beneath her lips.




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