I Will Try Raising an Enemy


I Will Try Raising an Enemy













#Episode 24






However, nothing happened.


Their cart had fully entered the castle gate. Todd glanced back. The star of Lamphas adorning the wall was still shining brightly.


The star of Lamphas only guards the wall. It can only detect magic passing through the wall.


This meant that the star of Lamphas could not detect magic that had already entered.


Only then could Todd breathe a sigh of relief.


‘This ridiculous method actually works.’


Although Vasha had said it would be fine, Todd found it hard to believe the vampire.




They headed towards a secluded alley within Noctiluca.


As soon as the cart stopped, Todd leaped off. He waited for Klaus to place the milk containers on the ground one by one. Once the cart was empty, Todd tapped the side of the cart.


“Come out.”


The cart floor shook, and soon, a plank placed on the cart floor moved.


A thin, pale hand emerged through the gap. The hand pushed aside the nearby planks, creating more space.


The bottom of the cart had a double floor with soil filled in between. Vasha, who had been crouching there, stood up.


“You should have removed the planks.”


“Removing the milk containers was enough.”


“You didn’t even do that.”


Vasha complained while brushing off the soil from her body.


Todd, still in disbelief that they had managed to enter Noctiluca so smoothly, muttered in astonishment.


“To think something like this would be considered as a coffin…”


Todd knew that a vampire’s coffin could conceal the vampire’s magic, and that this could be used to deceive the vigilance of the star of Lamphas.


In fact, there were past instances where subordinates or minions of vampires were caught while trying to bring in a vampire’s coffin.


But to think that even a crude wooden box, made by roughly attaching planks together, would be treated like a coffin!


Vasha corrected Todd’s misconception.


“Technically, it wasn’t a coffin but just recognized as being buried. Soil also blocks a vampire’s magic like a coffin does.”


If the star of Lamphas could not disperse the magic of a subordinate, burying them in soil seemed like an effective method.


And Vasha’s reasoning was correct. The star of Lamphas, which was still shining despite Vasha passing through, was proof of that.


But Todd still couldn’t understand the situation.


“Methodologically, yes. But I’ve never heard of anyone evading the star of Lamphas with such a simple method. Why haven’t other vampires used this method? It’s much easier to deceive humans this way than trying to bring in a coffin.”


“Hmm… I suppose it’s related to issues of self-esteem or their pride.”


Vasha scratched her chin awkwardly. It was hard for her to admit how disgraceful her actions were.


However, Todd was not someone easy to fool, and vague answers wouldn’t work on him. Vasha eventually confessed honestly.


“In situations where humans need to avoid something, they don’t just throw away all their dignity and pride. For vampires, being buried in soil feels the same.”


“For example?”


“Um… Showing up naked at a meal with your potential spouse and eating noodles with your hands to ruin a marriage proposal?”


“That extreme?”


“Yes, that extreme.”


A moment of silence fell between the two. Todd patted Vasha on the arm as if to comfort her, then silently tilted the cart and shook off the soil piled in it.


Vasha, more subdued by Todd’s unexpected kindness, quietly moved beside him to restore the cart to its original state.


In the stillness, the milk cart quickly regained its original appearance.


Klaus then left, driving the milk cart away as if nothing had happened. Despite being delayed, he needed to complete his milk deliveries for the day.


The control over a minion created through a single instance of blood-sucking isn’t permanent. If the vampire doesn’t continue to suck blood, the minion’s effectiveness will eventually disappear. Klaus, too, would be free from Vasha’s influence in about two days.


Of course, this also meant that Vasha couldn’t create any other minions for the next two days.


However, it was a small price to pay.


‘Thanks to this, we managed to enter Noctiluca easily.’


Klaus soon disappeared beyond the alley.


“Is it safe to let him go like that? What if he’s immediately recognized as a minion, like in Haidus?”


Todd, who clearly remembered the uproar in Haidus when people surrounded the hospital, asked worriedly.


In a small town like Haidus, the priest had led the villagers, but in a big town like Noctiluca, they would be surrounded by the city guards and even holy knights.


“He’ll be fine for now. From Klaus’ memories, it seems his nephew is visiting at home. Even if he talks to the guards, they’ll probably let it slide. Just in case, I told him to drink heavily after finishing his deliveries.”


When you’re drunk, people just accept that there will be confusion in your memories.


After being exposed due to his inability to respond immediately to Daniel’s question in Thomas’ case, Todd now considered the aftermath carefully.


After about two days, once Vasha’s magic completely dissipated, there would be no trace or evidence left.


“We’ve bought as much time as we could, so let’s use this opportunity to find a hiding place.”


For once, Vasha seemed genuinely reliable.


‘It seems she really put some thought into avoiding the star of Lamphas… So, she didn’t just come to Noctiluca without any plan.’


Todd, now looking at Vasha with a bit more trust, asked her.


“So, what are we going to do now to find a hideout?”




Vasha, having only focused on entering Noctiluca, had no plan for what to do next.


‘Should I honestly admit that I have no plan?’


But seeing the look of expectation in Todd’s eyes for the first time, Vasha couldn’t bring herself to reveal the truth. So, she evaded the question.


“Let’s get out to the main street first. Finding an inn to stay for the night is the priority. Then we can look around the area.”


“Do we have money?”


“Oh, Todd.”


Vasha turned to Todd in an exaggerated, theatrical manner.


“I didn’t come out of Haidus empty-handed.”




Seeing Vasha pull out a money pouch and shake it, Todd couldn’t help but smile and mutter.


“You were like a thief in the night.”


“The priest was very generous.”


The priest, Joseph, who owned the money pouch, had been helpful in various ways. Thanks to him, they managed to feed themselves and secure some initial funds.


They decided to explore the city and get a feel for the atmosphere first.


“Wait a minute.”


Before leaving, Todd handed Vasha a blanket, which had been tucked away in Klaus’ milk cart.


Vasha looked at Todd in surprise at the sudden gesture.




“Cover your head. Your hair color is too conspicuous.”


Todd forced the blanket over Vasha’s head. Though he used the excuse of her hair color, the real issue was her appearance.


Though she was dressed simply in a loose shirt, black pants, and boots that reached her calves, her appearance was striking.


Even Todd, who usually dismissed vampires at first glance, couldn’t deny Vasha’s beauty. So, how would other humans react?


Combined with the typical allure of a vampire, she exuded an unidentifiable, captivating aura.


Until now, they had traveled through the mountains, avoiding people. In Haidus, her exotic appearance had fueled people’s fear.


But in Noctiluca, the city of revelry, things were different.


Though she was a low-ranking vampire, she could easily handle a few humans. However, wandering the main street aimlessly could result in her being kidnapped.


Just thinking about it makes his stomach twist in knots. An image that is too ominous and unsettling for a child like him flashed through Todd’s mind.”










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