I Will Escape from the 'Flower of Trials'

IWEFTFOT chapter 4.4

Episode 4.4




“I’ve always known. Brother don’t look like dad, and doen’t even look like my mom.”




He was silent for a moment. He was embarrassed at his daughter’s discovery of what he had kept from her, and resignation that he had no choice, crossed his wrinkled face.


“But Ye Bin is my son, the eldest son of the Jecheon Group. That can’t change this fact, Ye Ryun.”


“Yes. it was true for me too, but Han Seo Ri and Cha Ye bin are brother and sister.”


“If you were asking me to accept her as a member of the Jecheon Group, then there was no need to say more. It will never be like that, so I’ll take care of it.”


I fell into my father’s arms again. His stern expression seemed to soften a bit at his daughter’s sudden affection.


“I want you to do it, Dad, she will be the least responsible person in your blood.”




“All you have to do is do that, and I’ll take the revenge for touching our Jecheon group.”


In my father’s arms, I resolutely declared. I’ll bear your pain, and I hope you can shake off the handful of guilt that remains in your heart.


She already had her foster parents who loved her like their own. So now all she wants from my father is money and power.


So give it to her.


I’ll tear it up in front of her and humiliate her.


Anything that causes my father pain will be destroyed by me. The 


world will not consider the pain my father has suffered. If he turns his back on Han Seo-ri, they will accuse him of being a cruel father who abandoned his blood.


But I was the villain of this drama.


I am the villain in this drama, so I’ll take it all in my arms. So that you never have to suffer from the world’s judgment.

I hope so desperately.


* * *


Daesoo Group headquarters.


I heard whispers from the employees of Daesoo Group, who recognized me from the moment I entered the lobby.


“Is this Mr. Park’s fiancée Cha Ye-ryun?”


“I’ve seen her on TV, but I’ve never seen her in real life, I was so jealous of Mr. Park…….”


“Ms. Cha is a woman, why do you envy Mr. Park? You should be envious of Mr. Park’s fiancée.”


“She’s pretty. I always like pretty people.”


I can hear it all.


I walked briskly towards Park’s office, trying to control my blush from the gossip.


Looking back, I felt a little awkward because it was the first time I went to Park Eunwoo’s office. Park Eunwoo always came to me first.


“Ms. Ye-ryun!”


At that moment, Park Eunwoo came running down the hallway with a big smile on his face.


“I saw you here. What’s going on? If you wish you’d have called me before you came, I would come to you.”


“I was sorry, it was a bit urgent. there was something I need to discuss.”


“Is there something I can help you with?”


“Who else could help me but you, Mr. Eunwoo?”


The corners of Park Eunwoo’s eyes curved and he smiled sweetly.


As he laughed with a pleasantly languid air, the employees of 


the Daesoo Group, who were looking over, became very agitated and stirred.


“Hmph, Mr. Park, I’ve never seen you laugh like that before!”


“No, I’ve never seen him smile at all!”


“He’s been laughing a lot lately! The atmosphere is relaxed, is it because of love……!”


“It is a dangerous sign! It is a bad omen!!”


No, this guy usually walks around with such a chill in his step that the staff is all up in arms because he laughed once.


“Did you guys see that? You can either go on your way to be getting promoted or go home, one or the other.”


He’s still smiling at me, but his voice turned cold.


The employees relaxed, wondering if the chill in his voice was reassuring.


“Alas, it is the usual Mr. Park.”


“Phew, I almost didn’t get used to it. I was so scared.”


“Hehe, I’ve been here too long.”


“Too bad! Isn’t that a killer smile? I want to take a picture of it and keep it forever…….”


“Deputy, haven’t you heard the rumors? When Mr. Park smiles, it was the day a person’s head gets blown off!”




As I listened to the chattering employees leave, I felt an indescribable feeling.


This guy, how did he live for four years? 


“The employees seem to like you a lot, Mr. Eunwoo?”


“I was kind of… beloved.”


I realize now that Park Eunwoo was a bit shameless.


After realizing that Park Eunwoo is a real person like me, I discovered many new aspects of him.


I realized how much I have opened up to Park Eun-woo, treating him not as just a character in Flower of Trials.


It was hard for me to open up to Cha Ye-ryun’s family, so why just to Park Eun-woo?


“Mr. Eun-woo. I thought I made a big mistake.”




“Let’s go somewhere else and talk about it.”


“Let’s go to my office.”


There were too many passersby to talk to in the hallways.


Were Algebra Group employees always this curious?


As I walked to Eunwoo Park’s office, I could feel each passing employee gossiping and glancing in my direction.


They were surprised to see Park Eunwoo’s brightly colored face, and then surprised to see me walking next to him.


Some employees unconsciously took out their cell phones to take pictures, only to be urged by their neighbors to put them down in a hurry.


“Mr. Eunwoo, how had you been living in the company?”


“I guess I’ve just been working. I don’t know what’s wrong with everyone.”


Eun-woo Park just smiled and remained silent in response to my question. What kind of image did he have in the algebra group?


“Come in, can I get you a cup of hot tea?”


“Yes, please.”


Eunwoo Park sat down on the couch in his office and looked around thoughtfully. His office looked exactly like the set of a soap opera.


His office was neatly organized, reflecting his neat personality.


I usually have papers strewn across my desk when I was working, but Park Eun-woo’s desk was very neat.


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