I Will Escape from the 'Flower of Trials'

IWEFTFOT Chapter 2.4


Without answering my question, Park Eun-woo slowly lifted his hand and brushed his fingers through my hair.


It was an affectionate gesture, a gentle sweep with his fingers, not his entire palm. His eyes scrutinized me like an animal in a zoo.


I wondered why he didn’t say anything, what he was thinking. I remembered how he had remained silent even when I was ranting at Han Seo-ri.


This evening, when I called Park Eun-woo and Han-seo together, it was also to firmly reaffirm the absolute proposition in Park Eun-woo’s mind: his love for Han-seo.


To make sure that in the absence of Cha Ye-bin and with just Han-seo and Cha Ye-ryun, Park Eun-woo would instinctively defend her when I attacked her, and to make him feel that it was a natural progression.


Park Eun Woo loves Han Seo Ri. Maybe even more than Cha Ye-bin.


Unlike Park Eun Woo in the original, he’s grown on me a little bit, but his love for Han Seo Ri is unchanged.


Why doesn’t he say anything? Even when I attack Han Seo Ri with 


all kinds of insults, criticizing, belittling, and baring my teeth at his beloved Han Seo Ri, he doesn’t take his gaze off me in silence.


What’s wrong, I wonder, what variable have I created in this drama?


The way he looks at me now. These are the eyes I saw when I first met Park Eun-woo. They were very familiar. The eyes that seem to observe things which is inside, and not just people.


The first time I saw Park Eun-woo was on our engagement day.


Cha Ye-ryun and Park Eun-woo’s engagement ceremony is the first scene in The Flower of Trials, so I was irresistibly drawn to it and had to hide my confused feelings.


“Oh, you’re Cha Ye-ryun?”


“Yes, and you are Mr. Park Eun-woo?”


That was the last conversation I had with Park Eun-woo that day, as I was forced to show my face to a crowd of celebrities from the world of politics.


But if there’s one thing I’ve never forgotten, and that was Mr. Park’s eyes.


As he was smiling, shaking hands, and talking to the ruling party’s congressman, his eyes seemed to be so empty, unable to contain anything.


At that moment, I briefly wondered if the original Park Eun-woo was like that.


But the thought was soon buried deep in the back of my mind by the rush of people. The first time our eyes met, we both looked at each other in an observant way.


Over the next year, Park Eun-woo changed a little bit, every time he saw me.


It was hard to tell when he started to show the same spring-like smile to Cha that he used to show only to Han Seo-ri because it happened gradually.


Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t see anything wrong with seeing someone like a wax doll come to life.


 “I don’t regret it, even if I didn’t want to.”


Park Eun-woo’s words flowed freely. Park Eun-woo’s eyes stared at me. Park’s fingers slid down my hair.


The air seemed to have stopped for a moment, and I swallowed 


my breath. I felt an indescribable, strange atmosphere. I wondered if he was feeling the same thing right now.


Eventually, I looked away from Park Eun-woo and turned my gaze to Han Seo-ri.


Han Seo-ri was looking at me and Park Eun-woo alternately with a determined expression as if she had read the strange emotional currents that were flowing between us.


He’s probably worried about losing Park Eun-woo in the meantime. Seeing Han Seo-ri’s pathetic face, the tension in the back of my neck disappeared.


“Look, I’ve said all I have to say, so take care of your man and get out of here. And Han Seo ri quit being such a bitch.”




“Stop shouting back at me.”


“I’m going to marry Mr. Ye bin, no matter what you say. We love each other, and he can drop everything and leave with me.”


At my bruising glare, Cha lowered his eyes and reached across the table to grab the orange juice in the glass.


I’m so mad at Han Seo-ri, who stuck to her half-truths and didn’t understand a word I said, or Cha Ye-bin, who kept talking and talking and talking, with no intention of leaving.


Cha Ye bin, who has been in a cabin all his life, would never leave everything and leave with Han Seo-ri. If he did, this drama would have ended a long time ago.


It would be a simple happy ending if Cha Ye bin just took Han Seo-ri with him and left, but Cha Ye bin makes every effort to keep Han Seo-ri as a member of the Jecheon Group until the end.


If the male or female lead in a morning drama gives up and leaves when faced with opposition from those around them, it’s a premature end. Early end of the drama.


How long do I have to watch Cha Ye-bin and Han Seo-ri’s antics, I’m sick of it.


I sighed and decided to fulfill the purpose of this meeting today.


“Ms. Han. Do you know why your adoptive parents are against your marriage?”


“How do you know that…….”


“Never mind. I know why they’re against it.”


“So, you’re the one who made my mom and dad suddenly oppose our marriage.”


Han Seo-ri shot me an accusatory glare. Although she already knew it was me, she looked shocked.


“That’s right, it was sent to me by the registry.”


Ignoring their gazes and Park Eun-woo’s, I took out an envelope from my handbag and placed it on the table.


An opaque envelope with the seal of the [Korean Genetic Testing Center]. The same envelope that often appeared in morning dramas.


I decided to take the initiative in this drama.


It’s not fair that I’m the only one being dragged around, right?


“What is this?”


“Take it out. No, do you want me to tell you personally, sister?”


I smirked and called her Unni (sister) and Han Seo-ri looked disgusted.


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